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East 15 Acting School REPORT FORM


Name of Student: Academic Year:

Bowness, Poppy 2022/2023

Name of Tutor: Amanda Stephens-Lee Term: 3

Excellent Good Sa sfactor Pass Unsa sfactor

y y
1. Awareness and development of a free
and flexible breathing system; physical X
release flexibility and alignment.

2. Ability to identify and use a centred

impulse for breath and sound, to work with X
a free throat and use abdominal support:

3. Ability to access the full pitch and

resonant range: X
4. Ability to physically and emotionally take
ownership of character, text, language: X
5. Ability to apply voice skills to the
demands of performance: X
6. Ability to recognise and address areas of
weakness and personal blocks, to explore
and stretch the voice and adhere to the X
code of conduct:

7. Ability to practice warm-ups appropriate

to the work and individual needs: X
Tutor’s Comments:
Poppy you’ve steadily grown in skills week to week, its clear that you take the work seriously, and as a
result you’ve made clear progression this year and learned to take up more space.

Your warm up has really developed and in the final class you showed how you follow the vocal
progression well and you are starting to be more present in the work as you move through it.
Throughout the year you have mentioned anxiety being an issue for you. You have certainly started to
be able to use your warm up to overcome some of this and I encourage you to use this, and the
‘second circle’ work to further find your body’s state of ease, confidence and power. Continue the work
with focussing your eyes and allowing yourself to see and be seen and your warm up is a great place to
develop this. You can also do things such as take yourself for a ‘presence walk’ where you focus your
eyes out and really switch on your peripheral vision and use all the senses to keep you in the moment
and out of the mind where unhelpful thoughts and fears can put the body into that high alert anxious

In your final outdoor performance you were taking in the space well and letting the voice ring well in the
space. When the breath drops in you get some nice emotional connection. A couple of phrases a little in
the throat so continue working on your free throat with happy silent ah breaths and tongue release.
Nice connection to breath in many moments and clear presence in your direct address to the audience
demonstrating big shifts in your Voice into Acting skills.

Moving forwards continue developing the confidence side of your professional practice so you can be
more present in the rooms you work and with your colleagues. You’ve been able to understand now
the importance of not comparing yourself to others, or fearing that they are judging your and this is a
great place to be at this stage of your training. Self confidence is essential as you move into the
industry as this means that you can get on with the necessary work of creation when in rehearsals etc.
Well done on your significant growth in maturity and artistry this year and I look forward to seeing where
the work takes you next. Well done.

Key to Grades: 80-89 (Exceptional) Exceeding all objectives

70-79 (Excellent) Outstanding in many respects
60-69 (Good) Some very good features
50-59 (Satisfactory) Some good features
40-49 (Pass) Satisfies criteria at basic level
0-39 (Unsatisfactory) Fail

GRADE: GOOD Mark: 67

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