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Learner Progress Report Card

Term 2 - Quarter 3
Academic Year : 2018 - 2019

Student Profile
Name : Tisha Nair Grade : V EKAM
A endance : 53/55 Roll No : 20

Assessment for Understanding

At JBCN Interna ona l School , we s trongl y bel i eve l ea rni ng i s a con nuous proces s tha t ta kes pl a ce both wi thi n a nd outs i de
the cl a s s room envi ronment, a l l throughout the yea r. Our revi ew of ea ch l ea rner's progres s i s , therefore, documented through
a combi na on of a pproa ches , a nd both qua n ta ve a nd qua l i ta ve mea s ures . The a pproa ch i n the Pre-Pri ma ry yea rs i s more
qua l i ta ve a nd therefore more obs erva on-rel a ted feedba ck i s provi ded wherea s for l ea rners i n the Pri ma ry a nd Seconda ry
yea rs , the revi ew i nvol ves both qua l i ta ve a nd qua n ta ve methods . Lea rner's pers ona l thought proces s es a nd
pers pec ves , expres s ed confidentl y, both verba l l y a nd i n a c on, a re a s i mporta nt a s a ny wri en pa per or forma l pres enta on
they mi ght ma ke. Thi s becomes more cruci a l a t A Level .

Lea rner's pers ona l l ea rni ng mi l es tones a re centra l to a l l a s s es s ment, a s young l ea rners a cqui re knowl edge a nd s ki l l s a l ong
i ndi vi dua l growth pa ths . Our goa l through our Con nuous a nd Comprehens i ve As s es s ment s tra tegy i s a l s o to mo va te ea ch
l ea rner to work towa rds a s ta nda rd of excel l ence uni que to hi m or her a s a n i ndi vi dua l . Ea ch l ea rner i s encoura ged to work
towa rds a chi evi ng pers ona l ta rgets a l ong hi s or her uni que l ea rni ng con nuum. We a dvi s e pa rents to encoura ge a nd
s upport l ea rners to grow i n a n envi ronment tha t i s devoi d of compa ri s ons . As a s chool , our phi l os ophy i s to work wi th ea ch
l ea rner's i ndi vi dua l s ki l l s a nd nurture them a ccordi ngl y.

Our a s s es s ment forma t provi des you wi th deta i l s of your chi l d's l ea rni ng l evel s a cros s a va ri ety of s peci fic s ki l l s a nd s ub-
s ki l l s i n ea ch s ubject a rea . The objec ve i s to gi ve you a cl ea rer a nd more i n-depth pi cture of your chi l d's progres s a nd
a ca demi c a chi evements a t a mi cro-curri cul a r l evel . We expect tha t thi s knowl edge wi l l hel p l ea rners to s et i ndi vi dua l
l ea rni ng goa l s a nd work towa rds ta ki ng thei r knowl edge a nd s ki l l s to the next l evel , i n a mea ni ngful , focus ed a nd ta rgeted
ma nner.

We a l s o reflect l ea rner's progres s i n co-curri cul a r a c vi es to ens ure thei r devel opment a cros s a l l a s pects of the Mi nd Body
Soul progra mme, keepi ng i n mi nd our goa l of a hol i s c devel opmenta l proces s tha t ens ures l ea rner's growth i nto wel l -
rounded young a dul ts . The Pre-Pri ma ry progres s revi ew wi l l reflect a qua rterl y a na l ys i s of the co-curri cul a r feedba ck, whi l e a t
the Pri ma ry Yea rs l evel , thi s wi l l be done s emes ter-wi s e, gi ven tha t thei r more finel y defined pa ra meters neces s i ta te a
l onger me s pa n for mea ni ngful eva l ua on a nd repor ng. The s a me proces s wi l l be fol l owed a t the Seconda ry l evel .

Ea ch l ea rner's progres s wi l l be di s cus s ed wi th pa rents a t the end of every s emes ter, a nd s tra tegi es wi l l be s ha red on how to
s upport the l ea rners a t home.

Grade Template
F E D C B A A*
0 - 39 40 - 49 50 - 59 60 - 69 70 - 79 80 - 89 90 - 100
Co-curricular Ac vi es Grade
Beginning to d emo nstrate grad e level skills with teacher's d irec o n and assistance.
O en d emo nstrates grad e level skills with increasing levels o f pro ficiency.
Consolida ng
Co nsistently d emo nstrates grad e levels skills with well d evelo ped pro ficiency..

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Yea r : 2018 - 2019 Quarter 3

Tisha Nair
JB C N Interna onal School Borivali

Subject Grade
Eng lish A
↪ Spelling & Vocabulary A
● I s able to use and spell words A
● Use of dic onary to find spelling and meaning of the word / words family B
↪ Speaking A
● I s able to speak fluently with correct pronuncia on, proper usage of grammar and uses a variety of
vocabulary with expression
↪ Reading A
● Reads clearly and dis nctly with correct pronuncia on and intona on and is able to understand and
respond to what is read
↪ Listening A*
● Listens a en vely and responds clearly and appropriately A*
↪ Wri ng A
● I s able to organise and express thoughts and ideas in a logical manner with proper punctua on A
● I s able to understand and apply concepts (Grammar) A
Hindi B
↪ Spelling B
● I s able to use and spell words from the list B
↪ Listening B
● Listens carefully and responds appropriately and engages with another speaker B
↪ Speaking B
● Uses vocabulary, expressions and correct grammar structure B
● Speaks fluently and clearly without hesita on to communicate ideas and thoughts B
↪ Reading A
● Reads fluently and accurately with correct intona on and expression A
↪ Wri ng B
● Organizes ideas in content C
● Applies sentence mechanics and uses grammar structure A
● I s able to answer ques ons based on the text A*
G erman B
↪ Reading B
● Text reading B
↪ Wri ng B

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Yea r : 2018 - 2019 Quarter 3

Tisha Nair
JB C N Interna onal School Borivali

Subject Grade
● homework B
↪ Listening B
● CD B
↪ Test B
● lesson tests B
Marathi A
↪ Speaking A
● Speaks fluently and clearly without hesita on to communicate ideas and thoughts A
↪ Reading A*
● Reads fluently and accurately with correct intona on and expression A*
Mathema cs C
↪ Knowledg e C
● Numbers, Opera ons and Rela onships - Understands concept of numbers and opera ons and is able
to organise, interpret and present informa on accurately in wri en, tabular, graphical and diagramma c C
● Numbers, Opera ons and Rela onships - Performs calcula ons using mental strategies B
● Recognises, describes, visualises and draws spa al rela onships in two and three dimensions C
↪ Applying Mathema cal Techniques B
● Chooses an appropriate strategy for a calcula on and explains how they worked out the answer C
● Solves single and mul -step word problems and represents them with diagrams B
● Es mates, approximates and works to degrees of accuracy appropriate B
● I den fies simple rela onships between numbers A
↪ Value D
● Appreciates mathema cs and perceives it as both useful and worthwhile A
● I s confident about his/her mathema cal abili es A
● Believes that steady effort in learning mathema cs pays off A
● Plays FI M regularly to sustain high ac vity levels as he/she prac ces ques ons to develop numerical
fluency, mathema cal skills and problem solving
S cience A
↪ Comprehension B
● Uses scien fic vocabulary and terminology to demonstrate understanding of scien fic phenomena, facts,
defini ons, concepts and theories
↪ Applica on A*

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Yea r : 2018 - 2019 Quarter 3

Tisha Nair
JB C N Interna onal School Borivali

Subject Grade
● Applies factual knowledge of concepts and processes to solve problems in familiar situa ons A*
↪ Analysis A*
● Transfers factual knowledge of concepts and processes to unfamiliar contexts A*
↪ Evalua on A
● Cri cally analyses and evaluates informa on to make judgments supported by scien fic understanding A
↪ Planning A*
● I den fies a problem, makes a predic on or develops a hypothesis and plans experiments and
inves ga ons to test the hypothesis
↪ Processing A*
● Proves the hypothesis by performing and recording observa ons or gathering evidence and data by
manipula ng materials and using equipment safely
↪ Crea vity Thinking A*
● I nterprets and evaluates experimental observa ons and data to form and jus fy conclusions on the
basis of evidence
↪ Communica on C
● Works effec vely in a variety of group se ngs, presents ideas and results fluently and confidently in a
group using oral/visual/wri en forms
↪ Value C
● Makes connec ons between science, technology, society and the environment by assessing the impact of
science and technology on people, other living things and the environment
● Explains and appreciates the ways in which science is applied and used to address a specific problem
or issue
S o cial S tudies B
↪ Knowledg e A
● Demonstrates relevant factual knowledge and understanding of concepts related to interdisciplinary
↪ Applica on A
● Constructs explana ons with relevant and sound informa on, selects and applies knowledge A
↪ Analysis and Evalua on D
● Analyzes the significance and importance of the topic D
↪ Planning and Communica on A

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Yea r : 2018 - 2019 Quarter 3

Tisha Nair
JB C N Interna onal School Borivali

Subject Grade
● Develops a plan to locate and collect informa on/data, designs a plan to present his/her work
↪ Crea vity A*
● Presents ideas and findings with clarity, persuasion and in crea ve ways A*
↪ Value A
● Uses skills to understand and address global issues and exhibits the awareness of personal/collec ve
responsibility in addressing issues that concern society
G lo bal Perspec ves A
↪ Collabora on A
● Shares resources with others while working independently or with a partner and works posi vely with
Info rma o n and Co mmunia o n Techno lo g y B
↪ Knowledg e & Understanding B
● Use of Hardware & So ware B
● Communica on Using I CT B
● Knowledge of I CT in Various Places B
● Analyze I nforma on Processed B
↪ Skills B
● Applica on of I CT Based Solu on B
● Design & Create B
● Monitor & Model B

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Yea r : 2018 - 2019 Quarter 3

Tisha Nair
JB C N Interna onal School Borivali

Co-curricular Ac vi es Grade
Art Consolida ng
↪ Drawing Consolida ng
↪ Colouring Consolida ng
↪ Skills and Techniques Consolida ng
↪ Crea vity Developing
↪ Execu on Consolida ng
Dance Emerg ing
↪ House Emerg ing
↪ Dance step Emerg ing
↪ Waccking Emerg ing
↪ Jump style Emerg ing
↪ Free step
Music Developing
↪ Melody Developing
↪ Tiiming Developing
↪ Rhythm sense Developing
↪ Audibility Developing
↪ Memorizing Lyrics Developing
Physical Educa o n Developing
↪ Ball handling drills Developing
↪ Ball dribbling drills Developing
↪ Shoo ng drills Developing
↪ Passing drills Developing
↪ applica on of skills Developing
Karate Developing
↪ Blocks Developing
↪ Flexibility Developing
↪ Streng th Consolida ng
↪ Discipline Consolida ng
↪ Kick Developing
Cricket Developing
↪ Grip & Stance Developing

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Yea r : 2018 - 2019 Quarter 3

Tisha Nair
JB C N Interna onal School Borivali

Co-curricular Ac vi es Grade
↪ Front Foot Defence Developing
↪ Straig ht Drive Developing
↪ Bowling Emerg ing
↪ Fielding Developing
Fo o t Ball Developing
↪ Dribbling Developing
↪ Pass & Receive Consolida ng
↪ Shoo ng Developing
↪ Jug g ling Developing
↪ Ball controlling Developing
Swimming Consolida ng
↪ Free style kicking Consolida ng
↪ Breathing Developing
↪ Hand movement Consolida ng
↪ Pulling Consolida ng
↪ Free style swim Consolida ng
S ka ng Developing
↪ Stride Consolida ng
↪ Backward Movement Developing
↪ Intermediate Turn Developing
↪ Forward Crossover Developing
↪ Intermediate Stopping Developing

Signature of Principal

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