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Hills International College

Semester 2 - 2023

Jennifer Smith

Year: 8
Hills College aims to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and resilient young people who strive to achieve their potential
within a safe and supportive environment that encourages intercultural understanding and respect for all. Hills
College works with partners to develop significant and relevant experiences that assist our graduates in developing
a global understanding in becoming:
 Effective communicators
 Effective problem solvers who are able to think in a variety of ways
 Creative and innovative
 Responsible for sustainable practices.
At Hills we value:
 Living with compassion
 Acting with integrity
 Working with diligence
 Striving for success


Hills aligns itself with the Australian Curriculum (ACARA) to set consistent high standards for all students as they
progress with their learning. In Years 7 to 10, the focus is on key learning areas noting content and achievement
standards that describe what students are expected to learn at their year level. This builds knowledge and skills that
are essential for students in Years 11 and 12 to be able to engage with Queensland Curriculum and Assessment
Authority (QCAA) curriculum and standards for all subjects.
Teachers collect a folio of student responses to assessments for each learning area over a reporting period. Each
folio is an example of evidence of the student's learning in relation to the achievement standard (AC) or the syllabus
(QCAA). Each folio comprises of a collection of the student's learning drawn from a range of assessment tasks. An
overall on-balance judgement involves making a decision:
• about how the evidence in student work best matches the standard for each learning area,
• that ensures balanced coverage, and evidence of student learning, across the understanding and skills in a
learning area, and
• by considering the most recent evidence of achievement to take into account student progress.

Teachers use the standards developed by the Australian Curriculum and Reporting Authority (ACARA) and the
Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority’s Senior Syllabi to express the discernible differences or degrees
of quality in student responses using the five-point A - E scale. In the Australian Curriculum, the "C" level of
achievement means that the learner has achieved at the standard expected for that year level. Students achieving
at a B or A standard are working at a level above or well above the expected standard. The table below provides a
summary of the learning standards associated with student level of achievement:
A Evidence in a student’s learning typically demonstrates a very high level of knowledge and understanding
of concepts, facts and procedures, and application of processes.
B Evidence in a student’s learning typically demonstrates a high level of knowledge and understanding of
concepts, facts and procedures, and application of processes.
C Evidence in a student’s learning typically demonstrates a sound level of knowledge and understanding of
concepts, facts and procedures, and application of processes.
D Evidence in a student’s learning typically demonstrates a limited level of knowledge and understanding of
concepts, facts and procedures, and application of processes.
E Evidence in a student’s learning typically demonstrates a very limited level of knowledge and understanding
of concepts, facts and procedures, and application of processes.
At Hills College, students are encouraged to demonstrate a commitment to their learning by persevering and showing
self- discipline and responsibility:
Highly Motivated The student always aims to achieve their best and consistently strives to reach their potential
with their approaches to learning.
Working Well The student is motivated and has a constructive approach towards their studies and willingly
seeks to improve their overall approach to learning.
Meeting The student’s general attitude and approach to learning meets the expectation of Hills
Expectations College.
Developing The student requires some support and guidance to meet the expectations of Hills College with
their approaches to learning.
Not yet Evident The student requires significant support and guidance is to meet the expectations of Hills

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JENNIFER SMITH Date: 05/12/2023 House: Jade Semester 2 - 2023

English Ms Melanie Clifton

Speaking and Listening B
Reading and Viewing C
Writing and Creating C+
Term Result C+
Overall Year Result C
Highly Motivated Working Well Meeting Developing Not Yet Evident
Approaches to Learning ü
In Semester Two, Jennifer undertook two units of study, 'FUNdamentals of Poetry 'and 'Literacy for Life'. Students examined
the structures and techniques used in poetic writing, and in doing so developed their ability to express their own ideas about
the world and their places in it. Students also developed their understanding of the fundamentals of grammar, punctuation,
spelling, and reading comprehension. They applied their learning in skills workshops that were designed to embed good
practice into their everyday writing. Assessment was comprised of a poetic portfolio of analytical and creative responses,
and a literacy examination. Throughout the semester, Jennifer interacted with others to discuss ideas in a satisfactory way.
When reading and viewing poetry, they provide adequate explanations of how ideas underpinned the texts, and offered
adequate explanations of how poems were influenced by context. Further, they constructed adequate explanations of how
text structures and language choices shaped the poem's ideas. Jennifer created their own texts, demonstrating an adequate
expression of their ideas by satisfactorily selecting text structures and language features. Their application of literacy
knowledge demonstrated mostly accurate use of grammar, punctuation, spelling, and application of reading comprehension
skills. Overall, Jennifer demonstrated their satisfactory knowledge and skills in English in Semester Two.

Japanese Mr Tomoki Kanaya

Understanding B-
Skills C
Term Result C+
Overall Year Result C+
Highly Motivated Working Well Meeting Developing Not Yet Evident
Approaches to Learning ü
Jennifer demonstrated recognition of the nature and roles of the three Japanese scripts with use of the hiragana and
katakana charts. She demonstrated understanding and application of grammatical concepts with understanding and use of
adjectives. Jennifer used pronunciation with use of rehearsed language. She demonstrated reading and writing of texts in
hiragana and katakana, with some kanji. Jennifer produced short sentences with structuring of sentences using correct word
order. Jennifer would improve her knowledge and skills with greater practice and application.

Drama Ms Melanie Clifton

Making B
Responding C+
Term Result B-
Overall Year Result B-
Highly Motivated Working Well Meeting Developing Not Yet Evident
Approaches to Learning ü
Jennifer learned about Collage Drama. She demonstrated and effectively controlled and communicated meaning in their
Collage Drama performance. Jennifer is an effective performer with an ability to use her voice and body to competently
communicate character and dramatic meaning. Jennifer is an engaged and positive contributor to all aspects of our Drama
learning environment.

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JENNIFER SMITH Date: 05/12/2023 House: Jade Semester 2 - 2023

Health and Physical Education Mrs Leah Stone

Understanding D
Skills C
Term Result C-
Overall Year Result C-
Highly Motivated Working Well Meeting Developing Not Yet Evident
Approaches to Learning ü
Jennifer has participated inconsistently in Physical Education classes this semester. She was partial in the demonstration of
skills to develop, identify and understand and make informed decisions and suggest proposals regarding the implementation
of actions to promote personal and peer health, safety and wellbeing. She has developed sound strength and conditioning
training program techniques and is able to apply these effectively. She is able to demonstrate control and accuracy when
performing specialised movement sequences and skills at a competent level. She was unable to maintain a training log.

Digital Technologies Mr Christopher Borg

Understanding C+
Skills B
Term Result B-
Overall Year Result B-
Highly Motivated Working Well Meeting Developing Not Yet Evident
Approaches to Learning ü
Students learned about developing Apps to solve real-world problems. They investigated a range of Apps to understand how
input, storage, processing and output combine to create functional programs. The assessment task required students to plan
an educational App and to produce their finished solution using Javascript code. Jennifer effectively designed and produced
an educational App that could be used by fellow students. She explained how text, image and audio data are represented in
digital systems. Jennifer also completed an informed evaluation of her digital solution in terms of meeting user needs.

Maths Mrs Rachael Wilson

Understanding D
Skills D
Term Result D
Overall Year Result D
Highly Motivated Working Well Meeting Developing Not Yet Evident
Approaches to Learning ü
Students learned to identify conditions for the congruence of triangles and deduce the properties of quadrilaterals. They
learned to model authentic situations with two-way tables and Venn diagrams and explain issues related to the collection of
data and the effect of outliers. Summative assessments included two exams. Jennifer imprecisely explained issues related
to the collection of data and the effect of outliers on means and medians in that data. She attempted to determine
complementary events and calculate the sum of probabilities. Jennifer used aspects of mathematical terminology, diagrams,
and symbols to describe events and experiments. She endeavoured to model authentic situations with two-way tables and
Venn diagrams. Jennifer demonstrated some mathematical thinking and reasoning when she superficially identified
conditions for the congruence of triangles and tried to deduce the properties of quadrilaterals. Some problem-solving
approaches were applied in simple familiar situations.

It has been pleasing to see that Jennifer has returned this term a lot more settled and focussed on the set tasks. She has
enjoyed utilising the whiteboard tables within the classroom but is encouraged to ensure that she maintains a permanent
record of the classroom notes so as to assist her when she is revising for exams. Jennifer is capable of more within the
subject, as demonstrated by her insightful questions and comments during classroom discussions. To improve further,
Jennifer is encouraged to answer all questions on the assessment task, showing her working out where applicable. I wish
her the best in her grade 9 studies.

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JENNIFER SMITH Date: 05/12/2023 House: Jade Semester 2 - 2023

Humanities Miss Bianca Tyne

Understanding C-
Skills C-
Term Result C-
Overall Year Result C-
Highly Motivated Working Well Meeting Developing Not Yet Evident
Approaches to Learning ü
In Semester Two Humanities, Jennifer studied 'Landscapes and Landforms' in Geography, and 'Rights, Freedoms, and
National Identity' in Civics and Citizenship. Assessment included an examination and a research task. While Jennifer was
not assessed in Term 3, she has demonstrated satisfactory geographical and civics understanding in Term 4. She
demonstrated suitable use of geographical and civics skills. Her strongest skills were analysing data and information to draw
conclusions and explaining the features of democracy that enable active participation. In future, she should spend time
working on her ability to analyse issues about national identity. Overall, she achieved a satisfactory result in Humanities in
Semester Two.

Science Mr John Hallermann

Understanding C+
Skills C+
Term Result C+
Overall Year Result C+
Highly Motivated Working Well Meeting Developing Not Yet Evident
Approaches to Learning ü
In Jennifer's end of semester biology examination, she satisfactorily explained the macroscopic features of living systems
and connected form and function at an organ level. Jennifer explored the organisation of some body systems in terms of
flows of matter between interdependent organs to a sound standard. She adequately analysed trends in data to interpret
relationships between variables and reveal inconsistencies in results. Jennifer explained data using theory competently and
demonstrated a satisfactory use of scientific language and conventions in tables, graphs, diagrams and written responses.
Days Absent Year to Date: 6

Mr Kevin Lynch

End of Report
Report issued without alteration or erasure
Printed on 05 Dec 2023

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