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The Lack of Justice in the chapter 4 of Noli Me Tangere is very relatable in our society

today, In some articles stating that the justice system in the Philippines is deadly and
dangerous for the lawyers and judges because of the people who are in power or have
a lot of money who can buy justice in their own way. “The justice system as a whole is
in deadly danger. The government’s executive branch, led by President Duterte, must
take immediate steps to ensure that judges and lawyers are not attacked or threatened
simply for doing their jobs” (Gil, 2021). A recent investigative report which included data
from the Supreme Court, stated that at least 61 lawyers, judges and prosecutors have
been killed under the Duterte administration since 2016. From 2004 to 2021, according
to the report, only seven cases have resulted in charges filed in court (Amnesty,2021).
In the statement of Amnesty where lawyers who are just doing their job are being killed
who is ironically doesn’t get their own justice, Just like in the novel where Don Rafael
were suppressed and accused even if he is innocent. Even before, Rizal knew that the
lack of justice was already happening in the Spanish colonial era, until now, we can say
that it worsen because today it even involves killing who are seeking for justice.

Philippines: Surge in killings of lawyers and judges shows justice system “in deadly

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