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What are some ke
m en tal is su es in
ing m e a n s th at lo ts
h an ts a n d rh in o s
of elep
are illegally killed.
What is a
n import
ant plac
in Zimba e
Victoria bwe
Falls as i
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of natur es
as well a al beaut
s being a y
tourist a major

th e e c o n o mic
How has w e
n Z im b a b
situation i
s it ua ti o n of
The econom n g ed
h a s ch a
Zimbabwe b o th
op t i o n o f
with the ad b w ean
d Z im ba
the USD an yp er
o m b a t h
Dollar to c
How Scale
is mu
repre lticul
sente turali
d in Z sm
Comm imba
unica bwe?
diffic tion is
ult in quite
the m Z imbab
ost o we ha
fficia s
of an l langua
y nat ges
Space - What is Sustainability - Is the
the total mining industry of
population of Zimbabwe sustainable?
The mining industry of
Zimbabwe is
16,881,371 people
unsustainable, just like
as of 2024, with
any mining industry in
more females the world, as the mined
than males. material is mostly
unreplenishable, and the
industry itself is not
going well despite all of
the precious material
under the ground in
Zimbabwe’s territory

Interconnection - What main trade does

Zimbabwe do with their trading partners?

Zimbabwe’s main exports include gold,

tobacco, metal alloys, cotton, and sugar,
and its main trading partners are many
neighboring and closeby African
countries such as South Africa, but other
partners include USA, China, and some
European countries.

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