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4, JULY 2007 1453

Comparison of Traditional Inverters and

Z -Source Inverter for Fuel Cell Vehicles
Miaosen Shen, Member, IEEE, Alan Joseph, Jin Wang, Member, IEEE, Fang Z. Peng, Fellow, IEEE, and
Donald J. Adams, Member, IEEE

Abstract—In this paper, three different inverters: conventional

pulsewidth modulation (PWM) inverter, dc–dc boosted PWM in-
verter, and -source inverter were investigated and compared for
fuel cell vehicle application. Total switching device power, passive
components requirement, and constant power speed ratio of each
of these inverters were calculated. For purposes of comparison, an
example of the total switching device power, requirement of passive
components, the constant power speed ratio, and the efficiencies of
the different inverters for fuel cell vehicle powered by the same fuel
cell were conducted. The comparisons show that the -source in-
verter is very promising in applications when the boost ratio is low
Index Terms—DC–DC power conversion, fuel cells, inverter. Fig. 1. Typical PEM fuel cell polarization curve.

I. INTRODUCTION the fuel cell stack, the conventional PWM inverter topology
imposes high stresses to the switching devices and motor, and
limits the motor’s CPSR. The dc–dc boosted PWM inverter
F UEL cells are very promising as the emerging energy
sources in the near future. They have been used in a
variety of areas, such as domestic applications, utility applica-
topology can alleviate the stresses and limitations, however
suffers problems such as high cost and complexity associated
tions, and traction applications [1]–[4], [11]. Unlike batteries with the two-stage power conversion.
that have a fairly constant output voltage, the fuel cell has a The newly proposed -source inverter [5], [6] has the unique
unique – characteristic and wide voltage range [15]. Fig. 1 feature that it can boost the output voltage by introducing a
shows the – characteristic of proton exchange membrane shoot through operation mode, which is forbidden in traditional
(PEM) fuel cell, which is most promising for transportation voltage source inverters. With this unique feature, the -source
applications. This unique – curve imposes challenges on the inverter provides a potential cheaper, simpler, single stage ap-
conditioning/interface circuits. For example, for fuel cell vehi- proach for fuel cell vehicles. Moreover, it highly enhances the
cles, this results in difficulty for high-speed, and high-power reliability of the system because the inverter can handle mo-
operation to achieve a great constant power speed ratio (CPSR). mentary shoot through caused by electromagnetic interference
In addition, because the voltage drops at high power, the (EMI) without interrupting the operation.
inverter has to be oversized. In order to find the most suitable circuit configuration for
Currently, there are two existing inverter topologies used the power conditioner of fuel cell vehicles, this paper provides
for hybrid electric and fuel cell vehicles: the conventional analysis and comparisons of the three inverters for fuel cell
three-phase pulsewidth modulation (PWM) inverter and a vehicle traction drives using total switching device power
three-phase PWM inverter with a dc-dc boost converter. Be- (SDP), passive components requirement, CPSR, and efficiency,
cause of the wide voltage range and limited voltage level of as benchmarks.


Manuscript received April 26, 2006; revised August 7, 2006. This work was As previously mentioned, three different inverter systems are
supported in part by the Department of Energy FreedomCar Program via Oak
Ridge National Laboratory and in part by the National Science Foundation under to be investigated: the conventional PWM inverter, the dc–dc
Grant 0424039. Recommended for publication by Associate Editor T. Shimizu. boosted PWM inverter, and the -source inverter. Their system
M. Shen is with Siemens VDO Electric Drives, Inc., Dearborn, MI 48120
USA (e-mail:
configurations for fuel cell vehicles are shown in Fig. 2 (a)–(c),
A. Joseph and F. Z. Peng are with the Department of Electrical and Computer respectively.
Engineering, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 48824 USA (e-mail: In the traditional PWM inverter, the dc bus voltage, which;
J. Wang is with the Ford Motor Company, Dearborn, MI 48120-1261 USA
is also the output voltage of the fuel cell stack, varies with the
(e-mail: load. Modulation index has to be controlled to achieve the re-
D. J. Adams is with the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, National Transporta- quired output voltage. The boost converter in the dc–dc boosted
tion Research Center, Knoxville, TN 37932 USA (e-mail: PWM inverter system boosts the dc voltage only when the re-
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
at quired output voltage is higher than the fuel cell voltage. The
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TPEL.2007.900505 -source inverter outputs a required voltage by adjusting the
0885-8993/$25.00 © 2007 IEEE

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boost ratio, defined by for conventional

PWM inverter; , for dc–dc boosted PWM
inverter; and in (1) for -source inverter.
Basically, this is the ratio of the maximum dc
voltage across the inverter and minimum fuel cell
output voltage;
duty ratio of the dc–dc converter in dc–dc boosted
PWM inverter;
capacitor rms current;
switching cycle;
peak load current.

A. Total Switching Device Power Comparison

In an inverter system, each switching device has to be selected
according to the maximum voltage impressed and the peak and
average current going through it. To quantify the voltage and
current stress (or requirement) of an inverter system, switching
device power is introduced. The SDP of a switching device/cell
is expressed as the product of voltage stress and current stress.
The total SDP of an inverter system is defined as the aggregate
of SDP of all the switching devices used in the circuit. Total SDP
is a measure of the total semiconductor device requirement, thus
an important cost indicator of an inverter system. The definitions
are summarized as follows:

Fig. 2. Three inverter system configurations for fuel cell vehicles. (a) System Total Average SDP SDP
configuration using conventional PWM inverter. (b) System configuration using
dc–dc boosted PWM inverter. (c) System configuration using the Z -source
inverter. and

Total Peak SDP SDP

shoot through duty ratio with the restriction to keep the voltage
across the switches not to exceed its limit [7]. where is the number of devices used, , and
are the average and peak current through the device, respec-
tively, and is the peak voltage induced on the devices.
III. COMPARISON ITEMS, CONDITIONS, In our comparison, the input end diode in the traditional
EQUATIONS, AND RESULTS PWM inverter and the -source inverter are not considered, be-
cause it’s difficult to compare the cost of a diode and a switch
For all comparisons, the conventional PWM inverter and the of the same rating. The average and peak SDPs of conventional
dc–dc boosted PWM inverter are controlled by SPWM with PWM inverter are
third harmonic injection to achieve the maximum modulation
index possible when necessary. The -source inverter is con- SDP (1)
trolled with maximum constant boost control with modified
PWM scheme [7], [13]. To compare different inverters, some SDP (2)
parameters that are necessary for derivation are as follows:
The average and peak SDPs of dc–dc boosted PWM inverter are
maximum output power;
maximum output voltage of the fuel cell stack, SDP (3)
open circuit voltage;
PF power factor of the motor;
SDP (4)
fuel cell stack output voltage at maximum power;
modulation index of inverters, defined by the The average and peak SDPs of -source inverter are
ratio of the amplitude of the reference waveform
and that of the carrier waveform for traditional SDP (5)
output voltage of the boost converter in the dc–dc
boosted PWM inverter; (6)

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Fig. 3. Comparison of SDP of different inverters at different operation conditions: (a) results of peak SDP for different power factors and (b) results of average
SDP for different power factors.

The detailed derivation is in Appendix 1.

Assume that the motors for different inverters are all in con-
stant torque region, thus the motor current almost maintains con-
stant for different power. The conventional PWM inverter and
Fig. 4. Capacitor current ripple calculation.
the dc–dc boosted PWM inverter are operated with modulation
index of 1.15 with third harmonic injection or SVPWM at max-
imum power condition to minimize the required SDP. Based on
ductors are designed to limit the current ripple, and the capac-
the above equations and operation conditions, the required SDP
itors are designed based on current capacity and capacitance
of each inverter can be calculated for different load power factor
and boost ratio, , the results are shown in Fig. 3. As mentioned
For an inductor, the size is determined by the inductance and
above, the boost ratio is defined by for conventional
the current level. The average current, , through the inductor
PWM inverter; , for dc–dc boosted PWM inverter; and
in the dc–dc boosted PWM inverter at maximum power is
in (47) for -source inverter.
For the conventional PWM inverter, it is obvious that the re- (7)
quired SDP is proportional to the apparent power, therefore the
SDP should increase linearly with the decrease of the load power For the -source inverter, the average current through the
factor. For the dc–dc boosted PWM inverter, the SDP of the in- inductor equals to that through the input end diode, based on
verter increases with the apparent power and the SDP of the power balance, the average inductor current can also be calcu-
dc–dc converter stays constant. It is similar for the -source lated by (7).
inverter, the SDP contributed by shoot through doesn’t change The inductor current ripple, , in the dc–dc boosted PWM
with the apparent power. Therefore, as load power factor re- inverter can be calculated by
duces, the SDP of conventional PWM inverter increases quicker
than the other two inverters, which is verified from Fig. 3. As (8)
can be seen from Fig. 3, if the same boost ratios are used for the
three inverters, the -source inverter requires low SDP at low where is the inductance of the inductor.
boost ratio region (1–2), especially average SDP, which is also The inductor current ripple in the -source inverter using
an indicator of thermal requirement and conversion efficiency. maximum constant boost control [7] is
When the boost ratio is above 2, the dc–dc boosted PWM in-
verter is the best in terms of SDP requirement. For very low
boost ratio (1–1.25) and high power factor, the SDP of the con- (9)
ventional PWM inverter is very similar or even smaller than the
-source inverter. where is the inductance of the inductors.
The detailed derivations of the equations are in Appendix 2. In
B. Requirement of Passive Components Comparison (8) and (9), all other parameters are known for maximum power
Passive components—inductors and capacitors are also im- operation condition, therefore the inductance requirement can
portant parts determining the inverter cost and volume. The in- be calculated by limiting the current ripple to a certain range.

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Fig. 5. PWM scheme of different inverters at a certain interval: (a) conventional PWM inverter, (b) dc–dc boosted PWM inverter, and (c) Z -source inverter.
v ; v ; v : reference signals of inverter PWM; V : reference signal of the dc–dc converter; V ; V : reference signals controlling the shoot through.

Fig. 6. Capacitor current comparison of the inverters: (a) conventional PWM inverter, (b) dc–dc boosted PWM inverter, and (c) Z -source inverter
K = (I )=(I ); I is the peak load current of the inverter, the dotted curves in (b) demonstrate when the dc–dc converter is operating with D >0, the
dotted curves in (c) demonstrates when the inverter is operating with shoot through.

For the two inductors in the -source inverter, the current where , and is the load current of phase , and .
through them and the voltage across them are exactly the same, As a result, the following equation can be derived:
therefore, they can be built on the same core with the same
size of one inductor with doubled inductance. A detailed design
process can be found in [13].
The current through the capacitor is an important factor deter-
mining the capacitor size. It is obvious that the current through
the capacitor repeats every 1/3 of the fundamental cycle. From (12)
Fig. 4, the capacitor current can be calculated by
Based on this equation, the capacitor current for different
modulation indexes and load power factors are shown in
Fig. 6(a). is defined by , where
is the output peak current.
where is the fundamental frequency. For the dc–dc boosted PWM, assuming that the control of
For conventional PWM inverter, the input current to the ca- the dc–dc converter and the inverter share the same carrier, for a
pacitor, , is assumed to be constant, which equals to the av- certain interval with modulation scheme shown in Fig. 5(b), the
erage current, . The output current of the capacitor input and output current of the capacitor can be described as
changes with the time, and it can be different for different PWM
schemes. However, the rms current keeps the same [9], [10]. For
the switching cycle with SPWM scheme shown in Fig. 5(a), the
instant current can be described as (13)

(11) (14)

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Fig. 7. Capacitor voltage ripple comparison of the inverters: (a) conventional PWM inverter, (b) dc–dc boosted PWM inverter, and (c) Z -source inverter K =
(1 ) (
Q = I :T ) ;I is the peak load current of the inverter, the dotted curves in (b) demonstrate when the dc–dc converter is operating with D > 0, the
dotted curves in (c) demonstrate when the inverter is operating with shoot through.

The resulted current depends on the relative positions of the TABLE I

reference signals. It is easier to use numerical calculation than SWITCHING DEVICE POWER COMPARISON EXAMPLE
analytical expression. The dc–dc boosted PWM inverter oper-
ates as a conventional PWM inverter when the input voltage is
higher than the required output voltage with 0. When the
input voltage is not high enough to output the required voltage,
to minimize the switching loss, the inverter is always operated
with maximum modulation index possible, 1.15, and the dc–dc
converter operates with greater than zero to output the re-
quired voltage. Fig. 6(b) shows the calculated capacitor current
for the dc–dc boosted PMW inverter for these two conditions.
The solid curves show the capacitor current when the 0 the input voltage is high enough to output the required voltage,
with different modulation indices, the dotted curves show the and it will be operated with shoot through only when the input
capacitor current when 0, and 1.15 for different load voltage is low and the required output voltage is high. The re-
power factors. sulted capacitor currents for this two different operation condi-
Maximum constant boost control with third harmonic injec- tions are shown in Fig. 6(c).
tion [7] shown in Fig. 5(c) is used to control the -source in- It is note worthy that is different for different inverter
verter. As seen from Fig. 5(c), when the carrier is higher than systems. For the same fuel cell stack and same power, of
or lower than , the inverter is in shoot through state, while the conventional PWM inverter will be higher than the other two
in between, it operates as traditional SPWM. The input current because of lower available voltage.
to the capacitor is the inductor current, which can be considered The capacitance can also be an important factor determining
as constant, . During traditional zero states and ac- its size depending on the type of the capacitor. The capacitance
tive states, the output current of the capacitor is the same as the is designed based on limiting the voltage ripple across the capac-
conventional PWM inverter. During shoot through state, the two itor to limit the output current harmonic. From above analysis of
capacitors are charging the two inductors separately through the the current through the capacitor, it is easy to numerically cal-
inverter bridge, therefore the current through the inverter bridge culate the maximum voltage ripple of the capacitors under dif-
is twice of the inductor current. More detailed description of the ferent conditions. The calculated results are shown in Fig. 7. The
output current of the capacitor at the interval shown in Fig. 5(c) dotted curves in (b) and (c) show the results when boost function
and (15), shown at the bottom of the page. is needed. The result is defined by ,
From this equation, we can calculate the current through the where is the charge causing the maximum voltage ripple,
capacitors in the -source inverter. Similarly, the -source in- is the peak load current, is the switching cycle. Also,
verter can be operated as a conventional PWM inverter when is different for different inverter systems.

traditional zero state

shoot through state

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C. CPSR Comparison the inverter operation, while for traditional inverters, this might
CPSR is limited mainly by available dc voltage of the PWM trigger protection and cause unexpected system shut down.
inverter. The fuel cell voltage decreases as the current drawn
increases, which greatly limits the motor’s power output and IV. COMPARISON EXAMPLE
efficiency at high speed. For dc–dc boosted PWM inverter and In this section, a comparison example will be conducted
-source inverter, the available output voltage is theoretically based on a given fuel cell model with the following parameters:
infinity. To compare the CPSR limited by the inverter output
voltage, certain operation condition has to be specified. To make kW
a fair comparison, the same fuel cell stack and the same voltage
The conventional PWM inverter and the dc–dc boosted PWM
rating device are used by limiting the maximum output voltage inverter are operated with modulation index of 1.15 with third
of the dc–dc converter, , the maximum voltage across the harmonic injection or SVPWM at maximum power condition.
device of -source inverter, , and the open circuit voltage of For a fair comparison, the same voltage rating devices are used,
the fuel cell, , the same, thus the maximum voltage across which means the boost ratios of the three inverters are kept the
the device and the boost ratio are the same for all inverters. same.
The modulation indexes of the conventional PWM inverter and With these assumptions, the SDP of different inverters can be
the dc–dc boosted PWM inverter are both 1.15 to output the calculated and shown in Table. I.
maximum voltage. The maximum obtainable output phase peak The -source inverter’s average SDP is the lowest among
voltage of conventional PWM inverter at peak power is the three while the conventional PWM inverter’s SDPs are the
highest in both average and peak values. Usually, the selec-
(16) tion of the switching device is based on the rms/average current
rating, and also the average SDP is a measurement of thermal
The maximum obtainable output voltage of the dc–dc boosted requirement.
PWM inverter is Table II shows the passive component comparison with the
requirements to limit the inductor current ripple to be less than
(17) 10% of its average value, and capacitor voltage ripple less than
3% of the maximum voltage, 420 V at switching frequency of
For the -source inverter, the modulation index used to boost 10 kHz. The -source inverter’s two inductors can be built on
the voltage is determined by [7] one core to minimize the size and weight. In general, the re-
quired and of the -source inverter are slightly greater than
(18) those of the dc–dc boosted PWM inverter.
For the conventional PWM inverter with the fuel cell model
The resulted obtainable output voltage is described above, the fuel cell voltage is the dc voltage of the
inverter, which drops to 250 V at 200 A. From the 250 V dc,
(19) the conventional PWM inverter can only yield 176 V to the
motor. This low motor voltage limits CPSR and lowers mechan-
ical output power and efficiency. The PWM inverter with dc-dc
Define the CPSR of conventional PWM inverter to be 1 boost can keep the dc voltage to 420 V, which in turn increases
per unit. The CPSR of dc–dc boosted PWM inverter and the CPSR by a factor of 1.68. Theoretically the -source inverter
-source inverter are , and 1 2 , respectively. can output whatever voltage as required. By the restriction of the
same switch voltage stress as the traditional PWM inverter and
D. Reliability Comparison
dc–dc boosted PWM inverter, the -source inverter can increase
Compared to traditional PWM inverter and the -source the CPSR by 1.34 times over the traditional PWM inverter. In
inverter, the dc–dc boosted PWM inverter uses one more active other words, the motor voltage produced by the -source in-
device, which inevitably reduces the reliability of the inverter. verters is 1.34 times that produced by the conventional PWM
Also, the -source inverter can handle shoot through state, inverter, thus the same motor can output 1.34 times the power
thus momentary shoot through caused by EMI will not affect than when driven by the conventional PWM inverter.

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Fig. 8. Switching states sequence in one cycle.

Efficiency is an important criterion for any power converter.

High efficiency can reduce thermal requirements and cost. Fig. 9. Load voltage and current.
The inverter system is assumed to be operated in constant
torque region and space vector control is applied to all inverters.
Based on this assumption, the output voltage and current of
the inverter can be derived in Table III. From the resulted
voltage and current, the following devices are chosen for
efficiency calculation: the switches for the main inverters of
dc–dc boosted inverter and -source inverter are Powerex IPM
PM300CLA060, the switch for the dc–dc boost converter is
Powerex PM300DSA060, the switch for the traditional inverter
is Powerex IPM PM450CLA060, the input end diode of the
traditional PWM inverter and the -source inverter is IXYS
MEO 500-06DA.
For the efficiency comparison, only the semiconductor de- Fig. 10. Calculated efficiency of inverters.
vices losses are considered. For conventional PWM inverter
and dc–dc boosted PWM inverter, the IGBT loss consists of
switching loss and conduction loss, the diode loss includes
conduction loss and reverse recovery loss, the detailed calcula-
tion method can be found in [8]. For the -source inverter, the
loss of the inverter consists of the following parts: conduction
loss of the switches during non-shoot through states, switching
loss between non-shoot through states, conduction loss of the
switches during shoot through state, switching loss of the shoot
through state, free wheeling diodes conduction loss and reverse
recovery loss during non-shoot through states. The turn on
and turn off currents of the switches of shoot through state are
calculated based on the model shown in Fig. 13. The modified
PWM sequence of maximum constant boost control [13] is
implemented for efficiency comparison, in which one shoot
through period is employed in a switching cycle as shown Fig. 11. Inverter efficiency calculated using software.
in Fig. 8. The loss calculation method for traditional PWM
inverters can be found in [8] and the expression of switching
loss of each IGBT for a three-phase inverter is as follows: are turned into shoot through switching. Therefore, the modified
switching loss calculation has to be applied. There are two parts
(20) of switching losses: traditional switching (switching actions be-
tween traditional states) and shoot through switching (switching
states between shoot through state and traditional states). The
where , and are the turn on and turn off energy loss
switching loss of traditional switching can be calculated by
of the IGBT at peak current, is the switching frequency. For
the -source inverter, assume the load voltage and phase cur-
rent are as in Fig. 9, where the load current is lagging by . In
the shaded area, where the output voltage of phase is the max- (21)
imum among the three phases, all switching actions in phase

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Fig. 12. Efficiency testing and results: (a) 50-kW Z -source inverter and (b) measured efficiencies.

where and are the turn on and turn off energy From the above comparison, the -source inverter provides
loss of the IGBT at peak current. During shoot through state, the highest efficiency in most regions of the power range of the
the current from the dc side is 2 , where is the inductor inverter itself.
current. Assuming that the current is evenly distributed in three To verify the efficiency calculation of the traditional inverters,
phase legs, the average switching current of shoot through state Mitsubishi average loss simulation software [14] is used. The ef-
is 2 . In each cycle, there are three shoot through switching, ficiencies of the conventional PWM inverter and dc–dc boosted
thus the shoot through switching loss of each IGBT is PWM inverter calculated from the software under the same op-
eration conditions are shown in Fig. 11. As can be seen from
(22) Figs. 10 and 11, the calculated efficiencies and simulated effi-
ciencies are very close. However, because of the different op-
where and are the turn on and turn off energy erating principle, the software can not be used to simulate the
loss corresponding to switching current of 2 3 . efficiency of the -source inverter. To verify the efficiency cal-
The reverse recovery loss of the free wheeling diodes is re- culation of the -source inverter, efficiency measurement on a
duced because some of the turn off states of the diodes are turn 50-kW -source inverter shown in Fig. 12(a) is conducted. De-
into shoot through turn off, the reduction can be calculated in a veloped for a different project, the inverter bridge is Powerex
way similar as in (21). IPM PM600CLA060 to meet high temperature requirement, the
The conduction losses the IGBTs and the diodes also change inductor is 50 H each and built on one core, which is equiva-
because of the shoot through states. Assuming the shoot through lent to a 100- H inductor, also one film capacitor is connected
duty ratio is and the corresponding conduction losses of in parallel with the input voltage source just to minimize the
IGBTs and diodes for traditional PWM inverter under the same current loop. However, the loss characteristics of the two IPMs
load current are , and , respectively, which can are quite similar. The test was carried out on a RL load test and
be calculated based on [8], the conduction losses of the -source with power factor of 0.8. The resulted efficiency is shown in
inverter during traditional states become Fig. 12(b). Because of the load, the current at low power be-
comes smaller than motor current when operated in constant
(23) torque mode, which results in higher efficiencies than the cal-
culated value at low power range. Also, because of lower power
(24) factor is lower and losses on the passive components, the effi-
Assuming that the inductor current is high enough so that all ciency at high power is slightly lower than the calculated value
IGBTs are on during shoot through state, the average current as expected. Considering all these factors, the calculated effi-
through the IGBTs during shoot through is 2 3 , the con- ciencies of the inverters are quite accurate.
duction loss of IGBTs during shoot through is
A comprehensive comparison of the three inverter systems
where is the saturation voltage of the IGBT. From all has been performed. General equations and curves of switching
above discussion, total loss of the inverter bridge can be calcu- device power, passive component requirement, and CPSR have
lated. Also, the conduction loss and reverse recovery losses of been derived for comparison. A comparison example with
the input end diode of the -source inverter and the traditional detailed specifications has been carried out. For this compar-
PWM inverter are considered. The inverter efficiency calcula- ison example, efficiencies of different system have also been
tion results are shown in Fig. 10. compared and verified. The comparison results show that the

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-source inverter has lower average SDP in low boost ratio b) DC–DC Boosted PWM Inverter: For the switch in the
range (1–2). Also it provides higher efficiencies in most oper- boost converter, treating the switch and the diode as a switch
ation ranges. It can increase the CPSR over the conventional cell, the maximum voltage it sustains is and the average
PWM inverter significantly. It does slightly increase the passive current through it during maximum power is
component requirement. It is note worthy that this is pure
theoretical comparison, in practical cases, for dc–dc boosted (33)
PWM inverter, the associated cost and volume increase of extra
heat sinking effort and gate drive for an extra switch is also The average switching device power of the dc–dc converter is
significant. Also, great reliability enhancement of the -source
inverter is a very important advantage. In general, the -source SDP (34)
inverter is very competitive in low boost ratio range (1–2), in
which most fuel cells reside. In cases when a low voltage fuel Suppose the current through the inductor in the boost con-
cell is used, and boost ratio much higher than 2 is needed, the verter is constant, the peak current through the switch is the
dc–dc boosted PWM inverter is the best configuration. In this same as the average current. The peak switching device power
paper, the comparison is limited to a fuel cell vehicle without is
battery, all configurations can be modified to fuel cell-battery
hybrid vehicles by adding a battery [12] to incorporate the SDP (35)
regenerative braking function without significant change of the
main circuit. The voltage stress of the inverter switches is . The RMS
phase voltage at modulation index of M is
1) Switching Device Power Derivation: (36)
a) Traditional PWM Inverter: For the traditional PWM
inverter, the output phase RMS voltage at peak power is The RMS line current is

(26) (37)

With motor power factor of , the output line RMS current The average current through switches under maximum power is
The average switching device power of the system is
Because the line current is evenly shared by two switches in
a line cycle, the average current through each switch is SDP SDP

The peak switch current of the inverter is

The maximum voltage stress of the switches occurs when the
output power is zero, and the fuel cell voltage reaches its max- The peak switching device power of the system is
imum value, which is
The total average switching device power of the circuit is
c) -Source Inverter: For the source inverter, the cur-
(30) rent through the inverter switches consists of two elements, one
is the current to the load and the other is the current through
The peak current through the switches is the peak line current them during the shoot through state. Because of the symmet-
rical structure of the inverter, the current during shoot through
(31) in terms of average is evenly distributed in three parallel paths.
The current through the inverter during shoot through is twice
The total peak switching device power of the traditional PWM of the inductor current. Therefore, the average current value in
inverter is shoot through period through each switch is

(32) (42)

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Based on this model, we can have


From which we have

Fig. 13. Inverter model during shoot through.
The peak current through the switch occurs when the line
current of phase A is at its peak, which is
where is the inductor current. From the input end, the average
current through the diode is equal to the sum of the average (52)
current through inductor and capacitor . In steady state,
the average current through the capacitor is zero, the average Another possible condition is that the peak current through
current through the inductor equals to that of the diode. The the switches occurs during the active states, then the current
output power of the fuel cell stack under maximum power is shown in (52) is the peak current.
, therefore, the average current through the diode as well as The peak switching device power of the inverter is
the inductor is:

While in active states, the average current is the same as a (53)

conventional PWM inverter, therefore the overall average cur-
rent through inverter switches is 2) Passive Component Requirement:
a) DC–DC Boosted PWM Inverter: For the inductor in
the boost converter, the current ripple can be calculated by the
current increase when the switch is on

(44) (54)

where is the shoot through period in a switching cycle where is the duty cycle.
is the RMS output phase voltage. With the control method pre- b) -Source Inverter: When the inverter is in a shoot
sented in [7], , and can be expressed as through state, the voltage across the inductor is the voltage
across the capacitor. Therefore, the current ripple of the in-
(45) ductor can be calculated as

where is the voltage across the capacitor
Voltage stress of the inverter switches is
We have
The average switching device power of the inverter is

[1] G. A. O’Sullivan, “Fuel cell inverters for utility applications,” in Proc.
(48) IEEE PESC’00, 2002, pp. 1191–1194.
[2] A. M. Tuckey and J. N. Krase, “A low-cost inverter for domestic fuel
cell applications,” in Proc. IEEE PESC’02, 2002, pp. 339–346.
To calculate the peak current through the switches during [3] P. T. Krein and R. Balog, “Low cost inverter suitable for medium-
shoot through, we assume that when the switches are on they power fuel cell sources,” in Proc. IEEE PESC’02, 2002, pp. 321–326.
[4] J. Mazumdar, I. Batarseh, N. Kutkut, and O. Demirci, “High frequency
are pure resistors with the same resistance, which is shown in low cost DC-AC inverter design with fuel cell source for home appli-
Fig. 13. cations,” in Proc. IEEE IAS’02, 2002, pp. 789–794.

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[5] F. Z. Peng, “Z -source inverter,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Appl., vol. 39, no. 2, Jin Wang (S’01–M’05) received the B.S. degree
pp. 504–510, Mar./Apr. 2003. from Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an, China, in
[6] F. Z. Peng, A. Joseph, J. Wang, M. Shen, L. Chen, Z. Pan, E. 1998, the M.S. degree from Wuhan University,
Oritz-Rivera, and Y. Huang, “Z -source inverter for motor drives,” Wuhan, China, in 2001, and the Ph.D. degree from
IEEE Trans. Power Electron., vol. 20, no. 4, pp. 857–863, Jul. 2005. Michigan State University, East Lansing, in 2005,
[7] M. Shen, J. Wang, A. Joseph, F. Z. Peng, L. M. Tolbert, and D. J. all in electrical engineering.
Adams, “Constant boost control of the Z -source inverter to minimize He joined Ford Motor Company, Dearborn, MI,
current ripple and voltage stress,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Appl., vol. 42, no. in 2005. He is currently a Core Engineer for power
3, pp. 770–778, May/Jun. 2006. electronics systems in Ford’s hybrid vehicles. His
[8] Powerex, “General Considerations: IGBT & IPM Modules,” Tech. research interests include hybrid electric vehicles
Rep., Appl. notes A10-A27, 2007. (HEVs)/fuel cell vehicles (FCVs), multilevel con-
[9] J. W. Kolar, H. Ertl, and F. C. Zach, “Calculation of the passive and verters, dc-dc converters, flexible ac transmission systems (FACTs) devices,
active component stress of three phase PWM converter systems with and DSP-based control systems.
high pulse rate,” in Proc. EPE Conf. Rec., Aachen, Germany, 1989, pp.
[10] A. M. Hava, R. J. Kerkman, and T. A. Lipo, “Simple analytical and
graphical methods for carrier based PWM-VSI drives,” IEEE Trans. Fang Z. Peng (M’92–SM’96–F’05) received the B.S.
Power Electron., vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 49–61, Jan. 1999. degree in electrical engineering from Wuhan Univer-
[11] K. Rajashekara, “Power conversion and control strategies for fuel cell sity, Wuhan, China, in 1983 and the M.S. and Ph.D.
vehicles,” in Proc. IEEE IECON’03, 2003, pp. 2865–2870. degrees in electrical engineering from Nagaoka Uni-
[12] F. Peng, M. Shen, and K. Holland, “Application of Z -source inverter versity of Technology, Nagaoka, Japan, in 1987 and
control for for traction drive of fuel cell—battery hybrid electric ve- 1990, respectively.
hicles,” IEEE Trans. Power Electron., vol. 22, no. 3, pp. 1054–1061, He was with Toyo Electric Manufacturing Com-
May 2007, in Proc. IEEE Ind. Appl. Soc. Annu. Meeting, Hong Kong, pany, Ltd., from 1990 to 1992 as a Research Scien-
China, 2005, pp. 1651–1656. tist, and was engaged in research and development of
[13] M. Shen, A. Joseph, Y. Huang, F. Z. Peng, and Z. Qian, “Design and active power filters, flexible ac transmission systems
development of a 50 kW Z -source inverter for fuel cell vehicles,” in (FACTS) applications, and motor drives. From 1992
Proc. Int. Conf. Power Electron. Mot. Contr., Shanghai, China, 2006, to 1994, he worked with the Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan, as a
pp. 1076–1080. Research Assistant Professor, initiated a multilevel inverter program for FACTS
[14] Powerex, “Global Power-Semiconductor Solution Provider,” 2007 applications and a speed-sensorless vector control project. From 1994 to 2000,
[Online]. Available: he was with Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), Knoxville, as a Research
[15] C. Wang, M. Nehrir, and S. Shaw, “Dynamic models and model vali- Assistant Professor, at University of Tennessee, Knoxville, from 1994 to 1997,
dation of PWM fuel cells using electrical circuits,” IEEE Trans. Power and was a Staff Member, Lead (Principal) Scientist of the Power Electronics
Conv., vol. 20, no. 2, pp. 442–451, Jun. 2005. and Electric Machinery Research Center, ORNL, from 1997 to 2000. In 2000,
he joined Michigan State University, East Lansing, as an Associate Professor
and is now a Professor with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engi-
neering. He holds over 10 patents.
Dr. Peng received the 1996 First Prize Paper Award and the 1995 Second Prize
Paper Award of the Industrial Power Converter Committee at the IEEE/IAS An-
nual Meeting; the 1996 Advanced Technology Award of the Inventors Clubs of
America, Inc.; the International Hall of Fame; the 1991 First Prize Paper Award
Award in the Transactions of the IEE of Japan; and the Promotion Award of the
Miaosen Shen (S’04–M’07) received the B.S. and Electrical Academy. He was Chair of Technical Committee for Rectifiers and
M.S. degrees in electrical engineering from Zhejiang Inverters of IEEE Power Electronics Society from 2001 to 2005 and was an As-
University, Hangzhou, China, in 2000 and 2003, sociate Editor for the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS from 1997
respectively, and the Ph.D. degree in electrical to 2001 and has been an Associate Editor again since 2005.
engineering from Michigan State University, East
Lansing, in 2007.
He joined Siemens VDO Electric Drives, Inc.,
Dearborn, MI, in 2007 working on hybrid electric
drives. His research interests include motor drives, Donald J. Adams (M’95) received the B.S. degree
power factor correction technique, and electronic from the University of Mississippi, Oxford, in
ballast for HID lamps. 1973 and the M.S. degree from the University of
Tennessee, Knoxville, in 1977, both in mechanical
He is the Director of the Power Electronics and
Electric Machinery Research Center, Oak Ridge Na-
Alan Joseph received the B.S.E.E. degree from Oak- tional Laboratory (ORNL), Knoxville, where he has
land University, Rochester, MI, in 1998 and the M.S. been employed for 29 years. He is on the Governing
degree in electrical engineering from Michigan State, Board of the NSF Center for Power Electronics Sys-
East Lansing, in 2002. tems (which consists of five universities and over 80
He is with the Department of Electrical and industrial partners). He is the holder of seven patents with two pending, and
Computer Engineering, Michigan State University, has authored numerous publications. His research interests include advanced
where he conducts research in the areas of multilevel inverters and adjustable-speed drives, power transmission and distribution re-
converters, power conversion for alternative energy search and development, electric machines, and power quality, efficiency, and
sources, and variable frequency drives. power measurements.
Mr. Adams is a Registered Professional Engineer in the State of Tennessee.

Authorized licensed use limited to: NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY WARANGAL. Downloaded on February 27,2022 at 08:06:40 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

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