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Name:_________________________________ Score: _________________

Yr.&Section: ______________________________

ITEM 10pts 7pts 5pt 3pts 1pts

Learners executed the Learners executed the Learner executed the Learner executed the Learners executed
Linear Bear execise correctly all the exercise correctly most of exercise correctly most of exercise but hands and the exercise but hands
time with proper the time with proper the time with good legs are not well
Crawl and legs are not
coordination of hands and coordination of hands and coordination of hands and coordinated.
legs. legs. legs.
Learners executed the Learners executed the Learner executed the Learner executed the Learners executed
Lateral Bear execise correctly all the exercise correctly most of exercise correctly most of exercise but hands and the exercise but hands
time with proper the time with proper the time with good legs are not well
Crawl and legs are not
coordination of hands and coordination of hands and coordination of hands and coordinated.
legs. legs. legs.
Learners executed the Learners executed the Learner executed the Learner executed the Learners executed
Linear Crab execise correctly all the exercise correctly most of exercise correctly most of exercise but hands and the exercise but hands
time with proper the time with proper the time with good legs are not well
Crawl and legs are not
coordination of hands and coordination of hands and coordination of hands and coordinated.
legs. legs. legs.
Learners executed the Learners executed the Learner executed the Learner executed the Learners executed
Lateral Crab execise correctly all the exercise correctly most of exercise correctly most of exercise but hands and the exercise but hands
time with proper the time with proper the time with good legs are not well
Crawl and legs are not
coordination of hands and coordination of hands and coordination of hands and coordinated.
legs. legs. legs.
Learners executed the Learners executed the Learner executed the Learner executed the Learners executed
Gorilla execise correctly all the exercise correctly most of exercise correctly most of exercise but hands and the exercise but hands
time with proper the time with proper the time with good legs are not well
Crawl and legs are not
coordination of hands and coordination of hands and coordination of hands and coordinated.
legs. legs. legs.
Learners executed the Learners executed the Learner executed the Learner executed the Learners executed
Sideways Gorilla execise correctly all the exercise correctly most of exercise correctly most of exercise but hands and the exercise but hands
time with proper the time with proper the time with good legs are not well
Crawl and legs are not
coordination of hands and coordination of hands and coordination of hands and coordinated.
legs. legs. legs.

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