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Grade & Section:__________________________________ Date: FEBRUARY 19-23,2014

Like gravity and friction, sound, heat, light, and electricity are other forms of energy that may
be explained in terms of movement of smaller objects. Sound is a form of energy produced by
hitting two objects together or by vibrating objects, like strings of guitar. When you speak, sing or
hum, your vocal chords vibrate. Without any medium, sound cannot travel. Heat or thermal energy
is the energy from the moving molecules or tiny particles in matter. It is transferred from bodies of
higher temperatures to bodies of lower temperature. Light is an energy that is transported and
produced by vibrations of exceedingly small particles in matter through electromagnetic (EM)
waves. The sun’s energy travels as a visible light, the only EM wave that can be seen by the naked
eyes. Electricity is an energy when electrons move from one atom to another. Atoms are basic
building blocks of matter that make up everything. Electrons are small particles that spin around the
center of the atom holding a negative (-) charge while protons are particles in the center of an atom
that hold a positive (+) charge.

Look at the illustration of an atom below. Name the different

particles found in the atom. The two particles of an atom found in the
center of it are (1) ____________ and (2) ___________. While the
particle (3) ______________ constantly spins around the center of an
atom is called (4) ________________. Electricity is produced whenever
electrons move from one atom to another. When objects are rubbed
against each other, the electrons of their atoms have the tendency to
move from one atom to another. How electrons move depends on the
electron attraction of the atoms. Some objects like metals share electrons
easily while some like plastic and rubber do not. Objects that share electrons easily are conductors
and those that do not share electrons easily are insulators. Materials that may or may not share
electrons are called semiconductors. Semiconductors are often used in electronics
A. Directions: Complete the paragraph by writing the equivalent word or group of words in each
diagram presented. Write your complete paragraph/answer on your answer sheet.

B. Illustrate how energy is transformed in the following materials. No. 1 is done for you
1. Matches = from chemical energy to light energy + heat energy
2. Playing basketball games = from ________________ energy to ____________ energy
3. Plucking an electric guitar = from _______________+______________ to ____________ energy
4. Nuclear power plant = from ______________energy to ________________ energy
5. Solar panel = from _______________ energy to __________________.

C. To understand the lesson clearly about energy transformation, perform the following
1. Prepare the following materials: flashlight, matchsticks, cellphone
2. Do the following procedures:
A. Light the matchstick. What form of energy is present in the match stick? What is/are produced
after you lighted the matchstick? How does energy transformation occur in lighting a matchstick?
B. Turn on the flashlight (battery-operated) or cellphone flashlight. What makes the flashlight give
out light? What form of energy is present in the flashlight? What energy does it produce? Explain
how energy transformation occurs in turning on a flashlight.
ASSESSMENT- Multiple Choice. Choose the letter of the best answer.
1. What energy is present in a moving object?
A. chemical energy C. nuclear energy B. Kinetic energy D. potential energy
2. When does energy transformation occur? Energy transformation occurs when ___________.
A. Energy moves from one place to another B. Energy changes from one form to another
C. When energy is created or destroyed D. When energy remains the same
3. How does energy transformation occur in a ceiling fan?
A. From electrical to mechanical energy B. From electrical to chemical energy
C. From mechanical to electrical energy D. From mechanical to thermal
4. Explain how energy transformation occur in a green plant on a sunny day. When
A. Light energy transforms into mechanical energy
B. Chemical energy transforms into mechanical energy
C. Light energy transforms into chemical energy
D. Chemical energy transforms into light energy
5. How does energy transformation occurs when you rub your hands together?
A. From mechanical to heat B. From mechanical to chemical
C. From heat to light D. From heat to mechanical
B- Give examples of objects for each of the following energy transformation.
1. Chemical energy to heat and light energy -
2. Electrical energy to sound energy -
3. Chemical energy to heat, light and sound energy -
4. Electrical energy to mechanical energy -
5. Electrical energy to mechanical, wind and sound energy-

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