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Talk About It 5:

I think there is obviously an ethical concern around the Waze function that alerts users to the location of
nearby police. The software is for mapping directions and focuses on trying to encourage user safety and
an awareness of traffic conditions. The concern raised by law enforcement about the potential hazards
to officer safety adds a layer of ethical complexity to what is, on the surface, just a routing app. This layer
is whether you think it's appropriate to have a feature that could potentially place the people tasked
with keeping us safe in harm's way. It’s not just a technical problem. It’s one that makes us think about
what's fair and responsible for everyone involved.

Talk About It 6:

In the whole Waze police-alert situation, the stakeholders are as follows: the police who worry about
staying safe while on the job, the Waze users who are just trying to dodge traffic, the Waze creators who
are juggling between making the user happy and keeping others safe, and the government who create
and enforce the rules. Understanding these stakeholders and their positions helps a manager see the
bigger picture and hopefully find a solution that works for everyone. It's like trying to cook a meal that
satisfies all tastes—a bit challenging, but doable with the right considerations and effort.

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