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Vehicle trackers play a vital role in how individuals travel around their communities
in our culture. One of the most basic functionalities of a car tracker is the ability to track
a vehicle in real time. Without a vehicle tracker, we would be unable to determine our
current location. The issue here is that there have been notable incidents where drivers
were given incorrect driving directions. Wrong way driving not only causes drivers to
miss their destinations, but it can also put them in danger. It is simple for users to
pinpoint their whereabouts using the vehicle tracker smartphone application, particularly
when there is a car to meet on the road.

Vehicle tracking systems are widely employed in fleet management and asset
tracking applications in today’s generations. The bulk of public transportation systems,
such as buses, taxis, cabs and vehicles, have integrated these apps. The deployment of
this software could aid in the prevention and reduction of vehicular crime in our country,
providing peace of mind and improving safety for their loved ones. Majority of mobile
users are still dissatisfied of the tracking application.

Some of the issues that the users may encounter when it comes to location
tracking are inaccurate location data, most apps or devices work with some degree of
mistake that leads to a lot of tracking inaccuracies, especially when real time tracking is
required. Another issue is that when a vehicle travels quickly in an area densely forested
with trees and buildings, the signal is obstructed. One interesting method is to use
vehicle tracking applications. Vehicle tracking has a wide range of applications. Most
traffic cameras system provide footage with the low image resolution. Differentiating one
thing and another in many situations while tracking many objects is challenging due to
their similarity. We present a method for tracking multiple objects, where the objects are
autos. We employ the kalman filter, color features, and distance between frames are
used for vehicle tracking. As a result, the method can identify and track each car
individually. The proposed kalman filter algorithm can be used in a variety of situations.

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