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Carl Lawson and William Jackson, and ef- in moving on from players who aren’t per- consistently stumbled

tently stumbled with putting the

fectively replaced them with players from forming, regardless of how much they’re finishing touches on a competitive roster.
other teams. They’ve moved on from play- being paid. The release of Moustakas over Think back to 2020 when, in response to a
ers who had years left on their deals, which the winter, despite being owed $22 million, pandemic-related dip in revenue, ownership
was something they used to never do.” was a refreshing decision. There’s no room panicked and actually downgraded the roster
The Reds were among the very last for sentimentality in professional sports. to save money. If they’d been aggressive in
teams to fully embrace analytics, and in Except where Joey Votto is concerned, of improving the team, the Reds almost cer-
many ways they still lag behind most other course. tainly would have made the playoffs in 2021.
MLB franchises. They also appear to be roll- We can also look back to the 2010 and
ing back the radical player development ef- 4. NEVER STOP TRYING TO IMPROVE ON THE 2012 division champion Reds, both good
forts instituted under Williams. He’s never MARGINS. teams with clear flaws. Instead of address-
spoken publicly about the reasons for his One of the most impressive things about ing those flaws, the Reds largely decided just
departure, but shortly after he left Cincin- the Bengals’ resurgence is how aggressively to run it back with the same players or take
nati’s minor league pitching (Boddy) and they’ve addressed weaknesses on the field. flyers on those they could get on the cheap.
hitting coordinators (CJ Gillman) resigned In March 2022, Tobin worked overtime to It didn’t end well either time.
on the same day. Both cited the fact that the improve the struggling offensive line, but You can’t build a roster on prospects
Reds were “moving in a different direction in you can see similar efforts all over the field. alone. At some point, the Castellinis will
many areas of player development.” Most of the Bengals’ roster was acquired in need to open up the checkbook again and be
If the Reds intend to build from within, the last three years. intentional about filling roster holes.
it’s imperative that they embrace cutting- Here, the Bengals have an advantage.
edge player development and not rely on They were able to exploit the fact that they 5. REBUILD THE RELATIONSHIP WITH YOUR
old-school philosophies of the past. They have a franchise quarterback on a rookie FANS.
should be aggressive in the international contract, providing additional cap space to Elizabeth Blackburn, Mike Brown’s grand-
market, and Krall should also be ruthless improve the team. But the Castellinis have daughter (and daughter of Katie and Troy),





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A P R I L 2 0 2 3 C I N C I N N AT I M A G A Z I N E . C O M 7 3

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