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Speaking Part 2 Sample Answer

Topic: “Describe an important decision that you once made.”

One of the most significant decisions I have made in my life was choosing to pursue
higher education abroad. This decision marked a turning point in my personal and
professional development, providing me with invaluable experiences and opening doors
to a world of opportunities.

At the time, I was facing a crucial crossroad, contemplating whether to continue my

studies in my home country or venture into the unknown and explore education in a
foreign land. After careful consideration, I made the bold choice to immerse myself in a
completely new environment, which I believed would broaden my horizons and push me
out of my comfort zone.

The decision-making process involved extensive research and soul-searching. I delved

into various universities and countries renowned for their academic excellence and
cultural diversity. Eventually, I settled on a prestigious university in a country known for its
strong educational system and multiculturalism. This decision required careful planning,
including obtaining scholarships, securing accommodation, and preparing for the cultural
adjustment ahead. Secondly, studying abroad provided me with access to world-class
academic resources and opportunities for hands-on learning. I was exposed to cutting-
edge research, innovative teaching methods, and state-of-the-art facilities, all of which
enhanced my academic growth and intellectual curiosity. Additionally, I had the privilege
of learning from renowned professors who mentored and inspired me, contributing to my
personal and professional development. In conclusion, the decision to pursue higher
education abroad was a defining moment in my life. It enabled me to broaden my
horizons, gain a global perspective, and develop essential skills for personal and
professional growth. It was a decision that demanded careful consideration and extensive
planning, but the rewards were immeasurable. I am grateful for the opportunities it
provided and the person it has shaped me into today.

Speaking Part 2 Sample Answer

Topic: Describe a time when you waited for a nice thing to happen.

“Well, let me recount a particularly pleasant experience when I eagerly awaited something
special. It was during my cousin’s wedding, and I was entrusted with the responsibility of
arranging the surprise guest – a renowned singer, which added a touch of grandeur to
the event.
The days leading up to the wedding were filled with anticipation and excitement. I
found myself anxiously counting down the hours until the anticipated moment unfolded.
During this period, I immersed myself in various preparations, from coordinating logistics
to ensuring the artist’s accommodation was top-notch.

As the event drew near, my heart raced with a mix of nervousness and enthusiasm. The
moment the singer stepped onto the stage was truly magical, and the entire atmosphere
was filled with a sense of awe and admiration. Witnessing the joy on my cousin’s face and
the delight of the guests made the wait entirely worthwhile. This experience taught me
the value of patience and the joy that comes with savoring a long-anticipated moment. It
was not just a celebration; it was a testament to the idea that sometimes, the best things in
life are worth waiting for.”

Speaking Part 2 Sample Answer

Topic: “Describe a time you went to a place where there were lots of people”

Well, I would like to talk about a memorable experience I had when I visited Times Square
in New York City. It was during my summer vacation last year, and I had always heard
about the vibrant atmosphere and the bustling crowd in Times Square, so I was really
excited to see it for myself.

As soon as I stepped out of the subway station and emerged onto the streets of Times
Square, I was completely awestruck by the sheer number of people around me. The
whole place was teeming with tourists, street performers, and locals going about their
daily lives. The bright neon billboards, flashing lights, and larger-than-life screens added
to the electrifying atmosphere.

Another aspect that caught my attention was the vast array of shops, restaurants, and
entertainment venues surrounding Times Square. The place seemed to offer something
for everyone. From high-end designer stores to small souvenir shops, from fancy
restaurants to street food vendors, there was an abundance of options to explore. The
tantalizing aroma of different cuisines wafting through the air made it even more
enticing. Despite the huge number of people, I felt surprisingly safe in Times Square. The
area was well-policed, and there were security personnel stationed at various points,
ensuring the safety of the visitors. This allowed me to enjoy the experience without any
Overall, my visit to Times Square was a truly exhilarating experience. The vibrant
atmosphere, the diverse crowd, the captivating street performances, and the plethora of
options for shopping and dining all contributed to making it a memorable trip. It was
fascinating to be a part of such a lively and dynamic environment, and I would definitely
recommend it to anyone looking for an unforgettable experience surrounded by lots of

Speaking Part 2 Sample Answer

Topic: “Describe a film you watched recently that you felt disappointed about”

Recently, I watched a film called “The Lost City,” and I have to admit that I was quite
disappointed with it. The film, directed by Adam McKay, was marketed as an action-
comedy with a star-studded cast, which piqued my interest.

However, as the film unfolded, I found myself increasingly let down. The storyline
lacked originality and felt predictable. The jokes and humor, which were meant to be the
film’s strong points, fell flat for me. They seemed forced and failed to elicit genuine
laughter. The comedic timing felt off, and the punchlines often missed the mark.
Moreover, the characters in the film felt one-dimensional and lacked depth. Despite
having talented actors in the cast, their performances couldn’t salvage the weak writing
and underdeveloped characters. I found it difficult to connect with any of the characters
or care about their journey.

Overall, “The Lost City” didn’t live up to my expectations. It lacked the elements that
make a film truly enjoyable and memorable. It felt like a missed opportunity to showcase
the talents of the cast and deliver a compelling story. It’s unfortunate when a film with
such potential ends up being a disappointment, and it left me wishing for a more
engaging and satisfying cinematic experience.

Speaking Part 2 Sample Answer

Topic: Describe a time when you got incorrect information

Several years ago, I encountered a situation where I received misleading information that
had a significant impact on my plans. I was planning a hiking trip in a remote
mountainous region, and a fellow adventurer, whom I considered well-versed in the area,
provided me with detailed instructions on the trail and landmarks. Trusting this
information implicitly, I embarked on the journey full of anticipation. However, as I
progressed along the trail, I realized that the landmarks described did not match the
actual surroundings.

The trail became increasingly challenging, and I started to doubt the accuracy of the
information I had received.

Eventually, I had to retrace my steps and ask locals for guidance. It turned out that the
initial information I received was outdated, and the trail had undergone changes due to
recent weather conditions and maintenance efforts. This experience taught me a valuable
lesson about the importance of verifying information, especially in dynamic environments.

From this incident, I learned the significance of cross-referencing details from multiple
sources to ensure the reliability of information. It also underscored the importance of
adaptability and preparedness when faced with unexpected challenges during travel or
exploration. In hindsight, while the situation was frustrating, it contributed to my personal
growth by fostering a more cautious and critical approach to information gathering.

Speaking Part 2 Sample Answer

Topic: Describe a time when you gave a speech to a group of people

I vividly recall the occasion when I had the privilege to address a large audience during a
community event that aimed to raise awareness about mental health. The assigned topic,
‘Breaking the Stigma: Nurturing Mental Wellbeing,’ resonated deeply with me as I had
personal experiences navigating this complex terrain. As I approached the stage, I was
acutely aware of the importance of fostering a supportive environment.

Commencing my speech, I shared a poignant personal story that underscored the

significance of destigmatizing mental health challenges. This narrative served as a bridge,
connecting me with the audience on an emotional level, fostering empathy.

To bolster my points, I seamlessly integrated relevant statistics and research findings,

emphasizing the prevalence of mental health issues in society. Drawing from both my own
encounters and broader societal observations, I articulated the need for open
conversations and community support. Employing a conversational and inclusive tone, I
encouraged the audience to share their thoughts and experiences during a dedicated
Q&A session. The ensuing dialogue not only added depth to the discourse but also
created a safe space for individuals to voice their concerns.

Throughout the speech, I maintained a dynamic presence, utilizing gestures and

expressions to underscore key messages. The use of multimedia, including impactful
visuals and thought-provoking quotes, further enriched the presentation, catering to
diverse learning styles and enhancing overall engagement.
The culmination of the speech was met with a palpable sense of connection and
empowerment. Attendees approached me afterward to express gratitude and share
their personal stories, affirming the speech's impact. The event spurred ongoing
discussions within the community, contributing to a broader shift in attitudes towards
mental health.

In retrospect, the experience reinforced my belief in the transformative power of
storytelling and community engagement. Delivering this speech not only allowed me to
contribute to a crucial societal conversation but also underscored the role of effective
communication in breaking down barriers and fostering understanding.

Sample Answer for Part 2

Topic: “Describe a time you had a problem with using a computer”

“Allow me to recount a frustrating incident when I encountered a perplexing computer

issue. **It was a moment that led to a realization abou**t the vulnerability of our
dependence on technology and the intricacies of problemsolving in the digital age.

The situation transpired during a crucial work assignment. I was engrossed in a

complex project, and the pressure was mounting as deadlines loomed. It was then that
my computer, which had been running smoothly for years, suddenly malfunctioned. The
issue was perplexing, and no amount of t**roubleshooting seemed to rectify it.**

In grappling with this computer conundrum, I hardly realized the importance of

meticulously following the problem-solving protocols. I employed various strategies,
delving into second conditional scenarios like '**If I had backed up my data earlier, this
wouldn't have been as catastrophic.'** I was faced with a dilemma of whether to attempt a
risky repair myself or seek professional help.

Amid this technological turmoil, I found myself r**eflecting on the profound vulnerability
of our digital existence.** Our lives and work are intricately entwined with computers,
making their smooth operation vital. It was then that I recalled a quote by Isaac Asimov,
who best encapsulates the idea that 'The advance of technology is based on making it fit
in so that you don't really even notice it, so it's part of everyday life.'

The issue was eventually resolved with the help of a skilled technician. Yet, the
experience left me with a newfound respect for the complexities of technology and the
philosophical notion that our digital world, while immensely convenient, is also fragile. It
made me ponder the need for contingency plans and reminded me that our relationship
with technology, like many aspects of life, demands a delicate balance.

Sample Answer for Part 2

Topic: “Describe a time when you gave advice to someone”

“I’d like to recount a particular instance when I offered guidance to a colleague that
entailed more than just practical advice. It was a complex situation, requiring a blend of
empathy, philosophical insight, and sound judgment.

My colleague was grappling with a major decision regarding a career change. The
circumstances were intricate, with financial security on one side and a burning desire for
personal fulfillment on the other. She was at a juncture where the conventional path,
though financially stable, no longer resonated with her passions and aspirations.

I told her that '**If we were to spend the majority of our lives working, why not chase
what truly ignites our souls**?' It was a moment where p**racticality and philosophical
ideas converged.**

I mentioned the words of Albert Einstein, w**ho best encapsulates the concept that
'Imagination is more important than knowledge.**' I encouraged her to envision a career
where her passions and talents aligned, and where she could make a meaningful impact.
I spoke about the notion that success isn't merely financial; it's about personal satisfaction
and contributing positively to the world.

Our conversation t**ook a deeply philosophical turn** as we discussed the concept of

happiness, purpose, and the idea that societal norms often impose limitations that hinder
our true potential. I emphasized that sometimes the most difficult choices can lead to the
most rewarding outcomes.

She was so delighted and told me that this small pep talk of mine turned her live around
and that she had a glimpse of hope for tomorrow.

Speaking Part 2 Sample Answer

Topic: Describe a crowded place you have visited

I would like to talk about a bustling and vibrant place I visited during a recent trip to
Tokyo, Japan. It was the famous Shibuya Crossing, which is often regarded as one of the
busiest pedestrian crossings in the world. This iconic location left a lasting impression on

Shibuya Crossing is located in the heart of Tokyo and is adjacent to the Shibuya train
station. I visited it on a weekend evening, and the scene was nothing short of spectacular.
As I stood there, I was surrounded by a sea of people from various walks of life, all
heading in different directions. The energy and excitement in the air were palpable.
What struck me the most was the organized chaos of the crossing. Despite the
massive crowds, everyone followed the traffic signals diligently, and there was a
remarkable absence of any chaos or confusion. It was a testament to the discipline and
orderliness of the Japanese people.

The neon lights from the surrounding buildings and advertisements illuminated the
entire area, making it a mesmerizing sight. I could see the iconic Shibuya 109 building and
numerous shops, adding to the urban charm of the place. The cacophony of people,
traffic, and voices created a unique symphony that was both overwhelming and

While standing at the Shibuya Crossing, I couldn't help but feel a sense of being a part of
something much larger than myself. It was a rare experience of witnessing the dynamism
of a modern city and its people. The diversity of individuals, from locals to tourists, added
to the richness of the experience.

In conclusion, visiting Shibuya Crossing was an unforgettable experience. The sheer

magnitude of the crowd, the blend of cultures, and the organized chaos made it a
remarkable and memorable place to visit. It's a testament to the unique and vibrant
atmosphere of Tokyo, and I would highly recommend it to anyone looking for an authentic
urban experience.

Speaking Part 2 Sample Answer

Topic: Describe an ideal house or apartment you would like to have

Well, I'd like to describe my ideal home, which would be a luxurious yet eco-friendly
house. This house would be nestled in a serene, picturesque countryside, surrounded by
lush greenery and a gentle river nearby. The architecture would blend modern comfort
with traditional charm, featuring a spacious veranda with a swing, a large garden, and a
sustainable rooftop garden for fresh produce.

Inside, I envision a well-lit, open-concept living area with large windows offering
breathtaking views. The kitchen would be equipped with state-of-the-art appliances,
and the dining area would have a long wooden table where friends and family could
gather for meals.

The bedrooms would be cozy retreats, each with an attached bathroom and walk-in
closet. The master bedroom would have a fireplace and a balcony to enjoy sunsets. There
would also be a dedicated home office with ample natural light, perfect for remote work.
Sustainability is a priority, so the house would have solar panels, rainwater harvesting,
and energy-efficient systems to minimize its carbon footprint. A smart home system
would control lighting, heating, and security for convenience and energy efficiency.

Outside, a swimming pool and a stone path through the garden would lead to a small
gazebo by the river. It's where I imagine spending tranquil evenings, listening to the sound
of flowing water.

Overall, my ideal home would be a harmonious blend of comfort, style, and

sustainability, providing a peaceful haven for me and my loved ones.

Speaking Part 2 Sample Answer

Topic: Describe a beautiful city

I'd like to talk about Venice, Italy, which I consider one of the most beautiful cities in the
world. Venice is a captivating city built on a network of canals, with stunning architecture
that dates back centuries. The city is renowned for its unique charm and picturesque
waterways, which are lined with elegant buildings, many of which are adorned with
intricate facades and colorful frescoes. The Grand Canal, in particular, is a breathtaking
sight with its grand palaces and the famous Rialto Bridge. One can't help but be
mesmerized by the narrow, winding streets and intimate squares that make up Venice's
historic center. St. Mark's Square, with its magnificent basilica and campanile, is a true

Moreover, Venice's rich cultural heritage is on display in its museums, art galleries, and
the world-famous Biennale art exhibition. The city's gondolas and vaporettos add to its
unique character, allowing you to explore its beauty from the water. The cuisine in Venice
is equally impressive, with delicious seafood dishes and traditional Venetian cuisine to
savor in charming canalside restaurants.

All in all, Venice's enchanting beauty, rich history, and cultural significance make it a city
that truly deserves its reputation as one of the most beautiful in the world.

Speaking Part 2 Sample Answer

Topic: Describe a person with interesting ideas

"Today, I would like to talk about an individual whose innovative thinking and unique
perspective have always fascinated me. That person is my friend, Sarah. She stands out
as someone with remarkably interesting ideas in various aspects of life.
Sarah is a true visionary, and her creativity knows no bounds. One of her most
intriguing ideas is a project she initiated to combat food wastage. She firmly believes that
a significant portion of the food produced globally goes to waste, and she came up with a
brilliant concept to address this issue. She started a community-driven initiative where
people can share surplus food with those in need. Her idea not only promotes
sustainability but also brings communities closer together.

Furthermore, Sarah has an insatiable curiosity for technology and the future. She
envisions a world where technology serves to connect people rather than isolate them.
She has been actively involved in a project that uses virtual reality to bridge cultural gaps
and foster mutual understanding. Her innovative approach to using technology for
humanitarian purposes is inspiring.

What truly sets Sarah apart is her ability to find beauty and creativity in the mundane.
She often says that art is not confined to galleries but can be found in the everyday world.
She has a unique way of looking at things, from the patterns of raindrops on a
windowpane to the graffiti on city walls, and she incorporates these observations into her
photography and artwork. Her perspective encourages others to appreciate the world
around them in a whole new light. In conclusion, Sarah's remarkable ideas and creative
mindset have a profound impact on the people around her. Her innovative approach to
addressing societal challenges and her unique way of perceiving the world are truly
inspiring. I consider myself fortunate to have such an intellectually stimulating friend in
my life."

Speaking Part 2 Sample Answer

Topic: Describe a person who likes cooking for others

One person I truly admire for their passion for cooking for others is my grandmother,
Maria. She is not just a cook; she's a culinary artist who dedicates herself to creating
delicious meals to bring joy and comfort to her loved ones.

My grandmother's love for cooking has been a lifelong journey. She grew up in a small
village where food was not only a necessity but a way of bringing the community together.
She learned the art of cooking from her own mother, and over the years, she has
perfected traditional recipes that have been passed down through generations. Her
kitchen is a treasure trove of secret family recipes, and the aromas that waft from it are
nothing short of enchanting.
What makes my grandmother's cooking truly exceptional is the way she tailors her
dishes to suit each person's preferences. She has an uncanny ability to remember
everyone's favorite flavors and ingredients, and she lovingly incorporates them into her
recipes. Whether it's a spicy curry for my father, a delicate dessert for my sister, or a hearty
meal for me, she always knows how to create a culinary masterpiece that puts a smile on
our faces.

My grandmother's cooking isn't just about flavors; it's about the experience. She often
hosts family gatherings and invites friends over for special occasions. The way she
meticulously prepares and presents her dishes is nothing short of artistry. The dinner
table at her house is a place of warmth, laughter, and togetherness, where we bond over
her delectable creations.

More than the food itself, it's the love and care she pours into her cooking that make her
truly remarkable. She finds genuine joy in seeing the happiness her dishes bring to
others. Her cooking is an expression of her love, and it has created countless cherished
memories for our family.

In conclusion, my grandmother, Maria, is not just a person who enjoys cooking for
others; she's a culinary maestro who has mastered the art of using food to create
connections and share love. Her passion for cooking and the way she selflessly shares it
with our family is something I deeply admire and treasure.

Speaking Part 2 Sample Answer

Topic: Describe a person who moved into new accommodation

I'd like to talk about my close friend, Sarah, who recently made a significant move to a
new place. Sarah, a vibrant and adventurous individual, decided to relocate to a coastal
town on the east coast for a fresh start.

This decision was primarily driven by her desire to be closer to nature and escape the
hustle and bustle of city life. She found a charming beachfront cottage, nestled among
the palm trees and with a breathtaking view of the ocean. It was a picture-perfect
location, where the sound of the waves served as her daily soundtrack.

The transition to her new accommodation was not without its challenges. Sarah had to
adapt to a different pace of life, where time seemed to slow down, and where the
community was small but incredibly friendly. However, Sarah, with her warm and
outgoing personality, quickly integrated herself into the local community. She started
participating in beach clean-up initiatives, joined a local book club, and even took up
Her new accommodation became more than just a house; it became a sanctuary for
her. She often tells me how the ever-changing tides and the rhythmic crashing of the
waves have a calming effect on her. She's decorated her place with sea-inspired decor
and artwork, making it her haven of tranquility.

In conclusion, Sarah's move to her new accommo-dation has been a life-changing

experience for her. It's not just a change in location; it's a transfor-mation in her way of life.
The move has enabled her to reconnect with nature, build strong connections within her
community, and find the inner peace she had longed for. I'm inspired by her courage to
embark on this journey, and I'm thrilled to see the positive impact it has had on her.

Speaking Part 2 Sample Answer

Topic: Describe your favourite piece of clothing

One piece of clothing that I genuinely enjoy wearing is my favorite denim jacket. It's not
just an article of clothing; it's a comfort zone, an expression of my style, and a source of
countless fond memories.

This denim jacket has been a part of my wardrobe for many years, and its durability and
timeless style make it a constant go-to choice. It's a versatile garment that can be
dressed up or down, making it suitable for various occasions.

What makes this jacket special to me is the association it carries with my adventures
and experiences. It has been my trusted companion on numerous journeys, from road
trips to hiking adventures. The phrase "it's been through thick and thin with me" perfectly
captures its role as a steadfast companion during my travels.

One of the features I particularly love about this jacket is its classic design. It has a
simple, timeless elegance that pairs well with a variety of outfits. The collocations "pair it
with" and "dress it up" showcase its versatility in enhancing my overall style.

Beyond its aesthetic appeal, this jacket offers a sense of comfort and security. It's like a
familiar friend, offering warmth and protection during cool evenings or windy days. The
phrase "it's like a second skin" conveys the feeling of comfort and familiarity it provides.

Moreover, this denim jacket has a unique ability to evoke memories. Whenever I wear it,
it triggers reminiscences of past adventures and fun times with friends. It's like a
wearable scrapbook of my life's adventures.

In conclusion, my favorite denim jacket is not just a piece of clothing; it's a cherished
possession that represents my style, accompanies me on adventures, and holds
countless memories. It embodies both comfort and style, making it a beloved part of my
wardrobe. As I continue to create new memories and embark on new adventures, I know
my trusty denim jacket will be right there with me, a constant reminder of the past and a
companion for the future.

Speaking Part 2 Sample Answer

Topic: Describe an area of science that interests u

Introduction: One science subject that has always held a special place in my heart is
physics. It's a field of study that has fascinated me since my school days, and its principles
continue to intrigue me to this day.

Body: My interest in physics began in high school when I had an exceptional physics
teacher who had a gift for making complex concepts seem accessible and engaging. It
was during these classes that I first encountered the wonders of classical physics,
particularly Newton's laws of motion and the laws of thermodynamics.

One of the most captivating aspects of physics is its ability to explain the fundamental
workings of the universe. I remember being enthralled by Newton's third law of motion,
which states that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. It was a
revelation to me, as it illuminated the intricacies of everyday phenomena, from the flight
of birds to the operation of machines.

My fascination with physics deepened as I delved into thermodynamics, where I
encountered concepts like entropy and the laws governing energy transfer. The phrase
"the conservation of energy" resonated with me, emphasizing the fundamental idea that
energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transformed. This principle not only applies
to physical systems but also carries philosophical implications about the
interconnectedness of the universe. Physics also introduced me to the concept of
relativity, especially Einstein's theory of special relativity. The idea that time and space are
interconnected, and that time can be relative depending on one's position and motion,
challenged my understanding of reality. It was a moment when I realized the profound
impact that science can have on our perception of the world.

In recent years, I've continued to explore physics in my free time, reading about topics
like quantum mechanics and astrophysics. The collocations "dive into" and "explore the
depths of" perfectly capture my approach to this subject – it's like embarking on an
intellectual adventure into the unknown.

Speaking Part 2 Sample Answer

Topic: “Describe a new shop that opened in your city”

I would like to share with you an exciting new shop that recently opened in my city. It's
called "EcoWise" and it has quickly become a favorite among environmentally conscious
individuals like myself. Located in the heart of the city, EcoWise is a unique concept store
that focuses on sustainable and eco-friendly products.

One of the things that sets EcoWise apart from other shops is its commitment to
sourcing and promoting products that have a minimal impact on the environment. From
clothing made from organic and recycled materials to biodegradable cleaning products,
the shop offers a wide range of sustainable alternatives. The staff is extremely
knowledgeable about the products they sell and is always eager to provide guidance and
information to customers. What truly impressed me about EcoWise was its commitment
to community engagement and education. The shop regularly hosts workshops and
events on topics like composting, upcycling, and sustainable living. These initiatives allow
customers to learn new skills and gain a deeper understanding of the importance of
environmental sustainability. It's heartwarming to see how the shop has become a hub for
like-minded individuals to come together, share ideas, and inspire each other.

In conclusion,It's a true gem in our city and a shining example of how businesses can
contribute to creating a more sustainable future.


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