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Name: __________________________ Class: ________________

Topic 9: Making a Living.

(Close-up, p.101)

Ex 1- Match the words (1-4) and the definitions (a-d). One of the definitions will not be used.

Vocabulary Definitions
1) Adaptable (adj) a) an experienced person in a
profession who helps someone with
less experience

2) Mentor (n) b) the destruction of a ship at sea.

3) Wreck (n) c) sense of interest in something

strange or mysterious.

4) Intrigue (n) d) the act of destroying something.

e) able to adjust to new conditions.

Close-up, pg.102, ex 6 – Exam Task

Reflection Checklist

Did you manage to complete all of the steps? Tick (X)

the steps you completed while completing the Exam Tip
1) I read the complete text first to get an
overall understanding of the text.
2) I read the missing sentences and
underlined any key words.
3) I went back to the text and identified
the main topic of each paragraph.

4) I looked for similarities between the

paragraph topic and key words in the
missing sentences.
5) I tried to fill my paragraph’s missing
gap with the sentences and checked if
the paragraph still makes sense.

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