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a. Community Profile
Country: Philippines
Region: SOCCSKARGEN (Region XII)
Province: South Cotabato
Barangay: Lunen
Sitio: Sitio Tomas Espiritu
Population: 58
No. of Families: 17
No. of Households: 19
Major Source of Livelihood: Agriculture

B. Demographic Data

Number of individuals by age

40- 3% 5-
65y/o 13y/o
22% 19%

21- 21y/o
39/o 22%

As shown in the pie graph, age varies from the life cycle distribution. The
highest number is 21-39 y/o (34%); and the lowest number is 0-18months, 18-3yrs/o
and 65 y/o and above.
Number of individual by Sex


16% Female


The pie graph represent that the greatest number of individuals by sex
is female 84% which is most dominant than male with 16% individuals.



Single 43%

Married Single Widowed

As shown in pie graph of Number of individuals by population distribution by Civil

status the highest level, Single 57% ,Married 43% and widowed 0%

Educational attainment
4% college graduate
college level
highschool graduate
17% highschool level
38% elementary graduate
elementary level

The pie graph depicts the residents of Sitio Tomas Espiritu educational attainment.
The highest percentage was highschool level, equal to 37%, college level to 21%,
high school graduate and elementary level equal to 17%, and college graduate and
elementary level equal to 4%.

Family composition

Series 1

1-3members 4-6 members 7 above

Series 1

Chart above shows the family composition. As can be seen in the chart
presented above, 1-3 members has the highest number of individual in the
family Population. This only implies that majority of the family were composed
of 1-3 members.
types of CR

15% antipolo
water flush toilet
no cr

The pie graph shows that antipolo consist of 53%, water flush consist of 32% and No
cr consist of 15%.




10% Methodist


As shown in the pie graph are the rate of peoples’ religion living in the Sitio Tomas
Espiritu. The most dominant is Methodist with 77% followed by SDA 13% and then
Catholic 10%.

18% bisaya

The pie chart shows that the majority Tribe of the residence of Sitio Tomas
Espiritu is B’laan which consists of 71% followed by Bisaya which consists 18 %,
and Ilonggo which consists of 0%. This implies that the highest tribe in the sitio is




owner sharer renter tenant

The pie graph above shows that the Number of Household are Owned by the
residents with 67%, sharer with 33% and tenant 0%.

Series 1

21,000 above






0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5

Series 1

Graph above shows the average household monthly income. As can be seen in the
graph presented above, 6,000-10,000 household monthly income has the highest
frequency. This only implies that the average household monthly income in the
community were within the range of 6,000-10,000 pesos per month.

types of housing

fully cemented
14% semi concrete

The materials used to build the houses of the community members are depicted in
the chart above. Fully cemented has the highest percentage of 68%, as shown in the
graph above. Semi concrete is second with 19%, followed by the shanty with 13%
houses. This simply means that the majority of the house materials used in the
community were made of fully cemented.

Chart Title

housewife farmer driver laborer security guard teacher ofw

Series 1 Series 2 Series 3

The chart shows that the participants who identifies laborer as their occupation,
housewife has 3 farmer and ofw with and driver, security guard and teacher with 1.
Thus, the data shows that laborer as an occupation has the highest number in the

Source of Water Supply


pitcher pump

pitcher pump
The chart above shows the percentage of the source of water supply in Sitio Tomas ESpiritu.
100% of the community members are using a pitcher pump, and 0% are using a well. All in
all, majority of the population is using a pitcher pump as their source of water system.


The graph above shows the distribution of the Top 3 Community Problems and
needs identified during thehouse to house survey. As shown on the graph presented above,
the Insufficient Supply of Water has the highest vote of 9 followed by poor condition of road
with 5 votes. On the other hand, no stable income has 4 votes, this implies that the Top 1
identified problem of Sitio Tomas Espiritu is the Insufficient Supply of water as identified by
the community.

Compromised Resource inefficiency


Physical water


Water pollution Increased demand

Attitudinal Resource management


Difficult to
release products

Increase of
transportation Vehicle accident


Lack of budget Secluded place

Lack of Flashflood
Community Survey Form

Head of the Household: ___________________________________________

Address: _________________________________ Civil Status: ________Age: _____
Gender: __________ Religion: __________Tribe: ___________ Highest Educational Attainment:
_______________ Occupation: _____________ Monthly Income: ___________ Skills:
Types of Housing: Fully Cemented: _____ Shanty: ______ Semi concrete: _______
Renter: _____ Sharer: _______ Owner: _______ Tenant: ______
Source of Water: Faucet: ____ Pitcher Pump: _______ Well: _______
Source of Electricity: Solar: ______
Types of CR: Antipolo: _____ Water Flush Toilet: _____ No CR: ______
Family Composition

Name Age Sex Civil Educational Occupation Monthly Skills

Status Attainment Income

Presented Problem (community):



Suggested Action Plan (solution):



Resources (internal and external):


The spot map depicts the present status in Sitio Tomas Espiritu, Brgy. Lunen,
Tupi, South Cotabato. Here, you can see the different houses, a corn dryer for
shelled corn, and a plaza where people gather. The map also features a church,
symbolizing the development interventions introduced to the people of Sitio
Tomas Espiritu
The resource map depicts the present status of natural resources in Sitio
Tomas Espiritu, Brgy. Lunen, Tupi, South Cotabato. It showcases the various
livelihoods of the people, including fruit-bearing trees such as lubi(coconut),
kamoteng dahon (sweet potato leaves), saging (banana), and mais (corn).
Additionally, the map highlights four water pumps crucial for the
community's water supply. They also have a wide physical space like a
garden full of kamoteng dahon (sweet potato leaves), along with three fish
ponds containing different fish. Some of them sell a walis Tambo (broom)
obtained from the branches of coconut trees. According to the residents,
coconuts and corn serve as their primary sources of livelihood. The map
also features a church, symbolizing the development interventions
introduced to the people of Sitio Tomas Espiritu.

Sitio Tomas Espiritu Brgy. Lunen, Tupi South Cotabato

Sitio Tomas Espiritu was the first

sitio in Brgy. Lunen
Purok Saboy was divided before 1974
and become a Sitio Tomas The church was created
Only Masalon family was the The number of household
first who build a house increased
People in gthe Sitio are Blaan,
Their children start going to Ilocano, Bisaya and Ilonggo
school by walking
They only have one pitcher
They start planting coconut trees,
banana and corn
1980 They put up sari-sari store for the
first time in their community
They already have electricity to They have dryer to use for drying
use, because before they only corn and others
use sack and melt it just to have
2018 Another pitcher pump and now
Most of their houses are cement they have 2 pitcher pump to use
and some of their child are now
Their community was peaceful to
We can say that there is
improvement except their roads

The illustration shows the history of Sitio Tomas it was a first sitio in Barangay
Lunen. During 1974 only one house in this sitio was build owned by Masalon family.
Until time goes by the houses in this community slowly increase. The people in this
sitio are illonggos, bisaya, bla an and cebuano. They only get resources by planting
corn, banana and coconut to have income and sustain their daily needs. They dont
have electricy and enough water to used before but there are still way on how they
can overcome this problem like melting some sacks to have light and so on. Until
year 2015 they have an electricity to use and another pitcher pump. Probably now
despite their style of living and the problem arised on their community they survive
and still have a peaceful life.
During rainy seasons or wet seasons people in Sitio Tomas Espiritu take this
opportunity to plant banana, corn and coconut as their source of income. Also, they are
harvesting corn during these season.
During dry seasons or summer seasons they are harvesting banana and cococnut.
They are also planting again of corn and banana and sell it.

Planting of corn,
cococnut and banana

Planting of Corn MARCH

Harvesting of corn APRIL

Harvesting of Cococnut MAY

Planting of coconut and



AUGUST Planting again of corn

SEPTEMBER Church Feast

OCOBER Planting banana

Celebrating Christmas DECEMBER

The seasonal calendar as a visual method that we used shows and identify
the dry and wet season. During dry season they planting corns and banana
repeatedly and after 2-3 months they harvest it. They also dry the corn before to sell
and deliver some kind of it. They alos preparing for the rainy season that makes
there plants grow healty to be able for them to have a good profit. In rainy or wet
season people in their community was starting to harvest the coconut and banana
and plant again. They just repeatedly do the same process and the time frame to be
able them to plant and harvest the resources that they have in their commnunity.
Therefore, in this illustration shows how rich and abundantly in crop the sitio are.
That helps them to provide the needs of their family and survive in every day.
1. They possess certain Living far from the barangay The community is When one gets
qualities that contribute creates challenges in lucky to have plenty very drunk and
to a warm and accessing services, of natural resources starts causing
welcoming environment, attending meetings/events, that help them earn trouble in the
tehy arevery and connecting with others. money neighborhood
Accommodating, It requires extra effort to stay
understanding and engaged and connected with
considerate of the needs the larger community
and preferences of its
2. People in the The bumpy road conditions These resources Lack of water
community are willing to make commuting provide opportunities supply
make adjustments and uncomfortable and time- for financial stability
create an inclusive space consuming for residents. It and growth
where everyone feels poses risks, such as vehicle
comfortable. damage and delays in
They willingly offer reaching
assistance, guidance, destinations.Moreover,
and expertise whenever expensive transportation
someone is in need. fares strain residents' limited
finances, making it
challenging to afford regular
trips to the barangay.
3. Approachable nature This limits access to It is made up of When there is
of each community essential services, family members and heavily rain it
members fosters a sense education, healthcare, and relatives, creating a cause the floods
of belonging and social interactions, impacting close and supportive to flow within the
encourages active their overall quality of life. environment. communiuty
The SWOT analysis reveals that the community has strengths such as being
welcoming, accommodating, and caring towards each other. However, their
weaknesses include living far from essential services, having bumpy roads, and
limited water supply. Despite these challenges, the community has opportunities for
financial stability and growth through their natural resources. However, they face
threats from disruptive behavior that can harm the peace and harmony of the
community. To address these challenges, the community could explore alternative
transportation options, advocate for road improvements, find ways to increase
access to water, and work together to address disruptive behavior. By doing so, they
can continue to foster a supportive and inclusive environment for all members.

SOCIAL The people in Sitio Thomas Espiritu, Barangay Lunen, Tupi, South
Cotabato, are really friendly and easy to talk to. Even though they
are busy with their work, they took the time to welcome us and tell
us about their community. The wives of many men there help with
their work, and all the kids go to school. They are sociable with
smiles on their faces and laughter in the air, even when they are
tired. It's heartwarming to see them gather together to share meals
as a community, strengthening their relationships.
POLITICAL The people in Sitio Tomas feel that the past politicians didn't do a
good job in solving their problems, like fixing the road and ensuring
safety. It seemed like they only helped people who is close to them
For example, when giving out government projects or aid, like relief
goods, they only gave it to people they knew. The community hopes
that the new barangay officials will listen to their concerns and
actually do something to fix the problems in their community.The
residents of Sitio Tomas are eager for the new barangay officials to
bring positive change and address their needs. They believe that
with the right leaders in place, their community can thrive and
overcome the challenges they face.
ECONOMIC In the community, most houses are concrete some are half cement
and some are made of wood. Each house has thier own comfort
room and they share with the 4 pitcher pump in the neighborhood.
Everyone has a way to make money. Most of them work for people
by harvesting and peeling coconuts. Some families grow corn, while
others grow bananas. A few community members use coconut
leaves to make brooms called "walis ting-ting" and sell them in the
barangay. Their different ways of earning income contribute to the
community's economy and livelihood.
CULTURAL The community is a diverse mix of ethnicities, cultures, and beliefs.
There are 40 Blaan, 10 Bisaya, 7 Ilonggo, and 2 Tboli individuals in
their community. The majority of the community members are Blaan,
who have rituals for various aspects of their lives, including farm
planting, harvesting, and post-harvest practices. They also have
their own leader, separate from the sitio leader, who represents their
voice in decision-making and problem-solving. Among the
community, many Bisaya individuals are married to local families,
and over time, they have gradually adopted the beliefs and practices
of their spouses. Additionally, there are Ilonggo community
members known for their warm hospitality and friendliness, even
though they may have a naturally high-pitched voice, which is
normal for them. Lastly, there are also two Tboli individuals, who
bring their unique traditions and customs to the community,
enriching its cultural diversity.
SPIRITUAL The United Methodist Church is the only church in the community,
and most people believe in its teachings. The church emphasizes
the importance of putting faith into action by doing good and
avoiding harm. They believe in the Holy Trinity, which is God as the
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and in the birth, death, and resurrection
of Jesus. These beliefs are shared with other Christians. The
church's teachings revolve around the three simple rules of doing no
harm, doing good, and staying in love with God. Through these
teachings, the United Methodist Church in the community seeks to
promote a sense of community and encourage individuals to live out
their faith in practical ways.
ENVIRONMENT Sitio Thomas espiritu, tupi, South cotabato is 3 hectares. The area is
full of different plants such as coconut, corn and bananas.The road
are bumpy and there are parts that are muddy, but when it comes to
the people in the community, they are filled with peace and joy.
Everyone supports and looks out for one another, showing care and
kindness. They also prioritize taking care of nature and their plants,
ensuring they thrive. Additionally, they responsibly dispose of waste,
contributing to a clean and healthy environment.
GENDER Sitio Tomas Espiritu has a total population of 58 individuals. Among
them, there are 34 males and 24 females, making for a fairly
balanced gender distribution.
Sitio Tomas Espiritu, most of the men are busy working in the fields.
They do things like picking coconuts, removing the outer layer, and
turning them into copra. Some men also take care of animals like
cows, goats, and chickens. They make sure the animals have food
and water and are healthy. Some men are busy planting corn, while
others are harvesting it. The women in the community have different
tasks. They take care of the children and make sure they are safe
and happy. They also clean and organize their homes when the
children go to school. In their free time, they help their husbands by
carrying coconuts from the trees. The women are also skilled at
making brooms called "walis ting-ting" from the leaves of the
coconut tree. They sell these brooms to earn money to help thier
TECHNOLOGY The people in Sitio Tomas are keeping up with the rest of the
barangay in terms of technology. Many of them own their own
cellphones, which allow them to stay connected with others.
Students in the community have laptops or tablets, enabling them to
access educational resources and enhance their learning.
Additionally, most households have access to cables, ensuring that
they can enjoy various forms of entertainment and stay connected
to the digital world.In addition to the basic amenities, the community
in Sitio Tomas Espiritu also has access to a piso WiFi or an Internet
connection through a vending machine. This allows them to connect
to the internet and stay connected with the rest of the world. The
availability of this service enables the residents to access
information, communicate with others, and explore various online
resources. It opens up opportunities for learning, entertainment, and
staying updated with current events, contributing to their overall
connectivity and access to the digital world.

Sitio Tomas Espiritu, located in Barangay Lunen, Tupi, South Cotabato, is a

community characterized by its friendly and sociable residents. They are welcoming
and easy to talk to, always willing to lend a helping hand and create a warm
atmosphere. The community is diverse, with different ethnicities and cultures
coexisting harmoniously. They have a strong sense of unity and support for one
another, evident in their shared meals and laughter-filled gatherings. Despite facing
challenges such as a bumpy road, limited water supply, and past political
disappointments, the community remains hopeful for positive change and looks
forward to new leaders addressing their needs.
They make a living through various means, such as coconut harvesting,
farming, and handicraft-making of "walis ting-ting", contributing to the local economy.
The community values their natural resources and takes care of the environment,
disposing of waste responsibly. They have a strong spiritual foundation, with the
United Methodist Church playing a central role in their beliefs and teachings.
Technology has also made its way into the community, with access to piso WiFi and
personal devices, allowing them to stay connected and access information. Overall,
Sitio Tomas Espiritu is a vibrant and resilient community, where social connections,
cultural diversity, and a strong sense of togetherness thrive.


5:00- Preparing Preparing for Preparing for Preparing Preparing
6:00 for breakfast breakfast for for
am breakfast breakfast
6:00- Taking care Taking care Taking care of Taking care
Taking Preparing Preparin
6:20 of their of their their children of their
care of for g for
am children children going to children
their breakfast breakfas
going to going to school going to
children t
school school schoolgoing to
6:30- Taking their Taking their Taking their Taking their Taking Looking for Doing
7:00 children to children to children to children to their vegetable househo
am school school school school children to ld
school chores
7:00- Doing Doing Doing Doing Doing Doing Doing
8:00 household household household household household household househo
am chores Magtali ng chores Magtali chores chores chores ld
Magtali ng hayop ng hayop Magtali ng Magtali ng Magtali ng chores
hayop chores hayop hayop hayop Magtali
8:00- Doing Chatting with Chatting with Chatting Chatting Chatting Attend
11:0 laundry their their with their with their with their Sunday
0am Air dying of neighboors neighboor neighboors neighboor neighboor mass
clothes Looking for Looking
Chatting vegetable for
with their vegetabl
neighboors e
11:0 Preparing Preparing Preparing their Preparing Preparing Preparing Preparin
0- their lunch their lunch lunch their lunch their lunch their lunch g their
12:0 lunch
1:00- Nap time Nap time Nap time Nap time Nap time Nap time Nap
2:00 rest rest rest rest rest rest time
pm rest
2:00- Fetch their Fetch their Fetch their Fetch their Fetch their Fetch their Fetch
3:00 animals to animals to animals to animals to animals to animals to their
pm their farm their farm their farm their farm their farm their farm animals
to their
3:00- Picked their Fetch their Fetch their Fetch their Fetch their Looking for Looking
4:00 dry clothes children from children from children children vegetable for
pm Fetch their school school from school from vegetabl
children school e
from school
4:00- Preparing Preparing for Preparing for Preparing Preparing Preparing Preparin
5:00 for dinner dinner dinner for dinner for dinner for dinner g for
pm dinner
5:00- Arrival of Arrival of the Arrival of the Arrival of Arrival of Arrival of Watchin
6:00 the workers workers from workers from the workers the the workers g tv
pm from their their work their work from their workers from their
work work from their work
6:00- Watching tv Watching tv Watching tv Watching tv Watching Watching tv Watchin
8:00 tv g tv
9:00 Sleep Sleep Sleep Sleep Sleep Sleep Sleep
pm- Rest Rest Rest Rest Rest Rest Rest
2:00- Workers Workers Workers woke Workers Workers Workers Sleep
4:00 woke up woke up up early for woke up woke up woke up Rest
am early for early for their their work early for early for early for
their work work their work their work their work

The table shows the 24/7 daily chart of Sitio Tomas Espiritu. It shows that
from Monday to Sunday and and 6:00am to 4:00am they have the same activities
and repeatedly with the same routine as a community people with the Sitio. This is
also because they are not far from each other and they can actually easy to get
along with each other. This shows that having a healthy community people can
contribute to a healthy attitude towards each other and can help in having a peace
and harmonious environment.



 Community Suppport  Lack of water supply

 Good leadership that helps the  Lack in financial aspect
community in achieving their  Lack of participation
goals  Lack of brgy. support
 Unity towards in their community

The table above shows the driving and restraining forces of Sitio Tomas Espiritu.
Driving Forces are Community support, Good leadership that helps the community in
achieving their goals and unity towards their community and the restraining forces
are Lack of water supply, Lack in financial aspect, Lack of participation and Lack of
Barangay support.


● Maintaining the peace and order of ● Promotes community well-being.

the community
●can bring positive change and
● Implementing curfew hours, growth for the community
improving community in doing those
● addressing health and community
project well.
●The first responders in any calamities
●Providing essential health care to the
or events
●Accessible reading center for the community


● providing spiritual support ● Identifying and accessing
● Promoting moral values and resources within and outside the
ethics community.

● fostering a sense of peace, hope, ● participating in community

and resilience within the community activities and events

●. They play a powerful role in ●Bringing their own skills,

shaping attitudes, opinions, and networks, and influence to support
behaviors because their members community goals.
trust them
These stakeholders form a diverse and interconnected network that
contributes to the well-being and development of the community. It's important
to recognize and appreciate the roles they play in creating a harmonious and
thriving environment; these stakeholders play vital roles in creating a safe,
healthy, and connected community.

Venn Diagram




The illustration above shows how these institutions affects the community people
within Tomas Espiritu. Also, show how bhw really close to the community, the
church, pastors, and purok leaders. However, such as brgy. Hall, school, LGU,
hospitals and barangay health center really far from the community and to the

The proponents were assigned at a community in Sitio Tomas to
identify the problems and challenges that the community is facing. The social
work student went to Sitio Tomas to conduct community organizing last
November 30, 2023. Based on interviews, observation and evaluation were able
to gather data. As we enter in the community we try to approach first the
Barangay Captain to get their approval to conduct the said task.
They are accomodating and very hospitable. They help us to drive
right away in the exact sitio safely. We try to act as a strong and confident
community organizer to gather data using the assigned tools. To gather around
for us to have an easy interview for them. And we introduced ourselves for the
formalities and get that opportunity to conduct the FGD. And as we leave the
community they make sure to us that we are always welcome to comeback

Sitio Tomas Espiritu is located in Brgy. Lulen, Tupi, South Cotabato. It
was known and called as "KALFISUT" which in B'laan means balimbing fruit but,
after a long time it was identified as Sitio Tomas Espiritu which is from the name
of the owner of said sitio. The tribes of the people are B'LAAN tribe which has
nineteen (19) households, seventeen (17) families and fifty eight (58) population.
Based on what we noticed when visiting their site, we found out that their
population is small because they are quite far from the town center. Before
starting the activity, we talked and made friends with each individual there so it
was the beginning of our interaction that will help our purpose in their site, to
interview and observe in their place.
In the middle of our conversation, we started asking questions about
some of the problems that exist in their site that affect their daily lives. We found
out that this is about the lack of their water (drinking) which is still taken from their
other barangay/sitio. Other than that, the water they use for washing, cleaning or
bathing comes from the nearby spring in their area.
Abraham Maslow's Theory Heirarchy of Needs is the one that conforms
to the people of Sitio Tomas Espiritu where it is stated in that theory that one of
the human needs is water.
If action is not taken or attention is paid to the problem facing their sitio,
they will still have difficulty in getting water from the other barrio and the suffering
will continue which can also cause them to get sick or have issues regarding their
health due to the lack of clean water.

Goal: To provide a water tank in the community of Sito Tomas to have a clean
and safe water to drink by the end of March 25, 2023.
Specific Objectives Measurable Attainable Realistic Time-bounded
To be able to collect The Gather Community January 1-28,
recyclable materials community community people should 2024 (8:00am to
to be used in people people help to be participative 3:00pm)
creating recycled encourage to recycle and make and active
products and create create a a product. throught the
unity by recycled process.
encouraging products to
members of the sell.
community to be
one in creating
recycled products to
maximize the
production of
recycled products.
To be able to market To have a Orient and let Purchase the February 3-20,
the recycled profit with the them understand product and 2024 (8:00am to
products and used recycled the project and start visiting the 4:00pm)
the money to buy products for be motivated area where the
the needed water project fund. about it. water tank be
tank for the installed.
To successfully Make people Help this project Plan and set February 21-
address the in the become the day to start March 1, 2024
community’s community successful and finish this (7:00am to
problem regarding easily to use together with the project. 4:00pm)
water sources by water and community
installing a water stop people
tank in a place purchasing or
where the members buying it
of the community outside the
can access easily. community.
I. Project Information
A. Project Title: Water Tank installation
B. Theme: To provide a clean water supply for the community people.
C. Time Frame: The installation timeframe for community water tank
depends on various factors, including project scope,
size, and local regulations. The estimated timeframe
of this project is January to march (3) months
D. Beneficiaries: The beneficiaries of a community water tank
Installation project are the local residents in the area
of Sitio Tomas Espiritu.
E. Location: Sitio Tomas Espiritu, Barangay Lunen, Tupi, South
F. Budget: The estimated budget for this project is around 50.000
thousand pesos.
G. Proponent: Local Government Unit and community organization with
the partnership between stakeholders

II. Rationale
The residents in the community of Sitio Tomas have been experiencing
struggles regarding their source of drinking water. Based on the proponent’s
observation, interviews and evaluation of the community, we have gathered
necessary data on the resident’s occupation, problems and need.
The proposed project is the water tank to install in their community as
a solution that could be help in children, families and the community in
general to lessen their burden in terms of their source of water. Although there
are few pitcher pump available but it’s not safe to drink. This gives an idea on
tye severity of the issue and how important it is to provide water resources
since it is essential to the community.
Additionally, it is also equally important to practice the use of recycling
and reusing products to enhance resourcefulness of one's individuality.
Hence, the proponents have come up with the idea of creating products that
are specifically recycled which will then be sold to people and also do
solicitation to earn for project funds that eventually result in a successful
installation of water tank in the community.
In general, the project is aimed to have enough water supply and safe
drinking water. To ensure a long amd healthy life by preventing and controlling
diseases. And also, to imporove the quality and access to a clean water for
every family in the community.

The group aims to achieve the following objectives:

General Objectives
1. To apply the subject’s lessons through actual application by
engaging in the real world particularly to the needy communities.
2. To develop leadership skills by participating and facilitating in the
promotion of humane humanity.
3. To understand the importance of being a community organizer
Specific Objectives
1. To be able to collect recyclable materials to be used in creating
recycled products and create unity by encouraging members of the
community to be one in creating recycled products to maximize the
production of recycled products.
2. To be able to market the recycled products and used the money to
buy the needed water tank for the community.
3. To successfully address the community’s problem regarding water
sources by installing a water tank in a place where the members of the
community can access easily.

III. Project Description/Design

The proposed project is the installation of a water tank. To address the
deficiency of water resources in the community, the proponents planned on
generating funds through solicitations and collecting recyclable materials and
transforming it to recycled products and selling these products to the market. The
project would be implemented by distributing first the solicitation to sponsors,
followed by the collection of recyclable materials from the students and transforming
it to marketable recycled products such as drawstring, bracelets, head turbans and
wallet. When all the distributed solicitations are collected.
The scope and limitation is within the assigned community. Through this
project people in the community will benefits to have a drinking water supply. It is
also guaranteed that every resident has a clean water to drink and use instead of
purchasing it outside the community. Together with the donations, earned from
recycled products and with the barangay stakeholder it would not impossible to have
this project implemented. It is very important also to continuously remind ourselves
to drink water all the time.

IV. Implementation Plan

Time indicator/
Objective Activities agency Remarks
frame Expected

We recognize
To encourage BSSW People in the
people in the Orientation Students January – community will be importance of
community to about the Barangay 1-2, 2024 encourage to
participate and project officials participate and channels of
help with this proposal of People in help in water tank
n with local
proposed water tank the installation project authorities,
project installation community
and residents
in their throughout
the project

Creating People will be able Through the

recycled BSSW to earned and strategic and
To earned a products to Students January 5- raised funds. comprehensiv
funds for the sell and do People in February e process of
project solicitation the 5, 2024 choosing a
s community skilled
especially contractor,
the youths our goal is to
ensure that
phase is
that project
deadlines are
met, and that
the finished
meets our

To install the Helping Barangay Febuary Community water By applying

water tank each other officials 12- March tank are installed these
successfully in any BSSW 1, 2024 approaches
aspect of Students to conduct a
this People in comprehensiv
proposed the e assessment
project. community of the target
area, we
hope to
create a

V. Detailed Budgetary Requirements

Particulars Unit Quantity Unit Total Source

Pressure tank Per 1 5,000 5,000 Government Funding/
item Community Contributions
Solicitations funds
Pressure switch Per item 2 430 860 Government Funding/
Community Contributions
Solicitations funds
Pressure gauge Per item 3 147 441 Government Funding/
Community Contributions
Solicitations funds
Check valve Per item 1 1,500 1500 Government Funding/
Community Contributions
Solicitations funds
Electric water pump Per item 1 5,000 5,000 Government Funding/
Community Contributions
Solicitations funds
Fiber Per item 2 1,500 3,000 Government Funding/
Community Contributions
Solicitations funds
Pipes Per item 10 1,200 12,000 Government Funding/
Community Contributions
Solicitations funds
Solvent cement Per item 3 104 312 Government Funding/
Community Contributions
Solicitations funds
Elbows Per item 8 45 360 Government Funding/
Community Contributions
Solicitations funds
Teflon tape Per item 10 24 240 Government Funding/
Community Contributions
Solicitations funds
Faucet Per item 6 20 120 Government Funding/
Community Contributions
Solicitations funds
Delivery fee Per 2 1,000 2,000 Government Funding/
delivey Community Contributions
Solicitations funds
Labor Per 2-3 2,000 6,000 Government Funding/
person Community Contributions
Solicitations funds
Total 34, 839

VI. Monitoring
The monitoring and strategic adjustment with the community ensures
that the water tank consistently meet their goals of having clear water drinking
efficiency and contributing to a safer and more sustainable in every family.
By clearly defining roles and responsibilities, the sitio leader will make
a monitoring team from the community people to carry out their task ensuring
the success of watar tank installation and continuous improvement based on
monitoring insights. The monitoring team will monitor the water tank weekly
and needs to report to purok leader if there are concerned about the installed
water tank.

VII. Evaluation
This aimed the evaluation process to monitor the progress of the said
project. To monitor the said possible impact to the community people
regarding the installment of water tank. Te ensure that every family has a
clear and safe water to drunk. It should be accountable to all of the people in
the community. To sustain and ensure the safety and security in the
community which is under to supervision of peace and order of the Barangay
Council. This project implementation helps the community people to address
one of their necessary problem in the community.

VIII. Recommendation
To install water tank in sitio Tomas will lessen their burdern and to have
an impact for their lives. The project helps them to have a clean and safe
water to drink and also to use for everyday. Water is at the core of sustainable
development and is critical for socio-economic development, energy and food
production, healthy ecosystems and for human survival itself. There are
various advantages to having a water tank at home, which can help to save
money on water. To pursue this project is important not also in the community
people in sitio Tomas but also for us that we have a fullfilment during this
community organizing experience.

Prepared by:


Name of Group

Noted by:

Gillian Abigail M. Robles


Approved by:


Barangay Captain

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