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Coburn 1

1499 Pacheco Way

San Luis Obispo, CA 93410

26 February 2024

Isabell Garcia
ENG 134
San Luis Obispo, CA 93410

Dear Ms. Garcia:

With my persuasive essay, I have developed ethos into my writing by establishing cr4edibility by
citing relevant and trustworthy sources, including the resources of bigger names (The Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention), and showing my knowledge and fairness in the discussion and
argument between playing violent video games and the behavior of younger children.

Developing pathos in my writing was simpler, as the topic of changing the future of younger
children by surrounding themselves with influences of violence is sensitive and emotional
towards most people. I connected with the audience’s emotions through vivid language and
relatable examples that some parents or guardians have experienced or are scared to experience

With developing logos and Kairos in my writing, I presented clear, logical arguments supporting
my facts and resources, statistics, and rational reasoning. Making the argument feel urgent and
relevant is important, tying it to current events or trends, showing why the message of children’s
behavior and playing violent video games matters now and should be changed.


Addison Coburn
Coburn 2

Addison Coburn

Professor Garcia

ENG 134

25 February 2024

Violence vs. Behavior

Violent video games have been controversial, especially concerning their potential

influence on young children's behavior. As technology continues to advance, the accessibility

and realism of these video games have gained concerns about the impact of violent content on

the impressionable minds of youngsters. Studies suggest a correlation between playing violent Commented [JR1]: Good engaging hook

video games and negative behavioral outcomes, raising questions about the long-term

consequences of such exposure during a crucial stage of cognitive and emotional development.

The impact of playing violent video games has been associated with negative behavioral

outcomes in young children with major concerns of increased aggression, both immediately after

gameplay and in the long term, and depression. These issues set the groundwork for an Commented [JR2]: I like how you lay out some of the
information in detail in your intro so the readers know what
examination of the perceived adverse effects of violent video games on the behavior of young to expect.

children, delving into the nuanced complexities that underlie this contentious issue.

Child development encompasses the intricate and dynamic process through which

infants, toddlers, and children grow physically, cognitively, emotionally, and socially. This

multifaceted journey is caused by many factors, including genetics, environment, and the quality

of interpersonal relationships. As the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) agrees

and the picture below, the early years are particularly crucial, as they lay the foundation for Commented [JR3]: This section of the sentance might
flow better stated differently, maybe like "As stated by the
CDC and illustrated in the image below ..."
Coburn 3

future well-being, “Nurturing and responsive care for the child’s body and mind is the key to

supporting healthy brain development. Positive or negative experiences can shape a child’s

development and have lifelong effects” (Child Development, Early Brain Development). Commented [JR4]: Good use of quote and citing

Georgia Department of Human Services, “Brain Development Timeline,” Better Brains for Babies, 2019

Child development and behavior are intertwined aspects that collectively shape the

trajectory of a young individual's life, from infancy through adolescence, children undergo

profound transformations across various domains, significantly being influenced by various

external factors and the impact of playing violent video games is a topic of concern. Exposure to

graphic and aggressive content in these games can contribute to negative behavioral influences

on children. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention suggests that, “prolonged

engagement with violent video games may be associated with increased aggression,

desensitization to violence, and a potential desensitization to the consequences of aggressive

actions” (Child Development, Specific Conditions). The interactive nature of these games and

the immersive experiences they offer can shape a child’s perception and reactions, affecting their

social interactions and emotional regulation. While it is essential to consider individual

Coburn 4

differences and other environmental factors, monitoring and regulating a child’s exposure to

violent video games can be crucial in promoting a healthier developmental environment and

mitigating potential adverse behavioral consequences. Commented [JR5]: I like that you brought up the point of
monitoring chidren as they play videogames, as it offers a
sort of controlling factor.
The relationship between playing violent video games and aggression in young children

has been a subject of extensive research, with findings of association. Engaging in these games,

characterized by intense and explicit content, can contribute to heightened aggressive tendencies

in children. The main goal of playing violent video games is to seriously harm other game

characters. In fact, some modern video games involve highly realistic depictions of human injury

and death. Moreover, many violent video games are played from a first-person perspective. Commented [JR6]: Maybe try to expand this point more

Abundant research has shown that playing violent video games increases aggressive behavior,

“Although some studies failed to find a link between violent video game play and aggression,

two recent meta-analyses (Anderson, Greitemeyer and Muggee, 239) showed that playing violent

video games significantly increases the accessibility of aggressive thoughts, hostile affect, and

aggressive behavior and that these effects are consistently found in experimental, cross-sectional,

and longitudinal studies” (Greitemeyer, 19). These violent games often reward aggressive Commented [JR7]: Great quote

actions, creating a reinforcement loop that may impact real-world behavior. The cathartic release

of pent-up emotions through virtual aggressiveness may also translate into increased aggression

in actual social interactions. The degrees of violence of video games are not the only variable

taken into acceptance risk factor, also the amount of playing plays a part in the correlation with

the measures of aggression in childhood and adolescence, “More hours per week of video game

playing were correlation with measures of aggression. Usually, children who prefer violent video

games are likely to play video games for more hours than children who play non-violent video

games” (Kuntsche, 220). There are also studies that fail to find whether prosocial video games Commented [JR8]: this is a good quote as it brings up a
very important point.
increase help or that violent video games increase aggression. Unsworth, Devilly, and Ward
Coburn 5

believes that these video game play decreases aggression, “video game experiments often suffer

from poorly matched video games, in that games that are employed in a neutral condition differ

from the games in the violent or prosocial condition on a variety of variables other that violent or

prosocial content. This compromises that ability to isolate the violence or prosocial variable,

introduce confounded, and thus, threatens the construct experimental videogames research”

(Unsworth G, Devilly G, Ward T, 203). However, it is crucial to acknowledge the variability of

individual responses, as not all children who play these games exhibit heightened aggression.

Factors such as parenting styles, overall family environment, and the presence of positive role

models can influence the impact of these games on a child’s behavior. Nonetheless, monitoring

and understanding the potential link between playing violent video games and aggression in

young children remains imperative for parents, educators, policymakers, and the children

themselves. Commented [JR9]: I like this entire section and the

counterclaims that you brought up

The potential link between playing violent video games and adverse psychological

outcomes, such as depression and sadism, has been a subject of scrutiny in research studies.

While a direct causal relationship is complex and multifactored, some studies suggest that

prolonged exposure to violent content in video games may contribute to negative mental health

outcomes in young children. Sadism and depression can be characterized as deriving pleasure

from being responsible for others’ experiences of pain. The present research aims to document a

link between the amount of violent video game exposure and everyday sadism, “because

everyday sadism is related to trait aggression, I also examined whether the proposed link

between violent video game exposure and everyday sadism would hold when controlling for the

impact of trait aggression” (Greitemeyer, 20). The immersive nature of these games, combined

with graphic depictions of violence, defectivities children to real-world consequences foster a

distorted perception of reality. Constant exposure to aggression and brutality can impact a child’s
Coburn 6

emotional well-being, potentially leading to symptoms of depression. Greitemeyer reasoned that,

“everyday sadists are drawn to violent videogames because killing game characters might be an

opportunity to satisfy their need for cruelty. In fact, results revealed a positive link between

everyday sadism and the amount of violent video game exposure: (Greitemeyer, 23). Moreover,

the reward systems in violent video games, where success often involve aggressive actions,

might inadvertently cont5ribute to the reinforcement of sadistic tendencies. Regulating a child’s

exposure may be essential in mitigating potential risks to their mental health and well-being.

In conclusion, the relationship between young children’s behavior and playing violent

video games is a nuanced and complex issue. Exposure to graphic content and negative

behavioral outcomes, including increased aggression and impacts on their mental health has a

potential association with young children. Striking a balance between acknowledging potential

risks and understanding the factors at play is essential and being responsible mentoring of a

child’s gaming habits, fostering open communication, and creating a supportive environment can

contribute to a healthier development path.

Works Cited:
Coburn 7

Tobias, Greitemeyer. “Do Games Affect Social Outcomes: A Meta-Analytic Review of the

Effects of Violent Prosocial Video Game Play.” Sage Journals, 23 January 2014,, Accessed 19 February 2024

Tobias, Greitemeyer. “Everyday sadism predicts violent video game preferences.”, Science

Direct, March 2015,,

Accessed 23 February 2024

Craig, Anderson. “Violent Video Games: Specific Effects of Violent Content on Aggressive

Thoughts and Behavior.” Science Direct, 2004,, Accessed 25

February 2024

Centers for Disease Control and Pr4evention (CDC). “Childhood Development Basics.” U.S

Department of Health & Human Resources, 23 February 2023,, Accessed 25 February 2024

Final Reflection: For one of my process's artifacts, this writing shows progress towards pression Commented [JR10]: Over I think that you did a very good
job with this essay, you made a clear argument and cited
towards EO3 by recognizing the writing is necessary to the discovery, development, and relevant studies and data. It flowed well and was easy to
follow. I do with that there was maybe one or two more
counter arguments, I think that would make your argument
clarification. While analyzing and figuring out my topic as well as studies and research to back even more sound. Overall very good job on this Essay.

my claims, it was necessary to discover experiences and experiments that have been made to
Coburn 8

thoroughly explain my reasoning and argument, using ethos, pathos, and logos to develop this

argument and clarifying my claims, using descriptive detailing, research and resources and

strong language. Some of the writing techniques I used during this argument were focusing on

my argument, analyzing valuable information and details, and using effective and responsible

research to back up my claim, as well as including the counterargument. When working on a

persuasive essay, writers employ various techniques to effectively convey their message and

persuade their audience using a clear thesis statement, logical reasonings, emotional appeals, and

using credible sources. Within my essay, I feel like I have successfully used all these techniques

to further my writing skills and prove my argument. The strongest part of my final draft is my

research knowledge, using those skills to find credible and valuable information and sources,

while the weakest part would be finding a way to include the counterargument better in this


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