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Loryne M.

Stem - H
“Struggle to Succes”

Good day everyone. I am pleased to meet you all and honored as the school have chosen me to
be the guest speaker for today. I know it’s been a tough journey and I’m glad that you’re all
here today moving forward to the next chapter of your life. To everyone here today,
congratulations to your success.

Graduation is one of the most awaited time of our life. It’s one of our motivation towards
success. When I was young, I’m very focus on what I wanted to be, and it is to be a Doctor. But
as I grow older, I know that the journey towards on being a Doctor wasn’t easy. Not only that,
the pressure of the people around me doubled the fear and confusion on what I want to do in
the near future. The people around me always expect me to ace everything because I am an
honor student. The thing is that, it wasn’t because of my intelligence that made me got an
higher grades but because of my determination and perseverance. I know that all of you has
suffered with anxieties and depression because of getting a lower or an average grades. Believe
me or not, I also did. I know how cliche this may sounds but your grade doesn’t define your
future. Yes, It’s an advantage in getting into a good university but grades is just a number. Your
determination and perseverance towards in reaching your goals are the Key to success.

All the pressure between the people around you, your grades and the problems and challenges
along the way isn’t a part of negativity in your life. It’s a stepping stone that God has given you
in order for you to live and to do better. Trust me I’ve been there already. I’m glad that all the
pressure paid off and here I am now, standing in front of you as a successful Alumni of the
school and most importantly, a doctor. No worries because as you guys move forward in your
life, Struggles is your constant companion. This will help you to be stronger and to be better in
Life. If you feel downhearted now the you can only dream on. But if you work hard now, then
you will realize your dream. Once again, Thank you and congratulations.

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