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Nature versus nurture, the age-old debate in psychology, delves into the

intricate interplay between genetic predispositions and environmental

influences in shaping human development. While both factors
undoubtedly contribute to the formation of our identity and behaviors,
discerning the extent of their influence remains a complex endeavor.
Reflecting on my own life experiences, I find myself inclined to believe
that approximately 60% of who I am has been shaped by nurture, with
the remaining 40% attributed to nature.

In considering the role of nature, there are certain inherent traits and
abilities that seem to have been passed down through generations in my
family. For instance, my father's athletic prowess, evident in his skill as a
basketball player, likely influenced my own sporting abilities. Although I
gravitated towards volleyball instead, I pursued the sport with passion
and dedication, participating in various teams and achieving notable
success, including winning numerous gold medals and championships.
Additionally, I attribute some of my intellectual capabilities to the
genetic inheritance from both my parents, which provided me with the
foundation to excel academically and gain admission to prestigious
educational institutions such as the University of the Philippines Los
Baños. Furthermore, I recognize that I inherited my calm demeanor and
singing talent from my mother, traits that appear to be ingrained in our
family lineage.

However, while genetics undoubtedly play a role in shaping certain

aspects of who I am, the bulk of my characteristics and behaviors can be
attributed to nurture, the environmental influences that surrounded me
throughout my upbringing. One significant aspect of nurture is evident
in my social interactions during childhood. I found myself drawn to
friendships with shy or introverted individuals, likely influenced by the
personalities of my peers and the dynamics of my social environment.
Despite my parents' outgoing nature, I developed a quieter demeanor,
possibly due to spending a significant amount of time alone during my
formative years while they were preoccupied with work. This solitude
allowed me to cultivate introspective tendencies and a preference for
peaceful environments.

Moreover, my grandmother (Lola) played an indispensable role in

shaping my values, beliefs, and social behaviors. She imparted invaluable
life lessons, instilling in me the importance of respect for elders, social
etiquette, and kindness towards others. However, not all her influences
were positive; she introduced me to gambling at a young age, a habit I
picked up from accompanying her to gambling sites in our community.
Despite its negative connotations, this experience underscores the
significant impact of familial relationships and cultural practices on
shaping behavior.

Furthermore, my grandparents instilled in me a sense of optimism and

resilience, even in the face of adversity. Witnessing my grandfather's
unwavering optimism amidst battling a severe illness left an indelible
mark on me, inspiring me to approach life's challenges with positivity
and determination. Additionally, my strong work ethic and time
management skills can be attributed to the nurturing environment of the
educational institutions I attended. Surrounded by peers who valued
diligence, perseverance, and healthy competition, I cultivated a sense of
discipline and ambition from a young age.

Moreover, my mental well-being and independence also bear the

imprint of nurturing influences. Growing up in a supportive and
nurturing household fostered a sense of stability and security,
contributing to my overall mental health and well-being. Additionally,
being taught essential life skills such as cooking, household chores, and
financial management from a young age instilled in me a sense of
independence and self-reliance.

In conclusion, while genetic inheritance undoubtedly plays a role in

shaping certain traits and abilities, the bulk of my identity and behavior
can be attributed to nurture. The nurturing influences of my
environment, including familial relationships, social interactions, cultural
practices, and educational experiences, have played a pivotal role in
shaping who I am today. By acknowledging the interplay between nature
and nurture, we gain a deeper understanding of the multifaceted forces
that shape human development and behavior, enriching our
comprehension of the complexities of the human psyche.


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