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Name: Ron Ace Jarantilla Section: 203I

Subject: PSY C101 Date: 27/01/2024

Nature vs. Nurture

Contemplating the intricate interplay between nature and nurture, I am inclined to perceive nurture as the
more influential force shaping the trajectories of our lives. From the very outset of existence, external
influences intricately mold our perspectives, values, and behaviors. My own life's narrative serves as a
poignant illustration of the transformative power embedded within environmental factors. Growing up in a
nurturing and supportive family, I was privy to the profound impact that positive influences can wield. The
encouragement to explore my interests, the guidance provided by my parents, and the plethora of
opportunities that were generously afforded to me all played pivotal roles in shaping the contours of my
character. It is in these formative years that the indelible mark of nurture becomes strikingly apparent, as
the seeds of potential are sown and cultivated in the fertile soil of a caring and supportive environment.
Conversely, individuals raised in adverse circumstances often grapple with the enduring effects of negative
experiences, further emphasizing the profound and lasting impression that nurture can leave on one's

Moreover, as I navigate through the diverse landscapes of life's journey, I am acutely aware of the
continuous role that nurture plays in shaping my evolving identity. Educational institutions, peer groups,
and societal expectations converge to contribute significantly to the ongoing development of my values and
beliefs. The influence of culture, traditions, and societal norms further underscores the paramount
significance of nurture in shaping the mosaic of our worldview. While genetics undoubtedly lay the
foundation for our biological predispositions, it is the external factors and experiences that act as the master
sculptors, refining and shaping these inherent traits into the nuanced and distinctive individual that emerges
over time. As the chapters of my life unfold, I find that it is the gentle guidance and shaping influence of a
nurturing environment that provide the scaffolding for personal growth, resilience, and overall well-being.
Thus, in acknowledging the profound importance of nurture, I am compelled to appreciate the intricate and
multifaceted ways in which a supportive environment can mold and shape the very essence of one's
existence. In essence, it is within the embrace of nurture that the symphony of life finds its melody,
resonating through the myriad moments that define our journey.

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