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Unit test 8A
1 Write sentences using the words in
0 Someone’s been in the house
because I didn’t lock the door.
I should have locked the door .
1 He’s exhausted because he
exercised too much. (ought)
He ought to have exercised less.

2 I’m angry with you because you told
her my secret. (should)
You shouldn't have told her my secret

3 I’m hungry because John didn’t buy
any food. (ought)
John ought to have bought some food.

4 Mary went to the cinema and her

mother wasn’t happy with her
Mary shouldn't have gone to the cinema.

5 Sarah needed help but she didn’t
ask me. (should)
She should have asked me.

6 Josh didn’t finish his homework

before going out, and his dad was
angry. (ought)
Josh ought to have finished his homework

7 My brother lent his car to a friend
who crashed it. (ought)
My brother ought to have kept his car. .

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There you are. It 3 must have been
(be) him then.
I’m not so sure. He wouldn’t do that
to me. He’s got an amazing bike
2 Choose the correct options. himself.
Well, then, you 4mustn´t have locked
0 That can’t / mustn’t / mightn’t be
(not lock) it in the first place. Are
Jake. He’s in America at the
you absolutely sure you locked it?
Hmm … I
1 The band must / can’t / might be 5
might have been (be) distracted
coming to England later this year,
when my phone rang – that’s a
but I’m not sure.
possibility. I guess I 6might have
2 I can’t see the man very well; it
thought (think) I’d locked it, but
can / could / must be Mr Jones.
actually I hadn’t.
3 I don’t know where Ella is. I haven’t
seen her for a week. She might /
___/6 marks
must / can’t be on holiday.
4 You must / can’t / could be
hungry. You’ve just eaten a huge Vocabulary
5 You haven’t eaten today. You 4 Complete the sentences with verbs
could / might / must be very from the box.
hungry. get ● get ● give ● go ● look ●
6 We can / might / can’t be able to put ● run ● throw
get tickets for the concert if we’re
quick. 0 She hopes to get away for
7 You must / might / could be really a break at the end of the month.
exhausted after swimming 5 km. 1 Don’t look away from the
camera. I want to see your face
___/7 marks properly.
2 She didn’t want to go
away on holiday with her parents.
3 Complete the conversation with She wanted to stay with her friends.
must have, can’t have or might have 3 How much money did that
and the correct form of the verbs in millionaire give away to
brackets. charity?
A: Who do you think stole your bike? 4 The dog tried to get
B: It 0 must have been (be) someone away from its owner, but the man
who knows the code to the lock stopped it.
because they managed to open it. 5 I can’t find my socks. Have you
A: Who knows your lock code? put them away in a drawer
B: My parents and my sister. It 1can´t somewhere?
have been (be) any of them. Why 6 The police caught the person who
would they want to steal it? had stolen my laptop. I’m glad he
A: Are you sure there isn’t anyone else didn’t run away with the
who knows the code? crime.
B: My cousin Gerard is very clever 7 Don’t throw those
with numbers. He 2might have worked papers away in the bin! I need them
(work) it out or watched me open it. for my essay.

___/7 marks

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8 She had never burgled /
vandalised / committed a crime in
5 Complete the crime words.
her life until that day.
0 There are many c r i m i n a l s in
prison these days. ___/8 marks
1 They’ve just caught the m u g g e r
who knocked Mrs Pearce down in
the street. Function
2 Be careful of p i c k p o c k e ts at
the train station. You won’t feel it 7 Complete the conversations. Write
when they take things from your one word in each gap.
bag or jacket!
3 The detective was walking round What 0happened to you? Where
the supermarket looking for have you 1 been ?
s h o p l i f t e rs. I’m 2 sorry I’m late. I
4 The v a n d a l who damaged 3
couldn't find my bag
the car was very young. after going to the gym.
5 A b u r g l a r got into the house 4
that ’s OK. Did you
through an open window. find it in the end?
Yes. Someone thought it was their
___/5 marks bag and had taken it by mistake.

6 Choose the correct options.

Keith, I’ve 5 been
0 The boy stole / robbed / waiting ages for you! Why are you
vandalised some money from his so 6 late ?
mother’s purse. I7 missed my bus.
1 Somebody stole / robbed / Sorry!
mugged the shop last night and Never mind. 8 at least
took all the new stock. you’re here now.
2 The police charged / arrested /
suspected Jim of taking the That was fun! Oh,
money. 9
hang on, where’s
3 He was convicted / arrested / my bike?
sentenced of dangerous driving. What that old 10 wreck
4 The kids who mugged / ?
vandalised / burgled the property Yes. I’d left it right here. Someone’s
are now having to repair it at the taken it.
5 He was sentenced / accused / ___/10 marks
charged to three months in prison
for his crime. Total: ___/50 marks
6 They had to pay a charge / fine /
punishment for driving too fast on
the motorway.
7 The police committed /
sentenced / charged them with

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