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COMD358 Professional Communication

Final Project

Written Report

Providing healthy and orderly environmental conditions to theater

department students

Tutku Lal Demirci


Can Doğa Patır


İdil Kamış


İrem Yavuz


Yağmur Tara Gülener


As Bilkent University students, we conducted a study that emphasizes the

importance of cleanliness.

Cleanliness is a factor that affects our daily lives, even though we may not realize it.

Of course, the importance of this cannot be limited only to daily life. For this, it is

necessary to first know the concept of cleaning well. Cleaning may be described as

all actions and efforts performed to make surroundings healthy by purifying them

from a state that may be harmful to health. Cleaning is based on the removal of

germs from the environment, particularly those that are invisible to the naked sight,

and preventing them from presenting a harm to human health.

We can explain the importance of cleanliness with various factors.

For example; Factors such as health, quality of life, productivity, environmental order,

focus, aesthetic appearance and disease prevention become important in terms of

From a health and disease prevention perspective, a clean environment reduces the

risks of disease and infection.

From a health and quality of life perspective, a clean environment makes people

more peaceful and helps one live a good life.

From Productivity perspective, a clean environment can help one to be more

productive, organized and focused.

This list goes on and on. But in short, cleanliness is a very important element in our


As we know, cleanliness is given great importance at Bilkent University. It is not

possible to see a dirty area on campus and in almost every faculty. As we know,

cleanliness is given great importance at Bilkent University. It is not possible to see a

dirty area on campus and in almost every faculty.

In fact, Bilkent University's website has a section on cleaning, where it is explained

how it is done.

“The cleanliness of our living environment has a direct impact on our health. If

cleaning activities are not done with care, existing contamination may spread to

bigger surfaces. However, even the cleaning personnel may lack cleaning

“The environment is cleaned as frequently as feasible. Items belonging to other

areas are moved to their proper locations during cleaning (in the closet, another

room, etc.) and should be cleaned once the environment has been edited. Surfaces

and flooring should be smooth. As a result, polishing and painting should be done no

later than every two years.”

“When placing all furniture and materials in the environment, extra consideration

should be given to allowing ease of cleaning. For example, gaps are left behind and

adjacent to elements that are too heavy to move; it is ideal to choose basic utensils

that can be cleaned if feasible, rather than materials that have too many surfaces

and are difficult to clean, such as blinds.”

As stated, our university actually has a very good cleaning system, but as theater

students, we face serious problems regarding cleaning. One of these problems is our

subject, our accessory room.


Our team consists of Bilkent University students. Most of our team are theater department
students, and the rest have observed our problem carefully. Our team has been trained in the
meticulousness and order of our university throughout the years of education. However, as a
result of our observations, this order is not provided in the Theater department and even this
problem has never been brought to the agenda. As a team, we believe that a healthy learning
process can be achieved with a clean and orderly environment, and we attach importance to
this. Every student should receive education under equal conditions.
We carried out our work by dividing it into parts. Theater department students did the
observation part. Our teammate Yağmur Tara Gülener took the responsibility of briefly
introducing this problem and giving people an impressive introduction. Tutku Lal Demirci
was responsible for thoroughly detailing the problem and explaining what kind of problems it
caused in our observation. İrem Yavuz explored our idea and how this solution could be
implemented. İdil Kamış detailed these ideas and observed where we could achieve through
this lesson or which elements were included in our project. Can Doğa Patır summarized our
project and explored the possible results and benefits.

The factors that are important to our team are:

1- Awareness of responsibility

2- Student health

3- Team harmony

4- Order

Our mission is to provide a healthy and orderly environment in our school, which is the right
of every student.


Why this situation creates a problem for students?

For Theatre department in Bilkent University, the main course is acting. There are many
expectancy for this course and one of them is creating a proper stage design with proper
accessory. Students divided into groups and work for scenes as real as possible to reach the
goal of psychological realism method. Therefore, they have to use every detail in the play as
writer give them. This includes glasses, books, dishes and every other detail in the scene.
Students who creates environment properly can also act properly for that scene. Also they can
get extra points for setting.

There were limited timing for creating a scene because every group have to act at least a
scene in a week. Moreover, there are times that three or four group have to work at the same
day. Therefore, each student should use their skills of time management. However, the
accessory room in the building creates a huge problem for students who are in rehearsal

The room has both a hygiene and order problem that gives students unhealthy and
unprofessional conditions.

For the health of theatre students, the accessory room creates a threat. There are mold on
almost every dishes and dirt on other props that needed to use on the stage. There are broken
and dangerous props too. Moreover, there is no such places to clean those props or dishes
before the performance. Students have to clean every mold and other stuffs that is on the
dishes in toilets. However, because there were no equipment for cleaning, some molds wont
go off.. This is a huge problem for health conditions. Acting students have to eat or drink on
the stage but because of this problem they cannot do it without thinking if they will get
poisoned or not.

This situation reflects on their acting too. In the method acting, students mind should be very
quite and they need to be at the moment. However, it is impossible when they see a mold on
their plate while they have to eat in that scene from that dish. There is an another problem that
can be caused because of this situation; students have to attend every acting class to learn
each elements in the method acting. However, if they will get poisoned because of the
unhealthy props they had to use, they cannot learn method acting step by step. Therefore, they
can fail in their main course. Some students bring their own props if the scene available for
that. However, there are other scenes that the year is far from our modern world and props
should be reflecting that year. Also there are students who stays in dormitory and cannot bring
their own props. In order to create equal terms for each student props should be clean and
health to use.

For another aspect of this situation is time management problem caused by accessory room.
The places is a mess and there is no order in it. Therefore a student cannot find the right prop
for their scene. They need to search many hours to find it. Also some students wont bring
their props after the performance. This creates a complex reharsalprocess especially for
timing. As it mentioned in the first paragraph each group have to perform at least one scene
in a week. Which means they sometimes can work same day. Because they needed to use
decor and other stuff that is needed for scene they had to work on MSSF. However, there are
limited places in the building and because of that each group had to work efficiently in a
limited time. But finding the right props takes too much effort and time for students because
there is no order in that room. Therefore, they cannot spend time for their acting as they
should do, instead they spend their all effort for staging. The expectation for this course is
make a proper performances to show what they learn from classes. But for in the case that
mentioned, how an acting student work without right props or enough time to work on their
acting? Therefore it is very important to create an order for accessory room in Theatre

What is our solution?

We decided that the smart washing machine would be the most practical solution to our
problem. Theater organizations and especially our faculty should have a practical costume
cleaning option thanks to portable washing machines' small size and effortless mobility.
Creating a laundry room makes things easy and guarantees that costumes can be cleaned
quickly after every use. This degree of accessibility is essential for keeping a continuous state
of readiness and handling short times between performances. Time is of the importance in the
fast-paced world of theater. Theater students may quickly clean costumes with portable
washing machines, making them ready for the next performance. The capacity to quickly
launder costumes becomes a practical advantage when several performances are scheduled at
short intervals, keeping stains and preventing them from developing. The variety of theatrical
clothing needs a careful cleaning strategy. With the different washing cycle options that
portable washing machines offer, our faculty can customize the cleaning procedure according
to the type of costume and fabric. The integrity of delicate and detailed costumes must be
preserved to prolong their longevity and retain their visual appeal. This personalization is
essential. Theater performances frequently require physical exertion, and the clothes
themselves can easily turn into a haven for bacteria, sweat, and makeup. Skin irritations
among performers and regular cleaning with portable machines promote a hygienic
workplace. For the theater community as a whole, the on-site cleaning solution becomes vital
to health and wellness. Though financial concerns are always there, purchasing portable
washing machines ends up being a more affordable long-term alternative. Theater faculties
that handle their costume cleaning can reduce costs related to transportation and outside
laundry services. Faculties can devote resources to other important areas of production
because of this financial efficiency. Theater organizations are empowered to have control over
the cleaning process's quality when they have access to an on-site washing solution. Students
can make sure that costumes are handled with the highest care by carefully following care
instructions and using designated detergents. This degree of oversight prolongs the life of
garments and maintains their aesthetic value while worn on stage. Unexpected accidents can
happen during live theater performances. Students or staff members can quickly and
effectively handle unforeseen spills or stains thanks to portable washing machines, which
offer a swift and effective emergency reaction. Maintaining the smooth operation of a live
production requires this capacity. Portable washing machines provide advantages for the
environment beyond their convenience. By using in-house laundry, theater organizations may
select environmentally friendly detergents, manage their electricity and water usage, and
support sustainable practices. This is in line with the increasing global awareness of the need
to lessen environmental damage. Portable washing machines provide advantages for the
environment beyond their convenience. It is a positive step toward improved hygiene and
operational efficiency when theaters incorporate portable washing machines to maintain their
costumes. However, the dean of the theater faculty must be ready to face any obstacles that
may come up during the execution phase. As we examine this transforming path, let's explore
the several considerations that the dean can face. The first challenge for the dean is to defend
the expenditure needed to set up an on-site laundry facility and buy portable washers. There
may be concerns about the project's overall financial viability and budgetary alignment, which
calls for a strong financial strategy and an effective argument for its long-term advantages.
Even though these washers are portable, they still require a certain area. There may be a
logistical issue due to the theater's limited space. To create an appropriate space without
sacrificing other vital components of the institution, the dean may need to plan. An additional
level of worry is the inevitable need for periodic maintenance and repairs for portable
washing machines. To reduce downtime during maintenance intervals, the dean must evaluate
the availability of maintenance services, budget for prospective repairs, and create backup
plans. The use of a new washing solution could cause existing costume management
procedures to break. To avoid disturbances and ensure a seamless transition, the dean must
carefully organize the integration of portable washing machines, guaranteeing a harmonious
blend with existing procedures. The dean might have concerns about water and energy use
even though the project is supposed to assist the environment. Energy-efficient machinery
purchases and the adoption of water-saving strategies are necessary to address these issues
and meet sustainability objectives. To comply with local laws and safety requirements, the
dean must make sure that portable washing machines are used appropriately. This may entail
securing the required licenses and taking care of issues with trash disposal, water use, and
equipment electrical safety. Effective communication is necessary when introducing a
revolutionary project to gain stakeholders' support. Fostering a collaborative environment,
responding to staff, performers, and administrators' concerns, and outlining the project's
advantages in detail are all ways that the dean might overcome possible resistance. A careful
cost-benefit study may be carried out by the dean in response to criticism of anticipated cost
savings. Securing support and highlighting the long-term benefits of the investment requires
proving the project's financial feasibility over time. The dean may conduct a thorough cost-
benefit analysis in response to complaints over projected cost savings. The project's financial
viability must be demonstrated over time to gain support and emphasize the investment's
long-term advantages. Ultimately, even though the addition of portable washers offers a
potential way to enhance the hygienic conditions of theater costumes, the dean needs to take a
proactive and strategic approach to the project. It will be possible to execute the plan
successfully and raise the institution's overall standards of costume care if these possible
obstacles are addressed with careful planning, open communication, and flexible problem-
solving techniques. Showing ID cards before using the washing machine reinforces security
and responsibility. By programming these cards to grant specific access, the theatre faculty
can prevent unauthorized use, reinforcing the security of valuable equipment and facilities.
Student financial transactions using washing machines are made easier when ID cards are
equipped with cashless payment functions. This reduces the need for actual currency and
guarantees a safe and effective payment experience while also improving convenience and
streamlining the transaction process. Managing resources effectively is made possible by
connecting ID cards to laundry machine usage. This involves monitoring the amount of
energy, water, and detergent used. The theater faculty can preserve operational effectiveness
and aid in environmental conservation by endorsing sustainable practices. The need for
washing machines may increase during busy times, such as right before performances or
during breaks. To reduce crowding and guarantee equitable access to facilities for all students,
ID cards can be used to establish reservation systems or time-based access. In busy periods,
such as the moments before shows or during breaks, there can be a greater need for washing
machines. By implementing reservation systems or time-based access, ID cards can help
provide fair access to facilities for all students, minimize crowding, and improve safety. For
students, using ID cards to use the washing machine gives a convenient and cohesive
experience. Students benefit from a smooth and user-friendly environment within the theater
faculty, with a single card serving numerous purposes throughout campus services.

In summary, integrating ID cards for students utilizing the laundry facilities in theater
faculties is a calculated step that will optimize productivity, safety, and overall operational
excellence. With its practical benefits for both students and instructors, this multifunctional
method fits nicely with the dynamic nature of theater education. Within the exciting realm of
theater education, it demonstrates a dedication to establishing a safe, efficient, and user-
focused atmosphere


Making things better is the focus of our project at Bilkent University, particularly in terms of
ensuring everyone's happiness and health. We decided to concentrate on this since it is
consistent with SDG 3's goal of ensuring that everyone feels well and healthy.
In the Bilkent community, SDG 3 is closely related to people's health and well-being. By
deciding on this goal, the project intends to help make the environment for teachers and
students healthier and more supportive.
At our university, we observed a recurrent issue which is dirty dishes, particularly in places
like the MSSF faculty. Although it might not seem like a major matter, doing the dishes by
hand takes a lot of time for teachers and students and might have negative health effects. We
intend to solve this by introducing a simple to use, portable dishwasher that is connected to ID
The project can address particular health issues that arise in the context of universities, such
as the time-consuming nature of manual dishwashing and hygienic concerns relating to
unclean dishes. The project immediately improves the general health and well-being of the
Bilkent population by concentrating on these issues.

Learning from Others:

This concept has proven to be effective in shared workspaces and offices, among other
settings. They introduced shared dishwashers, and guess what? It made everything better! It
saved time, kept things clean, and made people happy. (Reference: Jones, A. B., & Smith, C.
D. (2019). "The Impact of Shared Dishwashing Facilities on Workplace Hygiene." Journal of
Workplace Health & Safety, 67(7), 345–353).
Our Recommendation Portable Dishwasher Connected to Identity Cards:
Our idea, a portable dishwasher connected to ID cards, is straightforward but efficient. It's
like to having a super hero fix for unclean dishes. By simply swiping their ID cards, users
may quickly and conveniently clean their dishes. So that, this can be kind of a solution as a
social benefit project in Bilkent.


Benefits to the Bilkent Community:

Well-being and Hygiene: It contributes to maintaining hygiene, lowering the chance of illness,
and encouraging optimal health for everyone at Bilkent.
Time Savings: By doing this, teachers and students can avoid wasting a lot of time washing
their hands. This translates into extra time for socializing, studying, and resting.
Productivity and Efficiency: The project increases productivity by simplifying daily duties so
that people may concentrate on more important things, like learning and having a good time
on campus.
Building Community: Having shared dishwashers creates a sense of responsibility and
togetherness, which improves our community

Reaching the Bilkent Community:

Our primary goal is to introduce this interesting idea to everyone at Bilkent. All of the staff
and students are part of our audience.
Communication & Announcement Techniques:
Online Platforms: Social media and the university website will both post the news. We'll send
out posts and messages to keep everyone informed.
Emails: We will send faculty and students emails outlining the project's purpose and providing
instructions on how to use the portable dishwashers.
Events Held on Campus: To demonstrate how everything operates, we will have events on
campus. People can learn more and ask questions at this opportunity.
Student Groups: To get the message out, we'll collaborate with student groups. They can assist
us in energizing everyone for the undertaking.
Visuals: To demonstrate to everyone how great this project is, we'll put up posters, fliers, and
digital screens all across campus. It will be easy to understand with basic messages and clear
Comments are welcome from all of you. To help us improve even further, we'll put in place a
simple means for people to contribute their ideas and opinions.
Partnerships: To ensure that everyone is aware of the initiative and has easy access to it, we
will collaborate with several departments within the institution.
Future Objectives:
In the future, if this project succeeds, we may improve it even further:
Bigger and Better: We could take the project outside and into other parts of the institution.
Technological Improvements: To make the dishwashers even better, we may add brand-new,
innovative features.
Friends Everywhere: We could partner with other universities or groups to share our idea and
help them do the same.
Learning More: We'll continue researching and reporting what we find. It's similar to
gathering a group of people who share the desire to improve things


Possible Problems We Might Encounter

Creating a solution to an existing problem is just the beginning. In order to sustain this
process; we needed to identify any possible problems we might encounter throughout our
journey, at the beginning. There are several of them, related to our department and the
students who will be using our solution. First of all, we need this solution to be accepted by
our department. Even though we plan all the details of it and take the initiative; we will not be
allowed to take action on it if there are no permissions from authorities. Then, in order to fix
our problem, we need to buy the solution; “the smart dishwasher”. Hence, we need the
financial support from our department, ultimately Bilkent University. This is needed not only
for buying the machine, but also for the sustainability. If there will be any technical problems
occuring, we will have a consistent financial support. Furthermore, as it is in most of the new
integrated systems, there will be a period of familiarization between the system and the user.
Students should get used to the ID system and the mechanics of dishwasher. Usage should
become an habit; otherwise the existing chaos will remain in our accessory room. The only
solution for this problem is time; through practice. There was one more possible problem
opposing our solution, and that was the space. Our accessory room is relatively small, so we
should be space-efficient. However, we overcomed this problem in the process of our project;
this is the reason why we choose “smart dishwasher”; which is portable and tiny, compared to
other dishwashers.

Possible Outcomes We Expect

There were several goals we wanted to achieve before starting this research. First of all, our
most important goal is health. As it is in all the other areas of life; health is our first concern.
Furthermore, it is even more significant for our project because we directly use the
accessories on our bodies; and eat and drink from those plates and glasses. Also, all the items
are and will be useful for some productions; thus we need to take care of all of them; this is
where the ID systems comes into play. Through ID system, we will hopefully be able to
prevent any missing prop or accessories. Last but not least; thanks to the systematic order we
achieve through this project, we will have more time to work on our actual practice;
rehearsals. Trying to find the proper accessories in this current state itself is taking lots of our
time; and even if we find it at the end; we need to clean it down to the last detail, in order it to
be usable. We hope to bypass this process, so we can just focus on our craft; considering our
profession requires, unlike most of the other departments in Bilkent University, total practice.

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