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Hello,my name is Anatolie Frumosu I’m a citizen of Republic of Moldova but I’m attending a University in

Romania,the city of Alba Iulia,I’m studying economics and my major is Marketing.

I’ve been with the program in the summer of 2023 and I worked with the Stop and Shop company as a
Grocery clerk in the Vineyard Haven Store.Other work experience I have is a Waiter position that I did
back in my country in the summer of 2021,and now I’m doing a training for Dispathcer position in the
city of Alba Iulia.

I think that the most challenging part about living and working in the US is the the time management
because you have to stay responsible all the time and manage your trips and they are not overlap with
your work,and of course as great as the American experience can be,sometimes you miss hometown.

In the summer of 2023 I’ve managed to visit some places I’ve planned to such as Niagara falls and New
York,for the next summer I’m looking forward to see/visit Miami and Las Vegas those are two of my main
destinations I want so see and the other places are Washigtion D.C I want to visit the National Mall and I
want to see the White House and eventually to take a picture with it on the background of course if it’s
not illegal.

If you were to travel to my home country,Molddova,you definitely need to taste our Wine witch is
consider one of the world’s best,we have multiple Winery’s but two of the best are Cricova and
Purcari,as a second thing you should explore Orheiul Vechi in English it’s going to translate as Old
Orhei,which is a historical and archaeological tourist destination in our country,and the third thing you
have to get done is to visit the National Museum of History of Moldova in Chisinau our capital city,this
museum is considered the home of the history of our nation.

My future career goals are to become as successful as possible,to have some sort on influence and
power among people,and to become the best in everything I’m doing,but for the start I’m considering to
open my own Marketing Agency.

The host company should know about me that I’m a hard worker ,a positive person,I like to take initiative
and I’m a very good team worker,but I think they know all this things already as I worked with them last

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