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Chapter 1


There are some ways to offer helps and to respond them. For example:

 May I help you?

 Can I help you?
 Are you looking for something?
 Would you like some help?
 Do you need some help?
 What can I do for you today?
Or offering to do something for someone.

If we classify into their level of formality (situation), consider the speaker and listener, here they are:


Can I help u?
Let me help you …

Shall I …

If you like I could … Need some help? May I be of assistant?

I’ll do it for you. Might I help at all?
What can I do to help …?
Want a hand …? Perhaps I could assist in some way?
Would you like any help …?
Can I help out? If we can be any of assistance, please do not
Is there anything I can do …? hesitate to contact us again.
You look like you could
I will …zx do with some help… (usually for written)

To respond help, people may accept or refuse an offer of helps. The common respons for help is
“Thank you”. The examples of the responses are:



That’s very kind of you. Thanks very much.
Yes, please.
Just what I needed …!
If you’re sure it’s no You’re most kind.
trouble. Lovely! / Great! That’s extremely kind/good/thoughtful of you.



No, thank you. No, it’s OK. Thanks It’s very good of you to offer, but …
No, really, I can manage. Thanks a lot, but … Please don’t trouble yourself about …
That’s very kind f you, but

Don’t think so, thank you.

No, it’s all right, really.

Thank you for offering,

but … Nice thought, but … That’s extremely kind of you, but …

No, don’t bother, really. No, don’t worry. I’m very grateful for your offer. However, …
Chapter 2
Conditional sentences
Conditional sentences are sometimes confusing for learners of English as a second language.
Watch out:
1. Which type of conditional sentences is it?
2. Where is the if-clause (e.g. at the beginning or at the end of the conditional sentence)?
There are three types of conditional sentences.

type condition

I condition possible to fulfill

II condition in theory possible to fulfill

III condition not possible to fulfill (too late)

1. Form

type if-clause main clause

I Simple Present will-future or (Modal + infinitive)

II Simple Past would + infinitive *

III Past Perfect would + have + past participle *

2. Examples (if-clause at the beginning)

type if clause main clause

I If I study, I will pass the exam.

II If I studied, I would pass the exam.

III If I had studied, I would have passed the exam.

Mind the comma after the if clause.

3. Examples (if-clause at the end)

type main clause if-clause

I I will pass the exam if I study.

type main clause if-clause

II I would pass the exam if I studied.

III I would have passed the exam if I had studied.

4. Examples (affirmative and negative sentences)

type Examples

long forms short/contracted forms

+ If I study, I will pass the exam. If I study, I'll pass the exam.

If I study, I will not fail the exam. If I study, I won't fail the exam.
If I do not study, I will fail the exam. If I don't study, I'll fail the exam.

+ If I studied, I would pass the exam. If I studied, I'd pass the exam.

II If I studied, I would not fail the exam.

If I studied, I wouldn't fail the exam.
- If I did not study, I would fail the
If I didn't study, I'd fail the exam.

If I had studied, I would have If I'd studied, I'd have passed the
passed the exam. exam.

III If I had studied, I would not have If I'd studied, I wouldn't have
failed the exam. failed the exam.
If I had not studied, I would have If I hadn't studied, I'd have failed the
failed the exam. exam.

* We can substitute could or might for would (should, may or must are sometimes possible, too).
 I would pass the exam.
 I could pass the exam.
 I might pass the exam.
 I may pass the exam.
 I should pass the exam.
 I must pass the exam.
Conditional tenses are used to speculate about what could happen, what might have happened, and
what we wish would happen. In English, most sentences using the conditional contain the word if.
Many conditional forms in English are used in sentences that include verbs in one of the past tenses.
This usage is referred to as "the unreal past" because we use a past tense but we are not actually
referring to something that happened in the past. There are five main ways of constructing conditional
sentences in English. In all cases, these sentences are made up of an if clause and a main clause. In
many negative conditional sentences, there is an equivalent sentence construction using
"unless" instead of "if".

Conditional Usage If clause Main clause verb tense

sentence type verb tense

Zero General truths Simple Simple present


Type 1 A possible condition and its Simple Simple future

probable result present

Type 2 A hypothetical condition and Simple past Present conditional or

its probable result Present continuous

Type 3 An unreal past condition and its Past perfect Perfect conditional
probable result in the past

Mixed type An unreal past condition and its Past perfect Present contditional
probable result in the present

The zero conditional

The zero conditional is used for when the time being referred to is now or always and the situation
is real and possible. The zero conditional is often used to refer to general truths. The tense in both
parts of the sentence is the simple present. In zero conditional sentences, the word "if" can usually be
replaced by the word "when" without changing the meaning.
If clause Main clause

If + simple present simple present

If this thing happens that thing happens.

If you heat ice it melts.

If it rains the grass gets wet.

Read more about how to use the zero conditional.

Type 1 conditional

The type 1 conditional is used to refer to the present or future where the situation is real. The type 1
conditional refers to a possible condition and its probable result. In these sentences the if clause is in
the simple present, and the main clause is in the simple future.

If clause Main clause

If + simple present simple future

If this thing happens that thing will happen.

If you don't hurry you will miss the


If it rains today you will get wet.

Read more about how to use the type 1 conditional.

Type 2 conditional

The type 2 conditional is used to refer to a time that is now or any time, and a situation that
is unreal. These sentences are not based on fact. The type 2 conditional is used to refer to a
hypothetical condition and its probable result. In type 2 conditional sentences, the if clause uses the
simple past, and the main clause uses the present conditional.

If clause Main clause

If + simple past present conditional or present continuous conditional

If this thing happened that thing would happen. (but I'm not sure this thing will happen) OR
that thing would be happening.

If you went to bed you would not be so tired.


If it rained you would get wet.

If I spoke Italian I would be working in Italy.

Read more about how to use the type 2 conditional with the present conditional and how to use the
present continuous conditional in type 2 conditional sentence.

Type 3 conditional

The type 3 conditional is used to refer to a time that is in the past, and a situation that is contrary to
reality. The facts they are based on are the opposite of what is expressed. The type 3 conditional is
used to refer to an unreal past condition and its probable past result. In type 3 conditional sentences,
the if clause uses the past perfect, and the main clause uses the perfect conditional.

If clause Main clause

If + past perfect perfect conditional or perfect continuous conditional

If clause Main clause

If this thing had happened that thing would have happened. (but neither of those things really
happened) OR
that thing would have been happening.

If you had studied harder you would have passed the exam.

If it had rained you would have gotten wet.

If I had accepted that I would have been working in Milan.


Read more about how to use the type 3 conditional with the perfect conditional tense, and how to
use the perfect continuous conditional in type 3 conditional sentences.

Mixed type conditional

The mixed type conditional is used to refer to a time that is in the past, and a situation that is ongoing
into the present. The facts they are based on are the opposite of what is expressed. The mixed type
conditional is used to refer to an unreal past condition and its probable result in the present. In mixed
type conditional sentences, the if clause uses the past perfect, and the main clause uses the present

If clause Main clause

If + past perfect or simple present conditional or perfect conditional


If this thing had happened that thing would happen. (but this thing didn't happen so that thing
isn't happening)

If I had worked harder at I would have a better job now.

If clause Main clause


If we had looked at the map we wouldn't be lost.

If you weren't afraid of you would have picked it up and put it outside.

Penggunaan Conditional Sentences if clause’ + imperative/suggestion beserta contoh dan

Penggunaan Conditional Sentences untuk perintah atau saran. Conditional sentences untuk saran
mempunyai rumus seperti ini , dan bisa dikategorikan kalau conditional sentences jenis ini adalah
jenis 0,
IF + Present simple , Verb 1 + ….( Imperative)
IF + present , Simple present …( suggestions)

Present simple berarti adalah semua bentuk tenses yang present bisa berupa simple present tense,
present simple atau present continuous. Dan kalimat imperative selalu didahului oleh kalimat dengan
kata kerja jenis 1. Berikut adalah contoh kalimat IF , Clause + Imperative pahami dan ingat apa
grammar yang digunakan.

Contoh IF + Clause + Imperative

• If you see John, tell him he needs to come to my office.

• If you travel abroad, remember the passport
• If you go to Australia, send me a postcard.
• If you go to the supermarket, bring back some milk.
• If Mike comes, call me.
• If you drink, don't drive.
• If you visit Seattle, Sail to Bainbrige Island on a Washington State Ferry.
• If you visit Seattle, Tour Pike Place Market.
• If you visit Seattle, Book a night at Sun Juan Islands.
• If you visit Seattle, Visit Chihuly Garden and Glass.

• If you visit Seattle, Watch the aircraft being built at the Boeing factory.

• If you visit Seattle, Tour The Chocolate factory in Freemont.

Contoh IF + Clause + suggestions

If you want to pass the exam, you have to study harder.

If you want a good price, why don't you go to the factory outlet?
If you want to be the chair of OSIS, offer a good program to improve the school environment.
If you don't put some cherries on it, your cake will look pale and dull
If I am elected president, I will waive taxes for poor people.
If Clause

Sebelum kita membahas mengenai if clause, kita harus mengetahui apa itu conditional sentence.
Conditional sentence adalah bentuk kalimat dalam bahasa Inggris yang digunakan untuk menyatakan
pengandaian, keinginan, atau bahkan kemungkinan. Lalu, apa hubungan conditional sentence dengan
if clause? Perlu kita ketahui bahwa if clause adalah salah satu klausa yang digunakan untuk
membentuk conditional sentence. Berikut adalah rumus umum untuk membuat conditional sentence
menggunakan if clause:
Conditional sentence = If clause + Main clause atau sebaliknya

Contoh : If you don’t study, you won’t pass your test. Jika kamu tidak belajar, kamu tidak
akan lulus tes.


You won’t pass your test if you don’t study. Kamu tidak akan lulus tes jika tidak belajar.

Penting untuk diingat, jika ingin menggunakan klausa if di depan, jangan lupa gunakan koma sebelum
disambung dengan klausa utama. Namun jika ingin menggunakan klausa utama terlebih dahulu lalu
diikuti dengan klausa if, kamu tidak perlu menggunakan koma.

Lihat juga materi lainnya:

Adverb of Manner, Place, Time, etc.
Noun Phrase
Tipe-tipe Conditional Sentence
Berikut ini beberapa tipe conditional sentence:

1. Type 0
Salah satu tipe conditional sentence yang digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu fakta umum maupun
kebiasaan. Seperti yang kita pelajari di pembahasan tenses, untuk menyatakan fakta umum dan
kebiasaan, kita menggunakan simple present tense. Hal ini juga berlaku untuk conditional sentence
Untuk tipe ini rumus yang digunakan adalah:

If clause Main clause

If + simple present simple present
1. If my grandmother comes over we usually go to the park
Jika nenekku datang kami biasanya pergi ke taman

2. If you are 17 years old or older you are allowed to have an id card
Jika kamu berumur 17 tahun atau lebih kamu boleh mempunyai KTP

3. If you don’t water flowers they die

Jika kamu tidak menyirami bunga-bunga mereka (bunga-bunga tersebut) mati

2. Type 1
Tipe conditional sentence ini digunakan untuk menyatakan kondisi yang mungkin di masa kini atau di
masa depan yang situasinya nyata. Untuk membuat conditional sentence tipe ini, kita menggunakan
simple present untuk klausa if dan simple future untuk kalusa utama karena menggambarkan masa
If clause Main clause
If + simple present simple future
1. If my grandmother comes over tomorrow we will go to the park
Jika nenekku datang besok kami akan bergi ke taman

2. If you don’t go right now you will be late

Jika kamu tidak pergi sekarang kamu akan terlambat

3. If my mom knows that I don’t study my mom will ground me

Jika ibuku mengetahui bahwa aku tidak belajar ibuku akan menghukumku

3. Type 2
Tipe conditional sentence ini digunakan untuk menyatakan pengandaian. Dengan kata lain, situasi
dari kalimat ini tidak nyata. Untuk membuat conditional sentence tipe ini, kita menggunakan simple
past untuk klausa if dan present conditional untuk kalusa utama.
If clause Main clause
If + simple past Present conditional
1. If we lived closer to our grandmother we would see her often
Jika kita tinggal lebih dekat dengan nenek kita kita akan sering melihatnya (bertemu dengannya)

2. If I were you I would go to that university

Jika aku jadi kamu Aku akan pergi ke universitas itu

3. If I were rich I would travel around the world

Jika aku kaya Aku akan keliling dunia

4. Type 3
Tipe conditional sentence ini digunakan untuk menyatakan masa lalu yang situasinya berbeda dengan
kenyataan yang terjadi sekarang. Dengan kata lain, situasi dari kalimat ini juga tidak nyata karena
yang terjadi sekarang adalah kebalikannya. Untuk membuat conditional sentence tipe ini, kita
menggunakan past perfect untuk klausa if dan perfect conditional untuk kalusa utama.
If clause Main clause
If + past perfect Perfect conditional
1. If I hadn’t quitted my job My life wouldn’t have been this complicated
Jika aku tidak mengundurkan diri Hidupku tidak akan serumit ini

2. If I brought an umbrella I wouldn’t got wet

Jika aku membawa payung Aku tidak akan kebasahan

3. If I worked harder I would have got promoted

Jika aku bekerja lebih keras Aku akan dipromosikan

Fungsi Lain If Clause

Selain beberapa fungsi yang telah dijelaskan di atas, If Clause memiliki beberapa fungsi lain, yaitu:

1. If Clause + Reminder
If clause dapat menunjukkan suatu peringatan. Conditional sentence ini digunakan untuk
mengingatkan tentang suatu konsekuensi yang harus dilakukan akibat dari suatu kejadian.

If clause Main clause

If + simple present Have to/has to/must + simple present
1. If you want to pass this test You have to study hard
Jika kamu ingin lulus ujian ini Kamu harus belajar keras

2. If she wants to be a good singer She has to practice a lot

Jika dia ingin menjadi penyanyi yang bagus Dia harus banyak berlatih

3. If you don’t wanna be late You must go earlier

Jika kamu tidak ingin terlambat Kamu harus pergi lebih dulu

2. If Clause + Sugesstion
If clause ini digunakan untuk memberikan suatu saran mengenai action yang harus dilakukan jika
menginginkan suatu kejadian terjadi. Perlu dicatat, yang membedakan sebuah saran dengan
peringatan adalah keharusan. Saran bisa dilakukan atau tidak (tergantung level), sedangkan peringatan
harus dilakukan karena hal itu merupakan suatu konsekuensi. Oleh karena itu, saran (sugesstion)
menggunakan should/ought to/had better.

If clause Main clause

If + simple present should/ought to/had better + simple present
1. If you don’t wanna get sick You should take a break and get some rest
Jika kamu tidak ingin sakit Kamu harus berhenti dan istirahat

2. If you don’t wanna get lost You ought to be with me

Jika kamu tidak ingin tersesat Kamu sebaiknya bersamaku

3. If you don’t want your mom get mad at

you You had better finish that homework
Jika kamu tidak ingin marah ke kamu Kamu harus selesaikan pekerjaan rumah itu

 Should = kuat
 Ought to = lebih kuat
 Had better = sangat kuat
3. If Clause + Imperative
Conditional sentence ini digunakan untuk menyuruh orang agar melakukan suatu aksi.
Sumber gambar:

If clause Main clause

If + simple present Verb 1 + Object
1. If you don’t wanna be late Get ready soon
Jika kamu tidak ingin terlambat Cepatlah bersiap-siap

2. If you don’t wanna get wet Get the umbrella

Jika kamu tidak ingin kebasahan Bawalah payung itu

3. If you want to know him more Follow him on Facebook

Jika kamu ingin tahu dia lebih banyak Ikuti dia di facebook

4. If Clause + General Truth

Pada dasarnya, fungsi ini sama dengan fungsi tipe 0 yang telah dijelaskan di atas. Namun tipe 0 juga
dapat digunakan untuk kebiasaan, sedangkan fungsi ini hanya fakta. Selain itu, kita dapat
menggunakan simple future untuk main clause-nya.

If clause Main clause

If + simple present simple present/simple future
1. If you are 17 years old or older You are allowed to have an id card
Jika kamu berumur 17 tahun atau lebih kamu boleh mempunyai KTP

2. If you don’t water flowers They die

Jika kamu tidak menyirami bunga-bunga Mereka (bunga-bunga tersebut) mati

3. If you boil water It will evaporate

Jika kamu merebus air Air itu akan menguap

5. If Clause + Dream
Rumus fungsi ini sama dengan rumus tipe 1, namun fungsinya cukup berbeda. Conditional sentence
ini digunakan untuk menunjukkan hal yang lebih spesifik yaitu mimpi atau tujuan kita jika suatu hal
If clause Main clause
If + simple present simple future
1. If I have a lot of money I will build a big house
Jika aku punya banyak uang Aku akan membangun ruamah yang besar

2. If I become a teacher I will be a good teacher

Jika aku menjadi guru Aku akan menjadi guru yang baik

3. If you come to Bali I will meet you there

Jika kamu datang ke Bali Aku akan menemuimu ke sana

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