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Asynchronous Activity No.

2 in Science

Name: Date:
Grade and Section: Science Teacher:


1. Watch this YouTube video about the application of electromagnetic

waves: []. The video explains the
different types of electromagnetic waves and how they are used in
various fields and devices.
2. Choose ONE electromagnetic wave that interests you and
DRAW/CREATE an illustration on a SHORT BOND PAPER that
shows how that electromagnetic wave is being used in our daily life. For
example, you can choose radio waves and draw a radio or a cellphone
that uses radio waves to transmit signals.
3. Provide a brief explanation about your work. Write down the name
of the electromagnetic wave you chose, its frequency range, and
how it is used in our daily lives. For example, you can write: “Radio
waves have frequencies from 3 kHz to 300 GHz. They are used in radios
and cellphones to carry information from one place to another. The radio
or cellphone converts the sound or data into radio waves and sends
them through an antenna. The receiver then converts the radio waves
back into sound or data.”
4. Take a photo of your illustration and UPLOAD it on this platform.

REMINDER: Use your creativity in creating your illustration. Make sure to

upload your work to the online platform. Don’t forget to bring the
physical copy of your illustration on our next meeting.
Sample Expected Output:


Radio waves have frequencies from 3 kHz to 300 GHz. They are used
in radios and cellphones to carry information from one place to another.
The radio or cellphone converts the sound or data into radio waves and
sends them through an antenna. The receiver then converts the radio
waves back into sound or data

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