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Name: Guyala, Mary Grace E.

Course/Year/Block: Bachelor of Science in Information Technology 1-3

Before exploring the module, find out for yourself your ideas and concepts about Physical
Education and fitness. Read each sentence carefully and draw a heart under AGREE if you think
the statement is correct, or draw a sad face under DISAGREE if you think that the statement is


1. Physical education
aims to develop
students’ physical ☹️
health only while
they are in school.
2. Physical education
as a course is ❤️
mandated by the
3. Physical education
emphasizes lifelong ❤️
healthy lifestyle.
4. In college, a
student may
graduate without ☹️
completing the four
PE courses.
5. Physical education
activities can
engage the students ❤️
to some forms of
social interaction.
6. Physical education
prepares the
students to become
healthy, active, ❤️
productive, vice-
free and happy
today and until their
senior years.
Essential Questions:
1. Why do all students need to take physical education?
 All students need to take physical education for their own good. Students
who take physical education gain big benefits that can change their lives.
Physical education teaches every student to be competent and confident.
Through physical education, students gain necessary knowledge on how it
is important to engage and practice healthy lifestyle. Students will also
learn to be flexible and improve social interaction skills, motor skills,
teamwork, and sportsmanship that would probably help in their daily lives

2. What knowledge, skills and attitudes should be developed by college students

towards health and fitness?
 College students should developed understanding and patience.
Achieving fitness and healthy lifestyle is impossible to achieve in just 24
hours, achieving the goals in health and fitness needs more time and efforts
to really get your desired health and fitness.
3. Do college students knows that the state of physical health of an adult is determined
by his or her healthy or unhealthy habits and practices during his/her younger years?
 Yes, they do. College students already knew about physical health. As an
adult grows older, they will realize that their habits and practices during
younger years had a great impact in their physical health. But adults
preferences changes anytime. When they realize that their unhealthy
habits contribute in their physical health, they can still change it into
healthy habits and practices.

1. What are the benefits of living a healthy lifestyle?
 Living a healthy lifestyle not only makes us healthy physically but it will
also make us healthy in all other aspects of our lives, emotionally, mentally,
socially and spiritually. A healthy lifestyle can help us to feel better. Healthy
lifestyle can reduce the risk of various diseases. It also helps us to have a
long lifespan. Through healthy lifestyle we can handle our emotions and
even negative situations.
2. How can we succeed in attaining and maintaining physical fitness?
 In order to attain and maintain physical fitness, we should discipline
ourselves. We don’t need to force ourselves to be fit, we should put an
efforts for it. Don’t let stress and the demands of life from taking over, we
have to take a break to do something we love doing. We must surround
ourselves with positive energy. And what is more important is to keep
eating healthy and maintain regular exercise routine.
3. What will happen to a family if they don’t practice healthy lifestyle?
 When a family don’t practice healthy lifestyle, they may surrounded by
negative energy, which is not only affects in their physical health but also
affects in their relationship. They can experience morbid illness and worst
their family will be broke because they can handle their problems anymore.
4. What will happen to a country when people don’t practice healthy lifestyle?
 When people doesn’t practice healthy lifestyle, a country will not
experienced progress. It will also become a country full of problem because
people are a foundation of a country, what people do will reflect to the

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