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Name: Regine Natali Farrales Date: November 10, 2023

Course : BSED-1 Social Studies Case Study : 01

Case Study 1. The Act of Philippine Proclamacion

The "Acta de la Proclamación de Independencia del Pueblo Filipino,"

which describes the country's independence from Spanish colonial rule. This
is dated back to July 12, 1898, which is now known as the Philippine
Independence Day. The "Acta de la Proclamación de Independencia del Pueblo
Filipino" is a very important in Philippine history since it establishes the rights
and obligations of the Filipino people for their country's upbringing and
defense. The information and manner of the documentation are intended to
capture the essence of the people, the struggles, the hardships faced by the
people, and the determination of the Filipinos to defend their heritage. The
proclamation acknowledged Filipinos' rights as citizens of freedom. This
granted them the freedom to think for themselves, to express their thoughts,
and to make their own decisions. associated with the foundation of Philippine
government and sovereignty. As a result, a free nation with its own identity
and independence was established.

The Philippines, a newly formed nation, underwent political

transformation as a result of its declaration of independence. Due to the
proclamation's advice on fighting for and defending their country against
dictatorial and brutal invaders, the Filipino people were motivated to battle.
The result of this is that the Filipino people have established their own
government, headed by a leader who genuinely cares about his fellow
Filipinos. The American establishment of a military administration in our
country, not untill they recognize our independence 1946, so even as a young
nation, we have acquired our own identity through the proclamation.

Over the 123 years since the Philippines gained its independence, a lot
has changed and progressed there in order to get away from the invaders who
mistreated our nation and the innocent Filipinos of the past. The
proclamation has given Filipinos optimism that they will be able to live in the
Philippines and confront a better future without stopping or taking control.
The Proclamation cleared the path and lessened the load that our nation
endured throughout the Spanish colonial era, while also illuminating the
current state of peace in our nation

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