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Rain Hasn't Stopped

Pur, Juki and Tina are playing in the theater. The performance had just finished and
it’s getting quiet, but we can still hear the music and songs.

Music :

Lighting : Cerah/bright

(Sitting on chairs facing each other, Juki and Tina are cleaning up their clothes and
property at the back)

Fitri : Excuse me, Pur. I’ll clean your makeup for a moment.

Pur : Ya. Sure, go ahead.

Fitri : That was a great performance, I’m really amazed by you..

Pur : Ah, thank you, Fitri,,,, that’s enough, I have to change my clothes.

Fitri : Ok pur, let me help you! (while holding a cotton ball/jacket)

Tina : No, no, you can’t, just help me to clean up this stuff.

Juki : Hahaha, What are you doing fitri? He has a wife. (ngeledek)

Pur Outframe….

Pur In Frame… Fitri massaged pur

Pur : hmm it seems like having two wives is fun.

Fitri : (nyenggol tina) Did you hear that?

Juki : Alah,,, Be careful, pur, your wife will get angry.

Fitri : She is like a lion.

Tina : Hahaha… (geleng-geleng)

Pur : (Wearing his coat) Okay, that’s enough, I’m going home now, Don't you
guysgo home?
Juki : yeah, we still have to practice for tomorrow, there was some mistakes
about our performance. You also have to practice again.

Pur : I know that, but I have to rest, my condition is not good like yours.

Tina : Alright, Pur. You have to rest. But, Juki! your guitar playing is still
messed up.

Juki : It's just your beat that confuses me…

Tina : No, it’s you, you are not focus.

Juki : What the..?! (hendak melempar gitar)

Pur : Ok, That's enough. Don't blame each other, this is the collective work
between young people...... I'll go home first.

Tina : Ok, be careful, Pur.

When Purnomo left, the music started playing again.


The night was quiet and the rain was pouring outside. In a living room, the lights
slowly fade in, a woman lies sleeping leaning on a table. Music plays quietly. Not
long after, there was a banging from outside.

Narator :

Music : Rain,

Lighting : Warm

Pur : Mar ! Mar!

Marni woke up, gloomy, got up from the chair

Mar : The door isn’t locked …… (fall asleep again)

Pur entered, wearing a suit and carrying a wet raincoat.

Pur : Ah, can't you change your bad habits, I need refreshment in this house, not
even make me more uncomfortable at home…

Pur : (Pulls the blanket, then throws it) not here, ck... why can’t you ever
understand what your husband wants? I am not marrying a north pole

Mar woke up wistfully, picked up the blanket and went into the room.
Mar : Your face is still smeared with makeup…..

Pur : I’ve cleaned it ………

Mar : Ohh…… is it Fitri who cleans your makeup? the sassy woman you are the
same, Mas. You can clean it yourself, why should you ask her? Do you like

Pur : What did you say? Don't just assume!

Mar : But it's true, isn't it?

Pur : No, you are too jealous.Why didn’t you just come with me and watch, so
you know what's going on there!

Mar went into the room.

Pur : Go to sleep, don't talk if your soul isn't full, you're pissing me off. Just hug
your bolster and snore!

Mar : I'm not snoring! But, you are!

Pur : eh... I don't need an evaluation of my sleep!

Mar : So don't just accuse!

Pur : You did it first!/You accused me first!

Mar : I’m going back to sleep, don't bother me!

Pur : What? ….. hahahaha….. You're such a nice talker! Where did you get that
word? From watching a film, opera? Hahahaha….. it's okay, I'm happy,
you're getting smarter now. Well, film or opera will help you become a
good speaker, I'm sure of that!

You know honey, Fitri (jeda), actually she is much more beautiful and sexy.
But in my heart there is only you, and I decided to marry you. It is my
dream and I am really crazy about you.......

Mar : (throws pillow from inside the room) don't come close to me anymore......

Pur : Haha. I love it, when you're angry. It inspires me as a husband and a man
with an aesthetic mindset. Behind your anger, I find a pleasure that I don't
find in every woman. You are exotic, I can see from your eyes, the shape of
your face without expression. that's the wife of an actor.

Mar : Heh, I'm your wife, not the object of your imagination!!!
Pur : Alright, that's enough Marni, it's getting late. I'm very tired. I need to rest
for tomorrow. It's a special day because, 1000 people will be there. I don't
want my performance to fail.

usic plays

Pur : (bernyanyi)

Aku simpan dendamku, pada ujung belati

Dan sekuntum bunga untuk perjumpaan kita

Aku baron sang penguasa malam …….

Di siangku, matahari meniduriku

Di malamku, embun santapanku

Mencarimu pada setiap sudut kota

Jendela, rumah kumuh, gang, sepanjang pertokoan

Aku simpan asli jasadku

Pada kantung kumuh, gang sesak berpetak

Dan kupindah istanaku pada sepanjang jalan kota

Pur : I have swallowed a bowl of vegetables along with the influx of alcohol
that I specially prepared for tonight. You think now Adios,,, how many
levels of toxins in my body also contribute to the policies produced by my
brain. But still they justify my every decision, you know why? Because I
am the chosen one. Now open your ears wide to ……… (while acting in
front of Marni)

Mar : Mas, it's late, stop your babbling!

Pur : Ah …… you're so chatty! You're enjoying the dialogue, I really like this
part, but damn, Broto just blurred my memory with his ridiculous
improvisations and this part was completely unspoken. I won't miss
Mar : It’s late, Mas ….

Pur : It's almost morning.

Mar : Yahh, you know that.... It's almost morning, don’t be noisy

Pur : yayaya ….. and now you have to sleep!

Mar : so don’t scream!….

Pur : Yes, I'll be quiet! (monologue facing the audience) Damn, that woman
doesn't appreciate my appreciation at all. In the twenty years she's been my
wife, you can count the number of times she's accompanied me in artistic
activities. Sometimes I envy Pram, as a famous director he is always
accompanied by his wife wherever he goes. It's annoying, her lips. It's not
that his wife doesn't believe in Pram, but that his wife really supports his
work as an artist, even though they haven't had children for 15 years of

The night was getting late, Pur woke up, walked restlessly around the room, his eyes
were fixed on Sarwanti’s room, his daughter, he entered the room anad his face
changed. Then ran.

Pur : Mar, mar…… get out!! (banging on the bedroom door) Mar, I said get

Mar : just sleep outside! I'm tired

Pur : GET OUT!

Mar : (opens the door quickly) What kind of demon has possessed you?!

Pur pulled Marni's body

Pur : You said it was almost morning, it's not appropriate to shout. So is it
appropriate for girls not to be at home?! (pulls Saranti into the room) Where
is Sarwanti?

Mar : lo… I … hmmm …. Sarwanti ……..

Pur : Have you lost your mind?! What are you doing at home? and What do you
want to say now?

Mar : Mas … I …..just hmmm …..

Pur : Oh God, what kind of woman is my wife? You've really lost your mind

Mar : Sarwanti!!! maybe in the bathroom, mas ……

Mar rushed to the bathroom. A few moments later he returned nervously.

Pur : You found her?!

Mar shook her dead

Pur : You’re stupid... (goes out, comes back in a few moments) Where should I
look for her?

Mar : Maybe……. Eeee…..….. to ……

Pur : (sigh) GOD …….

Pur leaving the house, run in the rain

Mar : Mas…….. be careful….. use an umbrella….. or….. wear a coat.

Pur was far away.

He looks disappointed, anxious and afraid..

Music plays

Mar : Nduk, how can your parents make you understand? As the days go by,
deviations in your behavior become more and more worrying. I'm so scared
about your future, sis. You are a woman. Your parents have a lot of
expectations of you, you are already an unnatural woman. I'm sorry mas, I
haven't been able to express my anxiety directly to our child, because I
myself am so afraid of Sarwanti's attitude, I can't stand it when Sarwanti
speaks rudely to my parents, it hurts, so I decided to choose silence, I hope
she can understand herself my silence. But ………. (monologue in front of

There was a sound of thunder, the rain became heavier.

Music: Rain and thunder

Mar : (stunned in front of the door) you're not wearing a coat, bro...... (crying)
Sarwanti, you're torturing your father......

From afar it looks like the house is soaking wet

Mar : how is this mas ……… you're not wearing a coat …….

Pur was silent, took off his clothes then threw the clothes on the chair, Mar took them,
then went into the room, not long after returning with warm clothes for Pur.

Mar : I made hot tea.....

Pur was still silent, holding back his annoyance. Mar will come back in to get a warm

Pur : Mar, I really can't stop thinking about you, I'm worried about him......

Mar : Mas, she said just a moment, she will have dinner. I will wait for you
until I fall asleep in the chair...... I only woke up after you came home, I
thought Sarwanti had entered the house without my knowledge and was

Pur : poor you, you must be tired, right?

Mar cried

Pur : Who did he go with?

Mar : who had taken him home several times......

Pur : who? is he a boy?

Mar nodded

Pur : Who?

Mar : Sap ….. Sarto ….. I forgot his name, who rode in a red car.

Pur : Didn't I tell you, I saw a bad attitude from him, even though I only met
that young man once, Ii just happened to be at home. Petenteng, no
manners, dark aura. So he comes here often? (Angry walking back and

Mar : Yeah sometimes …….

Masuk atmo

Atmo : Assalamualaikum,,,,
Atmo :Pakdhe, someone saw mbak sari with the crazy man ..... I was just looking
for info on bangjo, how come you just let sarwanti go with the semprul
pakdhe, my friend was actually going to beat the semprul, but it's not good
for sarwanti,but he went with mbak sar......

Pur : Who do you mean by that semprul?

Atmo : That's that boy, who uses a red sedan. That's why Pakdhe, don't just look
at people from their appearance, and money.

Pur : What do you mean?!

Atmo : That's who he was, do you support mbak Sar in dating a person whose
only job is clubbing, drinking, he's a bastard sir, don't miss out on being one
of the victims...

Pur : Atmo, shut up.. Instead, Do you really know who the semprul is?

Atmo : Yeah I do, it's useless to be a resident of Prapatan if you don't know him.
Who doesn't know Sapto, his parents are good, but sapto's behavior is

Pur : Do you know where he goes?

Atmo : Well, if he hasn't come home by this time, there are a few possibilities, the
first is at the semprol's hangout with his motorbike racing gang, almost
every night they just race along the road of alun alun .....

Pur : At this time?

Atmo : It's more fun at night.

Pur : It's raining, is that possible .....

Atmo : He was in a gang, but the second alternative was at the discotheque across
the street from the arts center?

Pur : At the discotheque? Sapto - Sapto, that stupid boy.

Atmo : You know how people gather there, don't you?

Pur : Those punks? The hedonists who don't know what the future holds, before
there was a place like that, the atmosphere around the arts center was
conducive, creative and intelligent people gathered every day, having
aesthetically pleasing intellectual discussions. But after the disqotique was
built, such activities have been glamorized by the 24-hours. The creators
prefer to find other places to discuss, and avoid the unpleasant sights and
sounds of the place. The art building became quiet, only when there was a
performance did it appear crowded, and even then it was not as busy as

Atmo : And then what should we do?

Pur : You come with me .......

Atmo : Where are we going?

Mar : (Panicking) Mas, I'm sorry, I'm always giving mas purnomo a hard time.
I'm also sorry for Sarwanti, she doesn't realize what she's doing is wrong.
Perhaps it's a form of protest against the fate that befell to her. The biggest
mistake is mine, and the impact is so big. Once again forgive me and my
daughter, mas ...........

Pur : (a bit nervous) What are you talking about?

Mar : This is what I've been afraid of all this time, because as a mother I have to
be a role model for my daughter. I'm really afraid that the same thing that
happened to me will also happen to sarwanti .

Pur : Sarwanti is also my daughter.

Pur exits, Atmo is agitated.

Atmo : well if I have to go to that place ........

Mar : Are you scared?

Atmo : Oh shit, Sarwanti is just causing trouble. She often hangs out there and
once she had a clash with her Prapatan friends. They're rude people, they
can't control themselves when they're drunk.

Mar : Be careful mas..

Purnomo : I don't want to be immoral, I'm looking for Sarwanti. But if they ask for
immorality, I will serve them. Atmoo, come with me. ……..

Atmo : Yes, pakdhe ……..

Pur dan atmo exit.

Mar : Mas, put on your coat..

Pur took his coat, then left the house.

Mar : (talking to himself at the door of the house) I really understand my
husband's character, when he's angry he never thinks long. Anyone will face
it. I'm worried that……..what if (shakes his head)…… hopefully nothing
happens to my husband and they find Sarwanti before they reach that place.
My worries are very reasonable, people like them never think long. If the
nerves are affected by alcohol then humanity will be defeated by animality.

Backsound Start

Mar : sar, your mother always have a high hopes for you, when you were still in
the womb. Initially, your father wanted the first child born from my womb
to be a boy. He hoped that when the first child was born, a boy would be
able to protect his younger siblings later. However, we were very grateful
and happy when a beautiful baby was born. Your father never stopped
kissing you at that time, your father's big hope at that time was that you
could become ………

SCENE 3 halaman, teras

There was a sound from outside.

Backsound: Car engine,

Sar : eh, that's enough sapto...... It's already late... that's enough... Sssttt…. what
if my parents wake up…

Slowly the door was opened from the outside, Sarwanti crept in, the door was
unlocked, she saw Marni.

Sar : (kaget) haven't you slept yet ma'am……?

Sarwanti will enter the room

Mar : Where have you been?

Sarwanti was indifferent.

Marni : Sarwanti! I'm talking to you!

Sar : I'm from... emm, I’m just going out with my friend ma'am...

Mar : (approaching Sarwanti) do you realize what you are doing? (smells of
alcohol) Sarwanti! you smell of alcohol, are you drunk?!

Sar : (sempoyongan) Do I look like a drunk? I can still walk straight ma'am,

Mar : Sar, what did you say! (dragging Sarwanti) sit down!
Sarwanti sat down.

Mar : Where have you been? Be honest!

Sar : we just went to the discotheque

Mar : To a discotheque? Having fun and getting drunk? Astagfirullah sarwanti

Sar : I'm just looking for some fun

Mar : You are a woman, what do you want to be in the future...

Sar : What kind of woman are you?

Mar : sarwanti !……

Sar : Why ma'am? Did you shock that I ask like that? Haven't you experienced
times like this? Even worse. Not just having fun but......(Mar menampar
wajah sar, ada penyesalan, musik nglangut.)

Sar : ((crying) why did you stop ma'am? Go on, let my mouth be silenced, but
what's wrong with me revealing the truth? I will not just remain silent with
the fate I am experiencing now, because I am a victim. Victims of the past
stupidity and mistakes of my parents, my mother, you.

Mar : What are you talking about?

Sar : I already knows everything ma'am...

Mar : You know what?

Sar : Anything, about your past, the woman who was loved by many men, I
don't know who was often the seducer, whether the men were against you,
or it was you who was the seducer. What is certain is that you didn’t want
me to born. I am also not Mr. Purnomo's son...

The music was playing, Marni was crying, Sar was also unable to hold back his tears.

Mar : Yeah, I don't deserve to be a mother, but not everything you hear is true...
who told you?

Sar : No need to know (Angry, curt) ……….

Mar : I was once the son of someone who was respected by society. Your
grandmother expects a lot from mother. mother went to town for school, got
good grades. Until I met your father, Purnomo, a wonderful man but also a
bastard who changed my life.
Sar : So that mother wants to be a naughty woman, mother starts to enjoy that
life, and I am present as part of the symbol of your sin.... but mother it is too
late until this big sin bears the burden of karma arising from your past sins

Mar : no, who poisoned you so that your mind could be that dirty?

Sar : the carcass will smell by itself. (rude angry)

Mar : Not what you think……. Is it wrong if I love that man with all my heart,
is it wrong if I am always afraid of losing him? Until in the end I had to
give up everything. And from then on, I always obeyed that man's wishes,

Sar : Including selling yourself to that man?

Mar : : I never sell myself! Indeed, in the end I really forgot about myself, until I
really took advantage of the freedom given by my parents.

Sar : who is that man……..

Mar was silent

Sar : who is that man?!

Mar : You don't deserve to know

Sar : Who is that guy?!

Mar : why do you know, it will only hurt.

Sar : hurt to whom? you mom? What is the effect? You just hurt me, the
mother who has made a blurry page in my life, fate no longer recognizes me
as a good woman.

Mar : yes, your mother is the one who is most guilty of you, because she has
sinned against you.

Sar : Who is that man ma'am?

Mar : He is your father! not someone else, it was your father who first
captured your mother's heart, who changed the line of our fate. I never
sold myself like you think. But only with your father, I am willing to
give everything. until the mother must produce love or sin. And my
fear at that time turned out to be true, after I was pregnant with you,
suddenly the man disappeared as if he had been swallowed by the

The atmosphere is tense.

Mar : And Purnomo, your current father, he is a god of help in our lives......

Sar : No, he is the devil, he is just taking advantage of the situation. First, with
the circumstances at that time, of course he could easily approach you, or
just because of your status. So he is already a winner even though he only
got what was left from someone else...

Mar : You have the heart to say that!

Sar : because now I really hate him...... we only used him as experimental
material for his works, admiration for my father as a writer and actor,
suddenly that feeling of admiration disappeared, when I discovered his
work tells about the reality of our family life. What he wrote was all about
us. My blood seemed to stop for a moment when the story clearly spoke
about us. I looked for the truth of this information, and it turned out they
confirmed it, because he really wanted to present his life story on stage.
Hah, narcissistic! He wants his problem to be known by many people.

Mar : (kaget dan sedih) But now, he's looking for you!

Sar : I'm already home, no need to look

Mar : he was so worried about you......

Sar : Dad is good at acting……….

Mar : no, father is very sincere to us, he is still a good to your mother, it is his
right to create works, but the story is not completely based on reality by
father, there must be some things that have been reduced, some have been

Sar : whatever form he takes, he is still too selfish. As an artist he is successful,

but as a husband and father you stutter.

Mar : he gives the best for us...

Sar : because it is to be used and exploited…….

Sar entered the room

Mar : Sa…..! I'm really worried about you... I don't like you going out with that
man, he's not a good man... A woman is not good for coming home late..... I
don't want you to be like me..... Sarwanti, you can still take care of yourself
right? Don't trust men easily, but... Sar, do you hear me?

There was sobbing.

Sar couldn't hold back his tears anymore, he left the room and ran out.

Mar : Sarwanti …… where are you going? Answer your mother's question
first....... Want to go back there? ……. Nduk, why don't you answer that
question? Even though it is very important, don't make your mother feel
even more guilty. For God's sake, don't suffer the same fate as your mother,
I have high hopes for you... Oh God, don't give karma for my sins to my

(Sarwanti goes out of the house in a bad mood)

Lights: dim, visual (multimedia, silhouette or whatever)

Purnama had to face several delinquents, Pur was beaten up.

Music: playing sadly………..

The photo frame in the house fell and broke, Marni was sad and Atmo entered the
performance hall while panting.


Atmo : please, please, pakdhe pur….. pakdhe purnomo…..

Person 1: why? Uncle Purnomo has been home since earlier......

Atmo: you guys are good at fighting, right?

Person 1: Aren't you the better one? You're Prapatan's son, aren't you?

Atmo: Don't joke around, this is an emergency, a matter of life and death sir...

Person 1: why? What is it? speak clearly! (starting to look panicked)……..

Atmo: Come on, Let's just follow me now.

Everyone was curious and became agitated, then excited following Atmo .......

Inside the house Marni was cleaning up the shards of a broken picture frame.

Fade out ………..

Music : fierce, fighting

Everyone runs out to find Purnomo who has been arguing with Sapto.

Sapto : Hahahah see, I did it, is this enough coins to win? (playing slots)

Upin : Alah most later you also lose, then debt again!
Sapto : You lose! I can do anything, I can conquer Sarwanti too!

Upin : Aren't you afraid of her father?!

Sapto duduk ketawa dengan temannya, tiba tiba ayahnya mendengar suara sapto dan
mendatanginya .

Pur : Hey you, what did you do to my daughter? She no longer obeys like she
used to, she used to be a sweet girl who loved her parents, now she rebels
and often goes out at night with you!

Sapto : What do you mean? He told me himself that he was fed up with his
family, that he was like this because his father was too strict at home!

Upin : Ah, that's her dad!

Pur : What are you saying! How dare you not know the manners of talking like
that in front of me, (Slapping Sapto). Remember, don't you, come to my
house again, until I know you dare to come home, I will beat you with my

Slow music

Pur went walking home .... And atmo comes

Sapto : Damn, this old man is really bothering me (Picking up stones around), I
just hit him, with this sarwanti can be free, *Bug head, Bug back.

Pur : Argh (in pain), please help.

Juki : Oh no Pakdhe, hurry up, Pakdhe!, heh brat, let him go! (starts struggling)

Atmo : Hi, you bastard, you don't know yourself (strangling Sapto).
Sapto : Who are you? You're bothering me. This is none of your business.

Atmo : (starts fighting with his friends) Let's beat Juki.

Juki membantu pakdhe ke pinggir jalan.

Juki: Okey Mo.

Sapto: Take over him! (to Upin)

Lalu tiba tiba sapto yang memiliki pisau menusuk atmo sebanyak 3 kali

Sarwanti dating melihat mereka sedang bergelut…

Sarwanti : Apa itu ? Kenapa tergeletak! (Panik) Siapa itu? Ah AYAH, SAPTO..

Sarwanti : Ayah, Bangun ayah! Ayah kau belum meminta maaf padaku, Kau belum
berbuat lebih baik kepadaku ! Ayo cepat bangun

Ayah : Maafkan Ayah nak, jaga ibumu, jauhi laki2 itu…

musik : Ending sedih

Cahaya menggelap, sedih, redup . selesai


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