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Ana Holcman y Victoria Yankilevich


The factors that people consider important for living a happy life is a hotly-debated
topic that often divides opinion. While some people think that having a good social
life is crucial, others believe that having money is the most effective way to find

The lack of money undoubtedly has an impact on the standard of living. People who
have difficulties making ends meet, or not having enough money to cover basic
necessities, do not have a healthy quality of life and that leads to an unhappy life.
Money can buy security and safety for yourself and your loved ones. Human beings
need money to pay for all the things that make their life possible, such as shelter,
food, healthcare bills, and a good education.

Another important factor to consider for a happy life is having close friends. Near
friendships are essential in life because they are the only ones capable of helping
celebrate good times and provide support during bad times. Good friends are vitally
important to mental health and to the quality of life.

In light of the above, friends can give us support, love and care, whereas money,
although it can provide us the basic needs, can only provide us with temporary
happiness through material things. Furthermore, we can live without having a lot of
money but we certainly cannot live without our best friends.

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