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Present simple: official times / timetable

The train leaves at 10:00


Affirmative: S + will + verb (base form) – I will go the cinema

Negative: S + will not (won’t) + verb (base form) – I won’t go to the cinema

Interrogative: Will + S + verb (BF) – Will you marry me? I will

- Promises - > Will you marry me? I will; I promise I will help you
- Hypothetical actions/ uncertain / things that are not sure -> Tomorrow it will rain
With verbs such as believe, hope, think…
• Decisions taken on the spot - (I will order pizza)

To be Going to

Affirmative: S + to be + going to + verb (base form) – I’m going to meet a friend

Negative: S + to be not + going to + verb (BF) – I’m not going to eat sushi

Interrogative: To be + S + going to + verb (BF) – Are you going to swim ?

- Things decided / intended -> I’m going to reserve a table at the restaurant
- Visual effect -> you see that something is going to happen
Look at the sky, it’s going to rain

Present continuous

Affermative: S + am/are/is + verb (-ing)

Negative: S + am/are/is + not + verb (-ing)

Interrogative: To be + S + verb (-ing)

• Things that are decided, planned and organised -> I’m going to the cinema tomorrow


1. I will go to the UK (it’s an idea, I don’t know when)

2. I am going to go the UK (decided, I know the day, maybe I have the ticket)
3. I am going to the UK (planned & organised, ticket + hotel, luggage ready)

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