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Masa depan

Use to :

 Memprediksi sesuatu yang akan terjadi di masa depan

 Decision keputusan
 Offering
 Plan
 Permintaan

Form in the future : Will & Be going to = akan


 Keputusan spontan (Rapid decision)

Ex : I will get the ice tea please
 Penawaran
Ex : I will make you dinner, if you give me a ride home
 Suata janji
Ex : I promise i will take you to Bali next year
 Ancaman
Ex : I will cry if you don’t buy me that toy


 Sudah merencanakan sesuatu yang pasti

Ex : I’m going to watch movie tonight
 Yakin terjadi karena sudah ada tanda-tanda
Ex : It’s cloudy, i think its going to rain tonight


Subject+Will+Not(won’t)+The rest of the sentences

Ex : i will go to the store

(-) i will not go to the store / i won’t go the the store

Subject+To be+Not+Going to+the rest of the sentences

(-) i am not going to go to the store / im not gonna go to the store


To be+will/going to+the rest of sentences

(?) will i go to the store?

(?) am i going to go to the store? / am i gonna go to the store?

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