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The Thirty-Fifth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-21)

Why and What to Teach: AI Curriculum for Elementary School

Seonghun Kim1 , Yeonju Jang1 , Woojin Kim1 , Seongyune Choi1 , Heeseok Jung1 , Soohwan Kim2 ,
Hyeoncheol. Kim1*
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Korea University, Republic of Korea
Chongshin University, Republic of Korea
{ryankim0409, spring0425, woojinkim1021, poco2889 , csyun213, harrykim},

Abstract AI Literacy
With the rapid technological change of society with Artificial Knowledge Skill Attitude
Intelligence, elementary schools’ goal should be to prepare
• Definition & Types of AI • Using AI Tools • Social Impact
the next generations according to competencies. We propose • Problem Solving & Search • Computational Thinking & • Collaborate with AI
an AI curriculum to cultivate students’ AI literacy to answer • Reasoning Programming
• Data & Machine Learning
the question of ‘why and what to teach’ on AI. The proposed • Applications
AI curriculum focuses on achieving AI literacy based on three Lecture Slides Teacher’s Guide Student’s Workbook
competencies: AI Knowledge, AI Skill, and AI Attitude. We
anticipate that the proposed curriculum will equip students
with core competencies for the future with AI.

As the integration of AI into society accelerates digital trans-
formation, the ways of problem-solving shifts from the au- Figure 1: The complete outline of the proposed AI curricu-
tomation of human action to the automation of human cogni- lum for elementary school.
tion. AI technology is anticipated to develop into a general-
purpose technology like electricity and networking technol-
ogy in a shortcoming future. To reflect the future of AI in- As an answer to the question of ‘why and what to teach’
tegrated human labor systems, the objective of education students on AI, we propose an AI curriculum tailored to el-
should be reconfigured to portray the changing dynamics of ementary school students to develop AI literacy. The pro-
our society (Parliament 2018). Accordingly, an elementary posed AI curriculum is built upon the three competencies:
school curriculum should also be devised to prepare and in- AI Knowledge, AI Skill, and AI Attitude. The goal of the
spire the next generation in a world flooded with AI. curriculum is to cultivate AI-literate elementary school stu-
The discussion of to whom AI should be taught reoriented dents with mastery of the three competencies. Figure 1 il-
from university students to elementary school students. Cur- lustrates the complete outline of the proposed curriculum.
rent AI education is mainly carried out at universities with We further implemented a module of our curriculum to 60
a well-established curriculum. The aim of AI education in elementary school students from five different schools and
universities is to be academic and industry experts on the examined the content’s adequacy, effectiveness, and value.
career development of students. However, AI education in
elementary education should center on fostering the AI lit- Existing Guidelines for K-12 AI Education
eracy of students. A blind application of higher education AI AI literacy is a set of competencies that enable an individ-
curriculum is inadequate to meet the educational purpose of ual to function in AI integrated society proficiently. An in-
elementary schools. dividual with AI literacy would be able to critically evalu-
The AI curriculum of elementary school education should ate AI, communicate and collaborate with AI and fluently
consider the competencies specific to elementary school use AI as a tool (Long and Magerko 2020). However, aca-
students. The objective of elementary education is to pro- demic discussions on definitions and components of AI lit-
vide students with an opportunity to strengthen core com- eracy is in continuation. We share a parallel perspective and
petencies to function as a member of a society successfully. the works that define AI literacy and its competencies for our
The competency of elementary school should direct toward curriculum. Among the competencies to achieve AI literacy
fostering students’ ability to understand the AI integrated in the work of Long and Magerko (2020), ‘Recognizing AI’,
world. ‘Ethics’, and ‘Programming Ability’ are the core competen-
Copyright c 2021, Association for the Advancement of Artificial cies that align with our curriculum development objective.
Intelligence ( All rights reserved. The AI for K-12 working group established guidelines

AI Competencies Competency Subcategories Neopolitan(2018) Russel(2002) David Poole(2010) George Luger(2007)
• K1: Definition and Types of AI History of AI Rational Agents Rational Agents History of AI
• K2: Problem-Solving and Search Uninformed(blind search)
Informed(Heuristic search)
Uninformed(blind search)
Informed(Heuristic search)
Uninformed(blind search)
Informed(Heuristic search)
Uninformed(blind search)
Informed(Heuristic search)
AI Knowledge • K3: Reasoning Local search
Local search
Adversarial Search
Local search
Local search

• K4: Data and Machine Learning Knowledge Representation

Uncertain Knowledge
Knowledge Representation
Representation Logic Knowledge Representation Expert System
• K5: Applications Supervised Learning Knowledge Representation Uncertain Knowledge Supervised Learning
Unsupervised Learning Supervised Learning Expert System Unsupervised Learning
• S1: Using AI Tools Neural Network Semantic Web Supervised Learning Neural Network
AI Skill Probability Neural Network Unsupervised Learning Semantic Web
• S2: Computational Thinking and Reinforcement Learning
Genetic evolution
Probability Semantic Web Genetic evolution
Reinforcement Learning Probability NLP
Programming NLP NLP/Perception/Image
Reinforcement Learning
• A1: Social Impact
AI Attitude
• A2: Collaborate with AI Rob Callan(2003) Nils Nilsson(1998)
Rational Agents
Rational Agents History of AI
Uninformed(blind search)
Uninformed(blind search)
Table 1: Three AI competencies and its subcategories. Planning
Definition & Types of AI Informed(Heuristic search)
Adversarial Search
Knowledge Representation Problem Solving & Search Planning
Supervised Learning
Semantic Web Reasoning Logic
Knowledge Representation
Neural Network
Data & Machine Learning Uncertain Knowledge
that future AI curricula should fulfill (Touretzky et al. 2019). Reinforcement Learning Applications
Expert System
Supervised Learning
Genetic evolution
The guideline analyzes five AI’s Big Ideas and defines what NLP
Semantic Web
Neural Network
students should know about AI. Our curriculum mainly fo- Genetic evolution
cuses on the Big Idea #1, #2, #3, and #5 of the guideline,
each associated with topics in our separate module. Our cur- Winston(1992) Elaine Rich(1983)
Charniak(1987) Jacksons(1985)
riculum’s extent of knowledge coincides with the guideline’s
History of AI
K3-5 grade band. The K3-5 grade band’s specified topics Uninformed(blind search)
Informed(Heuristic search) Uninformed(blind search) History of AI Uninformed(blind search)
Planning Uninformed(blind search) Informed(Heuristic search)
are sensors, representation, vision, NLP, and self-driving Planning
Knowledge Representation Logic Informed(Heuristic search) Adversarial Search
Uncertain Knowledge Language Adversarial Search Planning
cars, with emphasis on developing the programming ability Representation Supervised Learning Logic Logic
Neural Network NLP Genetic evolution Knowledge Representation
of students using children’s programming framework. All Semantic Web Perception NLP Expert System
Genetic evolution Perception Supervised Learning
modules of our curriculum cover every mentioned topic and NLP Neural Network
Image NLP
include programming activities using block-programming Image

language. Further, all modules incorporate discussion activ-

ities on social impacts of AI, following the Big Idea #5 of
the guideline.
Satisfying the guideline, our curriculum provides tailored Figure 2: Analysis of the common concepts in AI textbooks.
learning activities, instructional materials, and evaluation Best viewed in color.
rubrics. Our curriculum’s content structure comprises un-
plugged activities on diverse AI technologies and associated
ethical issues. The learning activities are constructed to max- oping all three competencies is necessary to attain AI liter-
imize the students’ learning on AI topics presented in the acy. Table 1 presents our definition and its subcategories of
guidelines with computational thinking skills. This aspect of the three competencies. For simplicity, we use number order
our curriculum differs from the existing K-12 AI curriculum to indicate each of the subcategories.
where it addresses only certain AI areas, or the construc- AI Knowledge The AI Knowledge aims for the ability to
tion of the learning topics is disjointed (Wong et al. 2020). comprehend the core concepts of AI. We define the subcat-
We start the modules by experiencing AI technologies that egories of AI Knowledge competency as ‘Definitions and
students can encounter in their daily lives. By experiencing Types of AI’, ‘Problem-Solving and Search’, ‘Reasoning’,
familiar AI technologies, students may divest preconceived ‘Data and Machine Learning’, and ‘Applications’.
misconceptions about AI. ‘Definition and Types of AI’ refers to the knowledge
to identify what properties separate AI-based systems and
AI Literacy and Competencies of the algorithm-based systems. ‘Problem-Solving and Search’ in-
dicates the knowledge of search algorithms. ‘Reasoning’ is
Curriculum knowledge on simulation of human logical reasoning pro-
The goal of the proposed AI curriculum is to equip elemen- cess with a computing model. ‘Data and Machine Learn-
tary school students with AI literacy. Our primary consid- ing’ is understanding machine learning algorithms that finds
erations of the curriculum development are threefold: First, patterns from data. ‘Applications’ refers to knowledge in
elementary students should identify AI technologies in their various AI applications domains, such as computer vision,
daily lives. Second, students should be equipped with pro- speech recognition, and machine translation.
gramming skills to use the technology in real-world situa- The contents of ‘Applications’ subcategory are substan-
tions. Third, students should be able to consider potential tially associated with the curriculum’s goal of developing AI
ethical issues of using AI technologies. literacy. The activities of ‘Applications‘ aim to experience
We define the three competencies to achieve AI literacy: and learn everyday AI technologies such as voice recogni-
AI Knowledge, AI Skill, and AI Attitude. We do not estab- tion and optical text recognition. Experiencing AI applica-
lish priority among the three competencies since even devel- tions in real-world situations allow students to utilize AI ap-

CS2013 topics Subcategories of AI Knowledge
Fundamental Issues Definition and Types of AI
Basic Search Strategies Problem-Solving and Search
Basic Knowledge Representation and Reasoning Reasoning
Basic Machine Learning Data and Machine Learning
Perception and Computer, Vision, Natural Language Processing Applications

Table 2: Associations between CS2013 Intelligent System topics and subcategories of the AI Knowledge competency.

plications based on their understanding of technology. AI Skill AI Skill competency equips students with com-
We construct the curriculum’s content by surveying putational thinking upon programming skills. The subcat-
prominent AI textbooks, and Computer Science Curricula egories of AI Skill competency are ‘Using AI Tools’ and
2013 (CS2013) (Sahami et al. 2013). CS2013 reflected con- ‘Computational Thinking and Programming’. ‘Using AI
tributions from many researchers, educators, and practition- Tools’ indicates an ability to use appropriate AI utilities for
ers in computer science and regarded as a primary guideline problem-solving. ‘Computational Thinking and Program-
in designing computing curricula (Sahami 2015). Therefore, ming’ refers to an ability to program simple AI applications,
the proposed curriculum’s content aligns with what is cur- ultimately developing Computational Thinking of students.
rently taught in college with adjusted difficulty suitable for For the AI Skill competency, we share our view with the
elementary school students. Adopting a backward curricu- AI competency framework by ReadyAI. ReadyAI considers
lum design approach, we first identified the desired learn- ’Computational Thinking and Programming’ as one of its
ing outcomes and then designed learning activities with in- core components of AI competency1 .
structional strategies (Wiggins and McTighe 1998). Table
2 shows associations between CS2013 topics and subcate- Computational Thinking is considered one of the fun-
gories of AI Knowledge competency. damental skills for elementary school students and read-
We further verified the relevance of our five subcategories ing, writing, and arithmetic. Computational Thinking refers
of AI Knowledge competency on ten AI textbooks’ contents. to “a student’s ability to solve problems, design systems,
Figure 2 illustrates a summary of the analysis of the mutual and understand human behavior based on computer science”
concepts of AI textbooks (Neapolitan and Jiang 2018; Rus- (Wing 2006). Computational Thinking emphasizes thinking
sell and Norvig 2002; Poole and Mackworth 2010; Luger on multiple abstraction levels for achieving the essential an-
2007; Callan 2003; Nilsson 1998; Winston 1992; Char- alytical ability of a student in a computer-ubiquitous world.
niak and McDermott 1987; Jackson 1985; Rich and Knight Since computer science encompasses AI, we regard Compu-
1983). tational Thinking as an imperative competency of a student
in acquiring AI literacy.
• All textbooks include the ‘Definitions and Types of AI’ as
their introductory topic. Five out of ten textbooks cover
AI’s history with the definition of AI, and four out of ten AI Attitude With rich examples of AI applications, AI At-
textbooks include topics on rational agents. titude competency advances students’ ability to consider all
• All textbooks include the ‘Problem-Solving and Search’. aspects of AI in society collectively. The subcategories of AI
The topics covered in this concept are uninformed (blind Attitude are ‘Social Impact’ and ‘Collaborate with AI’. The
search), informed (heuristic search), local search, adver- AI Attitude competency seeks students’ ability to acknowl-
sarial search, constraint satisfaction problem (CSP), and edge both the positive and negative effects of AI on society
planning. and a critical perspective on using AI technology.
• All textbooks include logic, knowledge representation, An AI literate citizen should possess the ability to use AI
uncertain knowledge, and expert systems, which all re- for the benefit of humanity. The assimilation of AI into the
late to ‘Reasoning’. Nine out of ten textbooks cover logic, human decision-making process introduces concerns toward
and eight out of ten textbooks cover knowledge represen- ethics on its usage. Addressed issues include a commer-
tations. cial gender-biased face classifier (Buolamwini and Gebru
2018) and word embedding with encoded racial stereotypes
• All textbooks cover topics on ‘Data and Machine learn- (Manzini et al. 2019). It is necessary to provide a balanced
ing’. Included concepts are Supervised Learning, Un- view of the conflicting ethical issues of AI for students to
supervised Learning, Neural Networks, Reinforcement reflect on themselves and acknowledge different opinions.
Learning, Genetic Evolution, and Semantic Web. Espe- In this regard, competencies for AI literacy should ensure
cially, recently published textbooks put more emphasis on that students perceive AI without any misconception (Wong
these topics. et al. 2020).
• All textbooks contain topics on the ‘Applications’ of AI.
The included domains are Natural Language Process-
ing(NLP), Image, Perception, and Robotics. Specifically, 1 camp
NLP is consistently addressed in all textbooks. lesson plans demo.pdf

Module Lesson Activities AI Competencies
• Play with Smart Speaker
1 • Explore Applications of AI K1 S1 -
1. Introduction • Distinguish between AI and Algorithm
to AI 2, 3 • Programming Activity: Smart Speaker - S2 -
• Daily Applications of AI
4 - - A1
• Social Impact of AI
• Understand Search Algorithms
• Solve Crossing the River Problem
1 K2 - -
• Play Tic-Tac-Toe Game
• Applications of Search Algorithms
2. Traditional • Understand Reasoning
Approaches of • Applications of Reasoning
2 K2 - -
AI - Search • Classify Animals with Reasoning Algorithms
and Reasoning • Play Bulls and Cows Game
3 • Programming Activity: Animal Classifier - S2 -
• AI Applications in Medicine
4 • Positive Impacts of AI - - A2
• Draw AI helping humanity
• Play with Face Filter Apps
1 • Understand Pixel in Image Processing K5 S1 -
3. Face • Feature Extraction and Edge Detection
Detection 2,3 • Programming Activity: Face Filter App - S2 -
• Distinguish between Face Detection and Face Recognition
4 K5 - A1
• The Impact of Face Recognition on Society
1 • How does the Computer Understand Audio? K5 S1 -
4. Speech
2,3 • Programming Activity: My Smart Home System - S2 -
4 • The Impact of Speech Recognition on Society - - A1
• Play with Speech Translator
1 • Tokenization and Encoding K5 S1 -
5. Machine • Play with Speech Synthesis Application
Translation 2,3 • Programming Activity: Speech Translator - S2 -
• Draw Applications of Speech Translator
4 K5 - A1
• Applications of Speech Synthesis
• Play with Smart Lens
1 K4 S1 -
• Distinguish between Supervised and Unsupervised Learning
6. Image
2,3 • Programming Activity: Image Classifier - S2 -
• Applications of Image Classification
4 - - A1
• Draw an Ad of a Commercial Image Classifier
• Play with Toxic Comment Blocker
• Distinguish between Classification and Regression
1 K4 S1 -
• Predict a Height from a Shoe Size
7. Text
• Classification with Decision Trees
2,3 • Programming Activity: Toxic Comment Blocker - S2 -
• Importance of Training Data
4 K4 - A1
• Jeopardy: Classification vs Regression
• Understand AI in Self-Driving Cars
1 K5 - -
8. Self-Driving • Propose New AI Functions for Self-Driving Cars
Cars 2,3 • Programming Activity: Self-Driving Robot - S2 -
4 • The Impact of Self-Driving Cars on Society - - A1

Table 3: The content structure of the proposed AI Curriculum. Each capital letters of AI competencies indicate the competency
subcategories of Table 1. For example, ‘K1’ denotes ‘Definition and Types of AI’.

AI Curriculum for Elementary School for the K5-6 grade band. The only required prerequisite for
Students the curriculum is programming skills on constructing a se-
quence of commands using block-coding programming lan-
A full content structure of the proposed AI curriculum is
demonstrated in Table 3. The curriculum is most suitable

Module Design Considerations We design all modules of advanced level of understanding through images or videos.
the AI curriculum on following considerations. Each mod- Competencies included in the module are AI Knowledge of
ule is constructed for even development of the three compe- ‘Applications’ and AI Attitude of ‘Social Impact’.
tencies to foster AI literacy of elementary school students.
The content for enhancing AI Knowledge competency is Module 4: Speech Recognition The fourth module cov-
built to uniformly address the core concepts of AI with- ers speech recognition. Students learn about how comput-
out emphasizing one particular knowledge. The activities ers process audio signals and deepen their understanding
to develop AI Skill competency are constructed to experi- through programming a home automation system. Students
ence using AI technologies in students’ day-to-day activi- also engage in a group discussion on how speech recogni-
ties. Further, the curriculum includes programming activi- tion influences their daily lives. The learning objective of the
ties to strengthen the student’s computational thinking and module is to know the speech recognition process. The mod-
creativity. The curriculum content for developing AI Atti- ule advances competencies of ‘Applications’ in AI Knowl-
tude competency presents various ethical issues and dilem- edge and ‘Social Impact’ in AI Attitude.
mas caused by AI integration into society.
Module 5: Machine Translation The fifth module ex-
The Structure of the Curriculum Each module of the plores machine translation. The module’s activities are about
curriculum consists of four consecutive lessons, where each how computers to convert audio signals to written text and
of the lessons in the module is designed to incorporate at programming a simple machine translation application. The
least one more AI competencies. Activities to develop AI module’s learning objective is an introduction to basic nat-
Skill competency are included in all modules. Although each ural language processing concepts and distinguishing be-
module covers different topics of AI, the flow of the lessons tween speech recognition and language processing. The
are similar. In the first lesson, students experience AI tech- competencies fostered in the fifth module are the AI Knowl-
nologies present in their everyday lives. The second and edge competency of ‘Applications’ and AI Attitude compe-
third lessons include programming activities using the En- tency of ‘Social Impact’.
try (Han, Kim, and Wohn 2015). Entry is a platform for
the block-based programming language that supports vari- Module 6: Image Classification The sixth module covers
ous coding blocks with high-level AI functionalities, such the concepts of supervised and unsupervised machine learn-
as video detection, machine translation, and speech recogni- ing. Students program a color classification model. Then,
tion. The last lesson includes a review of previous topics and students discuss and present how image classification im-
discussions on the social impact of AI with peers. pacts society. The module’s learning objectives are under-
standing fundamental concepts of machine learning and dif-
Module 1: Introduction to AI The first module intro- ferentiating supervised and unsupervised learning. Compe-
duces the core concepts of AI to students. The module’s tencies integrated into the module are AI Knowledge of
activities are programming a simple speech recognition al- ‘Data and Machine Learning’ and AI Attitude of ‘Social Im-
gorithm and discussing the social impacts of AI with peers. pact’.
Through the lessons in the module, students understand the
definitions and characteristics of AI and distinguish between Module 7: Text Classification The seventh module ex-
AI and algorithms. The learning objective of the module is plores text classification, centered explicitly on toxic on-
to resolve students’ potential misunderstanding of AI. The line comments. The programming activity for the module is
first module grows AI Knowledge competency of ‘Defini- to build a toxic comment blocker. Students are further pre-
tions and Types of AI’ and AI Attitude competency of ‘So- sented with the topic of biased data and discuss the conse-
cial Impact’. quences of data bias. Students are also introduced to the con-
Module 2: Traditional Approaches to AI The second cept of classification and regression. Through the course of
module explores problem-solving with search algorithms. activities, students learn the importance of using quality data
Activities of the module are programming an animal classi- by experiencing imbalanced and biased training data and
fier with reasoning algorithms. The learning outcome of the how it affects machine learning models’ decision-making.
module is understanding a traditional AI approach through With the module, students develop AI Knowledge compe-
search and reasoning algorithms. The second module fos- tency of ‘Data and Machine Learning’ and AI Attitude of
ters the AI Knowledge competency of ‘Problem-Solving and ‘Social Impact’.
Search’, ‘Reasoning’, and AI Attitude competency of ‘Col-
laborate with AI’. Module 8: Self-Driving Cars The final module is on self-
driving cars. Based on previous modules, students classify
Module 3: Face Detection The third module introduces technologies in self-driving cars according to AI concepts
how computers process images. Activities of the module are that they have learned. The programming activity for the
programming a face filter application. Then, students watch module is to build a self-driving robot with computer vision
multimedia resources on the positive and negative impacts technology. The module’s learning objective is to understand
of computer vision technologies on society and proceed to the importance and necessity of AI and how AI transforms
in-depth discussion. The module’s learning objective is to daily lives, society, and future careers. Competencies for the
understand the difference between how humans and comput- module are AI Knowledge of ‘Applications’ and AI Attitude
ers perceive visual information and how computers gain an of ’Social Impact’.

Programming Activities Students acquire essential pro- Lesson 1: How does a computer identify an image?

gramming skills and basics of computer science through the Let's summarize what we have learned.

programming activities of the curriculum. The programming

activities are designed to incorporate basic object-oriented 0 : Black
1: White
programming concepts and knowledge of data structures
such as variables, data types, and lists. The programming ac-
tivities also cover topics on functions and control flow com- Student Worksheet-3. Identifying Shapes Student Worksheet-3. Identifying Shapes
Let's think about it Let's think about it

Teaching Strategies We suggest the following teaching 2. The impact of facial recognition technology on our lives

strategies for the effective implementation of the curriculum. Q. How is facial recognition technology being used?

Q. In addition to the examples presented, think about where the facial recognition technology is

• The overall learning experience should be focused on

being applied and present your thought to the class.

Q. What are the side-effects of using facial recognition technology?

achieving AI literacy through project-based learning and

Q. How can you prevent these side-effects?

problem-solving rather than emphasizing a particular AI

concept or tool. 3. Discussion

Q. Provide your opinion on the following topic and give evidence behind your decision.

• The activities should be aimed at developing a student’s Topic

What do you think of a country using facial recognition technology for surveillance?

I (agree / disagree) that …

ability to use AI-based tools in their daily lives through Evidence

unplugged learning rather than lectures on AI concepts.

Q. Let's think of an objection that the other side can offer against your evidence.

• The teaching method should be constructed with an ap-

propriate selection of machine learning tools and plat-
forms considering the student’s understanding and the How does a computer detect an image? How does a computer detect an image?
classroom environment.
Teaching Reference Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3 Lesson 4

• The teaching method should employ appropriate topics to 2. Feature Extraction from Image

draw students’ attention and motivation but present them *Principle of CNN
to consider varying levels of topic importance. Feature maps

Input Output

Assessment Suggestions We suggest the following for Feature

of Features

student assessment when implementing our curriculum. Since the overall idea of CNN is
complicated, we will simply learn about
how CNN extracts the features.

• Assessment should be centered on a rational and objec- CNN extracts features such as horizontal
lines, vertical lines, circles, and diagonal
lines in an image through some

tive evaluation of students during all stages of peer inter- computational process. This process is
similar to the contour detection activity we
did earlier.

action, presentation, and discussion. A checklist on the

detailed assessment standard may assist the evaluation. Figure 3: A sample of lecture slides (top), student work-
The created assessment standard may be utilized for self- books (middle) and instructor’s guide (bottom).
assessment or peer-assessment.
• Small group-based discussion is suitable for evaluating
the process of discussion of a student. Teachers should The lecture slides are designed per module and consist of
instruct students to present in an orderly manner for even lesson objectives, multimedia components on the topic, the
evaluation of all students. lesson’s core content, and an evaluation rubric.
• Teachers should create a learning environment enriched The student workbook per module is divided into four
with a sense of accomplishment by providing various as- sections, each covering a lesson of a module. The first work-
sessment criteria selected with careful consideration of sheet supports student’s unplugged learning activities in un-
student ability and understanding. derstanding essential topic concepts. The second and third
• When evaluating programming activities and the student’s worksheet provides step-by-step explanations and instruc-
ability to use AI-based tools, teachers should evaluate the tions for students to follow in their programming activities.
overall process of problem-solving altogether with the ac- The last worksheet aims to develop AI Attitude competency.
tivities’ outcome. The instructor’s guide further reduces the burden of teach-
ers who might not be familiar with the concepts of AI
(Sabuncuoglu 2020). The instructor’s guide provides sup-
Instructional Material Development plementary material containing a detailed explanation of AI
The proposed AI curriculum further includes an instruc- topics, emphasizing the core concepts for teaching.
tional material package that includes lecture slides, student
workbooks, and instructor’s guides. The instructional mate- Curriculum Implementation
rials are designed together with the curriculum to facilitate
immediate and direct curriculum implementation. Figure 3 We implemented the first module of our curriculum as a pilot
presents a sample of the instructional material. The instruc- test, ‘Introduction to AI’, and analyzed students’ learning
tional materials are publicly available online2 . outcomes. We evaluate the validity of our curriculum with
a focus on enhancing the AI literacy of students. The first
2 module is selected with the consideration that students have

strongly disagree disagree neutral
neutral agree
agree strongly agree
strongly agree
t-value p-value
the survey question of ‘I know the definition of AI’, stu-
I know what AI is
I know the definition of AI.
3.490 .001
dents were not confident about AI’s definition (Mean: 3.07,

I can use
SD: 1.056). After the module implementation, the students
I can use AI-based pre
or servicesapps.
products with AI
3.782 .000 were more confident in their knowledge of the definition of
I can solve real world problem
I can approach
by usingreal
AI world
2.151 .036
AI (Mean: 3.52, SD: 0.911). The t-test analysis showed a
problems with AI. post

I can make AI program

significant difference (Mean: 4.42, SD: 0.720).
I can make AIblock
program pre
with block coding.
post 2.272 .027 On the student’s ability to differentiate between AI and
I think Cooperation
can befor with AI is
my life
pre algorithm, the module implementation has demonstrated to
in my life. post -.331 .742
develop the AI Knowledge competency of students. We ana-
I thinkCooperation
AI can for with AI is
my study.
post -.142 .888 lyze how students have succeeded in distinguishing between
AI have a positive effect
I think AI have postive
on society pre 2.500 .015
AI and algorithms before and after the module implementa-
effect on the society. post
tion. The bottom composite bar graph of Figure 4 presents
-40 -30 -20 -10

0 1
0 10

2 3



50 60 70

t-value p-value
the result. The pre-survey results indicate that the students
Ratio of students who
Is this AI? pre
corretly distinguished AI 10.998 .000
are not familiar with differentiating between AI and algo-
and Algorithm on six
questions. 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
rithms (Mean: 3.23, SD: 0.673). After the implementation,
students successfully distinguished AI and algorithm (Mean:
4.42, SD: 0.720). The t-test analysis showed a significant
Figure 4: The t-test analysis of the student survey on the difference of (t=10.998, p < 0.01).
‘Introduction to AI’ module.
AI Skill For the survey items on AI Skill competency, the
module implementation increased students’ competency on
no prior learning experience on AI. ‘Using AI Tools’ and ‘Computational Thinking and Pro-
The learning objective of the first module’s lesson is un- gramming’. The analysis on the pre- and post-survey reveals
derstanding the definition of AI. Activities of the module that the curriculum implementation has developed students’
include interacting with smart speakers and solving exer- AI Skill competency with statistical significance of (t=3.782,
cises to differentiate AI and algorithms. The second and p<0.01), (t=2.151, p<0.05) and (t=2.272, p<0.05) on the
third lesson’s activity is programming a smart speaker with a survey questions of ‘I can use AI-based apps’, ‘I can ap-
block-based programming language. Students build a base- proach real-world problems with AI’ and ’I can make AI
line model in the second lesson and develop the model in program with block coding’.
the third lesson. The fourth lesson’s activity is understand- AI Attitude The pre- and post-survey show that the mod-
ing how AI changes people’s everyday lives and discussing ule implementation strengthens student’s AI Attitude com-
the social impacts of AI. petency. Response to the question of ‘I think AI has a pos-
itive effect on society’ demonstrates the statistical signifi-
Survey Respondents We taught four fifth grade and four
cance (t=2.500, p<0.05). However, on the questions of ‘I
sixth grade classes of five elementary schools in South Ko-
think AI can be helpful in my life’ and ‘I think AI can help
rea over a weekly one-hour lesson for four weeks. We re-
with my study’, the means of both questions were already
ceived consent to participate in research and an agreement
high with (Mean: 4.33, SD: 0.968) and (Mean: 4.17, SD:
to collect and use personal information. There were 60 par-
1.060), respectively. We speculate that a high percentage of
ticipants, consisting of 25 fifth grade students and 35 sixth
students had already formulated a positive attitude toward
grade students.
AI even before the module was implemented.
Survey Method We surveyed students before and after
implementing the module on AI Knowledge, AI Skill, and Conclusion
AI Attitude. We measure students’ level of competencies We propose to establish AI literacy as the main objective of
with a five-point Likert scale, with five being ‘Strongly elementary school AI curriculum and define the components
Agree’. We also surveyed students on their knowledge to dif- of AI literacy with three competencies: AI Knowledge, AI
ferentiate between AI and algorithms. We then compared the Skill, and AI Attitude.
student’s pre- and post- responses and analyzed the results Based on three core competencies, we build a curriculum
using the t-test analysis with a 0.05 level of significance. accompanying teaching and learning resources for elemen-
tary school students on AI education to equip students with
Results AI literacy. Our implemented AI curriculum enhances AI
Figure 4 demonstrates the analysis of the survey respon- literacy for elementary school students with statistically sig-
dent’s pre- and post-survey on AI literacy. The analysis nificant differences. We expect that our curriculum success-
demonstrates an increased average of the responses and sta- fully satisfies the goal of empowering students to prosper in
tistically significant differences. The analysis shows that our the world of AI.
curriculum successfully enhanced AI literacy in students. For future work, we aim to evaluate all modules’ valid-
ity. We also hope to develop an AI education curriculum for
AI Knowledge We confirm that the implementation of the the entire K-12, expanding from this AI elementary school
module enhances student’s AI Knowledge competency. On curriculum.

Acknowledgements Sahami, M. 2015. Computer science curricula 2013
This research was supported by the MSIT(Ministry of Sci- (CS2013) AI and the intelligent systems knowledge area. AI
ence and ICT), Korea, under the ITRC(Information Technol- Matters 1(3): 4–5.
ogy Research Center) support program(IITP-2018-0-01405) Sahami, M.; Roach, S.; Cuadros-Vargas, E.; Danyluk, A.;
supervised by the IITP(Institute for Information & commu- Dodge, R.; Fisher, K.; Fincher, S.; France, R.; Grossman,
nications Technology Promotion). D.; Hawthorne, B.; et al. 2013. Computer Science Curricula
2013 (CS2013) .
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