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Passage 1 Stepwells

Keywords in the questions Similar words in the passage

Can be found all over the world (contradicting) unique to this region
A range of functions They were places of gathering, of leisure
and relaxation and of worship
Water collection Drinking, bathing, watering animals and
Provide shade for people Sheltered visitors from the relentless heat

Serious climatic event An eight-year drought

Frequent visitors to stepwells Tourists flock to wells
Excellent condition Pristine condition
Steps on the 4 sides produce a geometrical Four steps descend in a stunning
pattern geometrical formation
Looks more like a tank than a well Resembles a tank rather than a well

Passage 2 European Transport Systems 1990-2010

Keywords in the questions Similar words in the passage
The rapid growth of private transport Spectacular growth in car use
Transport trends in countries awaiting EU Candidates for entry to the EU will also
admission increase transport flows
A fresh and important long-term goal A new imperative sustainable development

The environmental costs of road transport Road transport is the main culprit since it
alone accounts for 84% of the C02
Restricting road use through charging Curb the growth… solely through pricing
policies alone
Charging for roads and improving other Road transport pricing is accompanied by
transport modes measures to increase the efficiency of the
other modes
Taking all the steps necessary Comprises a series of measures
The need for transport is growing The requirement for transport continues to
Closer to their relevant consumers (contradicting) hundreds or even thousands
of kilometers away from users
By the end of this decade 2020
Passage 3 The psychology of innovation
Keywords in the questions Similar words in the passage
Having a shared objective Lewis instinctively understood Phillip’s
ambition and believed in it
Were conscious of their own limitations They were aware that they weren’t the
most intelligent of the scientists
Strengthen commitment to an idea The very act of writing makes us more
likely to believe it
It is important for employees to feel that Every recommendation is important to
their contributions are valued making the right decision
Employees whose values match those of The fit between an employee’s values and a
their employers company’s values
Remain in their jobs They are still at the company
At times of change When things change
People tend to avoid risk We are hard-wired to play it safe
If people are aware of what they might lose When threatened with a loss

They will often take more chances We invariably take more gambles
People working under a dominant boss are The regrettable tendency of team members
liable to ignore their duties to opt out of team responsibilities that are
properly theirs
Share their ideas A free interchange of ideas
Most people have the potential to be Almost every individual can be creative in
creative the right circumstances
A manager’s approval of an idea is more (contradicting) the peer power is much
persuasive than that of a colleague more powerful than any boss’s speech

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