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Tang Hau Man (3035797640)

(i) Coffee capsules offer a practical and effective means of making individual
cups of coffee. They make brewing fast and hassle-free by eliminating the
need to measure coffee grounds, grind beans, or deal with filters. To provide a
consistent and dependable brewing experience, coffee capsules are designed to
operate with certain coffee makers. For those who only want a single cup of
coffee and don't have the time or energy to make it the usual way, they provide
a handy option.
(ii) Coffee capsules' widespread use reflects a culture that prioritizes effectiveness
and convenience. People are typically pressed for time in today's fast-paced
environment, so they look for methods to streamline everyday tasks like
making coffee. Coffee capsules are designed to satisfy those who want their
coffee quickly and easily. The increasing popularity of coffee capsules also
indicates a culture of consumers ready to pay more for convenience and a
reliable coffee flavor. It expresses the desire for excellent coffee experiences at
home or work without requiring specialized equipment or barista training. In
certain societies, using coffee capsules may indicate a more contemporary and
international lifestyle.
(iii) Coffee capsules are a result of market demand, commercial potential, and
technology improvements. It took advancements in packaging, brewing
technology, and machine compatibility to establish capsule-based coffee
systems. Coffee firms saw there was a market for customers who wanted a
quick and superior coffee experience. Profit is the primary driver behind the
production of coffee capsules, as businesses want to take advantage of the
convenience-seeking customer base.
(iv) The design and packaging of coffee capsules demonstrates that people value
convenience, quality, flavor, diversity, personalization, brand image, and
sustainability. The small and single-serve design prioritizes convenience,
while the emphasis on freshness, flavor profiles, and provenance information
highlights the significance of quality and taste. Many coffee capsule
manufacturers, such as Nespresso, provide a variety of flavors to
demonstrating a desire for customization. Furthermore, the usage of stylish
and sophisticated package designs reflects a premium brand image, and the
use of recyclable or environmentally friendly materials in capsule design or
packaging demonstrates that shoppers are becoming more aware of the
environmental impact and sustainability.

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