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"Investigating the Impact of Public Speaking on Communication Skills of Grade 12 Students of

Holy Family Academy of Quezon, Nueva Ecija, Inc."

Parungao, Riz D.

Research Adviser:

Background of the Study
Public speaking is a critical aspect of effective communication. It involves conveying
information to an audience in a structured, deliberate manner, often with the intent to inform,
persuade, or entertain. As such, public speaking is not just about speaking in front of a crowd; it's
about engaging with an audience, understanding their perspectives, and communicating a
message effectively.
One of the most significant benefits of public speaking is its ability to enhance an
individual's verbal and nonverbal communication techniques. Verbal communication is
improved through the refinement of language use, clarity of speech, and articulation. These skills
are essential for effective communication as they allow for the clear and concise conveyance of
ideas and information.
In terms of nonverbal communication, public speaking promotes better body language,
facial expressions, and eye contact. These nonverbal cues are integral parts of effective public
speaking as they provide additional context to the spoken words and can significantly impact the
audience's understanding and reception of the message.
Furthermore, public speaking is known to develop persuasion and negotiation skills,
which are indispensable for effective communication. The ability to persuade and negotiate
effectively is a valuable asset in various aspects of life, from personal relationships to
professional settings. Leaders who excel in communication, often through the practice of public
speaking, are more likely to earn the support and loyalty of their teams. This illustrates the
profound influence of public speaking on communication skills (GNIOT Group, 2023).
In the educational context, public speaking is particularly relevant. Previous research has
shown that public speaking exercises, such as individual presentations, can significantly improve
students' oral communication skills. With the current study focusing on Grade 12 students, this
study is particularly relevant. Grade 12 students are at a critical juncture in their academic
journey where effective communication skills are vital, not only for their academic success but
also for their future careers and personal lives.
This study aims to provide a deeper understanding of the impact of public speaking on
the communication skills of Grade 12 students. It is anticipated that the findings will contribute
to the existing body of knowledge on this topic and potentially influence pedagogical practices in
the future. The study's results could be instrumental in shaping educational policies and teaching
methodologies, ultimately benefiting students and contributing to their overall development.

Statement of the Problem

The problem that has been identified is that many grade 12 students may face challenges
in terms of public speaking and developing effective communication skills, which can have a
negative impact on their personal growth and academic performance. Recognizing the
significance of this issue, the main purpose of this study is to thoroughly investigate the impact
of public speaking on the communication skills of grade 12 students. By delving into this topic,
the study aims to provide comprehensive insights and answers to the following research
1. To what extent do grade 12 students currently possess effective communication skills?
2. What is the influence of engaging in public speaking activities on the communication
skills of grade 12 students?
3. To what extent does public speaking specifically enhance different components of
communication skills, such as verbal fluency, nonverbal communication, active listening, and
effective presentation techniques, among grade 12 students?
4. What are the potential long-term benefits of public speaking in terms of grade 12
students' personal growth, leadership skills, and self-expression?

Significance of the Study

The study aims to explore the relationship between public speaking and communication
skills in the specific context of grade 12 students. This research holds importance for various
stakeholders, as it has the potential to provide valuable insights and practical implications for
education, personal development, and future career prospects. By examining the impact of public
speaking on communication skills, this study seeks to contribute to the existing body of
knowledge and benefit the following individuals and groups:
1. Grade 12 Students: The primary beneficiaries of this study are grade 12 students.
As they prepare to transition into higher education, the development of effective communication
skills is crucial for their future success. By investigating the impact of public speaking on
communication skills, this study can provide grade 12 students with valuable insights into the
benefits of engaging in public speaking activities. It can empower them to actively participate in
public speaking opportunities, enhance their communication skills, and equip them with the
necessary tools for effective self-expression, collaboration, and future career endeavors.
2. Educators and Curriculum Developers: The findings of this study can greatly
benefit educators and curriculum developers. Understanding the impact of public speaking on
communication skills can inform the design and implementation of educational programs and
activities that effectively enhance communication skills. Educators can gain valuable knowledge
and strategies to incorporate public speaking opportunities into the curriculum, fostering a
supportive learning environment that promotes effective communication.
3. Educational Institutions: Schools and educational institutions can benefit from
this research by incorporating public speaking activities into their educational programs. By
recognizing the impact of public speaking on communication skills, institutions can create a
supportive environment that encourages grade 12 students to engage in public speaking
opportunities. This can lead to improved overall communication skills among students,
enhancing their academic performance and preparing them for future academic and professional
pursuits. Additionally, educational institutions can enhance their reputation by showcasing their
commitment to holistic education and the development of essential life skills.
4. Parents and Guardians: Parents and guardians of grade 12 students play a crucial
role in supporting their children's education and personal development. This study can benefit
parents and guardians by providing insights into the importance of public speaking and its
positive impact on communication skills. Armed with this knowledge, parents and guardians can
actively encourage their children to participate in public speaking activities, knowing that it can
contribute to their personal growth, confidence-building, and future success.
5. Future Researchers and Scholars: The study's findings can serve as a valuable
resource for future researchers and scholars in the field of communication skills development. By
shedding light on the impact of public speaking on communication skills among grade 12
students, this research can inspire further investigation and exploration of related topics. It can
contribute to the advancement of knowledge and understanding in the field, paving the way for
future research endeavors and the development of evidence-based interventions.
By examining the impact of public speaking on communication skills, this research has
the potential to inform educational practices, empower grade 12 students, enhance
communication skills development, and contribute to the broader field of communication studies.
Scope and Limitations
The scope of the study is focused on examining the relationship between public speaking
and communication skills within the specific context of grade 12 students. The study will involve
collecting data from grade 12 students through surveys, interviews, or other appropriate research
methods to explore their experiences with public speaking and how it influences their
communication skills.
The research will be conducted within a specific geographical area or educational
institution to ensure a manageable sample size and maintain a specific context for analysis. The
study will primarily focus on grade 12 students, their perceptions of public speaking, and the
potential impact on their communication skills.
This study has certain limitations that should be considered when interpreting the
findings. Firstly, while the study aims to investigate the impact of public speaking on
communication skills among grade 12 students, it will not extensively explore other factors that
may influence communication skills development, such as individual personality traits, cultural
influences, or specific educational approaches.

Conceptual Framework

Independent Variable Dependent Variable

Paradigm 1.

Definition of Terms
1. Communication skills: Communication skills encompass the abilities and competencies
required to effectively convey and receive information through various channels. These skills
include both verbal and nonverbal communication techniques, active listening, and the ability to
adapt communication styles to different contexts and audiences.
2. Public speaking: Public speaking refers to the act of delivering a speech or presentation to an
audience in a structured and deliberate manner. It involves conveying information, ideas, or
opinions with the intention of informing, persuading, or entertaining the listeners. Public
speaking requires effective verbal and nonverbal communication skills, as well as the ability to
engage and connect with the audience.
3. Grade 12 students: Grade 12 students are individuals who are in their final year of high school
education. This stage of education is crucial as students prepare for higher education or enter the
workforce. Grade 12 students are often transitioning into adulthood and face unique challenges
and opportunities for personal and academic growth.
4. Pedagogical practices: Pedagogical practices refer to the methods, strategies, and approaches
used in teaching and learning. These practices encompass instructional techniques, curriculum
design, assessment methods, and classroom management approaches. Effective pedagogical
practices aim to facilitate meaningful learning experiences, engage students, and promote their
academic and personal development.
5. Academic performance: Academic performance refers to the level of achievement and success
attained by students in their academic pursuits. It includes factors such as grades, test scores,
class participation, and overall mastery of subject matter. Academic performance is often used as
a measure of a student's understanding, effort, and engagement in their educational journey.
6. Self-expression: Self-expression refers to the act of expressing one's thoughts, feelings, and
ideas in a genuine and authentic manner. It involves finding unique ways to convey personal
experiences, beliefs, and emotions. Self-expression is crucial for individuals to assert their
identity, communicate their needs and desires, and foster meaningful connections with others. It
can be expressed through various forms such as writing, art, music, or public speaking.
7. Curriculum developers: Curriculum developers are individuals responsible for designing and
developing educational programs and courses. They collaborate with educators, subject matter
experts, and stakeholders to create curricula that align with educational goals, standards, and
objectives. Curriculum developers consider various factors, such as content, pedagogical
approaches, assessment methods, and learning outcomes, to ensure effective and meaningful
learning experiences for students.
8. Evidence-based interventions: Evidence-based interventions refer to practices and strategies
that are supported by scientific evidence and research. These interventions are based on rigorous
research studies and have demonstrated effectiveness in achieving desired outcomes.
9. Geographical area: Geographical area refers to a specific region, location, or area of interest. It
can be defined by physical boundaries, such as countries, states, or cities, or by other criteria,
such as cultural or ecological characteristics. The geographical area in this research study refers
to the specific location where the investigation on the impact of public speaking on
communication skills of grade 12 students is conducted.
10. Sample size: Sample size refers to the number of participants or subjects included in a
research study. It is determined based on statistical considerations and the research objectives. A
larger sample size generally provides more reliable and representative results.

Public speaking is an essential skill in communication that plays a significant role in

various aspects of life, including academic, professional, and personal settings. The impact of
public speaking on communication skills has been a subject of interest in the field of education,
particularly in English contexts. This literature review aims to provide a comprehensive
overview of research findings related to the impact of public speaking on communication skills,
synthesizing the insights from various studies and identifying potential areas for future research.
The study conducted by Sun and Yang (2015) explored the impact of public speaking in
EFL settings and found that engaging in public speaking activities enhanced students' public
speaking-related skills, built their confidence in speaking English, and allowed them to develop
their own learning processes and strategies. This finding indicates that public speaking has a
positive influence on language learning and communication skills development among learners.
Furthermore, Chollet et al. (2015) investigated the use of an interactive virtual audience
framework to improve public speaking skills. The study revealed that the interactive virtual
audience facilitated increased engagement and challenge, leading to improved public speaking
skills as assessed by experts. This suggests that incorporating technology and interactive
platforms in public speaking practice can contribute to skill enhancement and communication
competence. In the context of public speaking classes, the development of assessment tools such
as the Public Speaking Competence Rubric (PSCR) and the Public Speaking Class Anxiety Scale
(PSCAS) has been instrumental in evaluating students' competence and anxiety levels. Sun and
Yang (2015) developed the PSCR to assess students' competence in public speaking, while
Schreiber et al. (2012) developed the PSCAS to measure anxiety in communication classes.
These assessment tools provide valuable insights into understanding the impact of public
speaking on students' communication skills and anxiety levels in language learning
Knowledge Gaps and Future Research Directions Despite the existing research on the
impact of public speaking on communication skills, there are several knowledge gaps and
potential avenues for future research. Firstly, further exploration is needed to investigate the
long-term effects of public speaking on overall communication competence, particularly in
different cultural and linguistic contexts.
Additionally, the development and validation of standardized assessment tools for
measuring communication skills and anxiety could contribute to a more comprehensive
understanding of the impact of public speaking on communication skills. Moreover, the
integration of active learning methods, such as debate series and service learning, in public
speaking classes could be an area of interest for future research.
Paradewari (2017) highlights the importance of investigating students’ self-efficacy of
public speaking. The study emphasizes the need to understand the factors that contribute to
students’ confidence in public speaking, which is a crucial skill in academic and professional
settings. With that being said, it is found out that students who can perform well in academics are
those who are good in public speaking. The study also investigated the factors causing public
speaking anxiety among students. The researchers discovered that bullying, toxic school
environment, and lack of confidence plays a significant role in the students’ communication
skills and self-efficacy.
Cherney, M. R. (2024) has shown that public speaking as a Tool for Developing
Students’ Communication and Speech Skills is effective and beneficial. Public speaking can
improve students' English speaking proficiency in high schools (Alharbi, 2015). Such findings
highlight the potential benefits of integrating public speaking activities into educational settings.
Furthermore, the role of nonverbal communication in public speaking and its influence
on communication skills remains a relevant area for exploration. Schneider et al. (2017)
discussed the use of a Presentation Trainer to analyze nonverbal communication, indicating the
significance of nonverbal cues in public speaking. Future research could focus on examining the
relationship between nonverbal communication and public speaking performance, offering a
more holistic understanding of the impact of public speaking on communication skills.
Lastly, the development of effective instructional approaches aimed at reducing
communication apprehension and improving English speaking competence in EFL contexts
warrants further investigation. Al-Tamimi (2014) highlighted the potential of public speaking
instruction in enhancing English speaking competence and reducing communication
apprehension, suggesting the need for tailored instructional methods to address these challenges.
In conclusion, the literature review has provided an overview of research findings related
to the impact of public speaking on communication skills, emphasizing the positive influence of
public speaking activities on language learning and communication competence. The identified
knowledge gaps and potential future research directions underscore the need for continued
investigation into the multifaceted impact of public speaking, particularly in EFL contexts, and
its implications for communication skills development.

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