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Physical Experiment Ⅱ

Prelab Report

Lab Title: The Potentiometer

Your Chinese Name: 邱杨

UESTC ID: 2022360903034

Instructor: Fu Hao

Teaching Assistant: Wu Yanyi

Date Performed: December 6th, 2023

UESTC Student Number: 2022360903034 Email:
Date: 2023/12/6

Answers to Questions (20 points)

Q1. No, we cannot use a voltmeter to measure the emf of a cell directly. This is
because the battery has its internal resistance. Since the voltmeter needs to draw
a current through the battery, the internal resistance will occupy a voltage and
cause the measured voltage to be lower than the true value. To measure the emf
of the cell accurately, we need to use a potentiometer.

Q2. The null balance measuring method in electricity is a method to measure

the emf of a cell accurately, on which the potentiometer is constructed. It
includes two components, a galvanometer G and a standard cell E0 . G is a highly
sensitive device that can indicate the existence of a very small current accurately.
And the emf of E0 is adjustable. Connect these two components with the
unknown cell in series. Then we just need to change the emf of the E0 until G has
no deflection can be observed. At this time, since there is no current in the
circuit, the emf of the unknown cell should be equal to the emf of our standard
cell. Thus, the value of the emf of the cell is measured accurately.

Q3. R is the resistance in the calibration circuit, which is parallel to E s,

E s=2.000 V , I =5.000 mA . Thus, we have:
E s 2.000 V
R= = =400 Ω
I 5.000 mA
R x is also parallel to the E x, which indicates the resistance of the measuring
circuit. In the operation of the potentiometer, the null balance method is used
twice. The first is done with the calibration circuit to let the current source draw
an accurate current. Thus we know that the current of the current source is
5.000mA, implying that the current from E x should also be 5.000mA to cancel it.
Therefore, the measured emf is:
E x =I ∙ R x =5.000 mA × 201.5 Ω=1.008 V
So, the resistance value of R is 400 Ω and the measured emf is 1.008V.

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