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Gone By Dawn 2


Scene: Pages: INT. NEWS ROOM Cast: Scr. Pg.:

A84 0 4/8 pgs Day A news reporter talks about the discovery of Alana's car... 19 70
Scene: Pages: INT. MOTELROOM Cast: Scr. Pg.:
A40 1 4/8 pgs Night O/S: One of the 3 Bears is heard on 4 21
Scene: Pages: INT. 3 BEAR'S MOTEL ROOM Cast: Scr. Pg.:
G85 0 1/8 pgs Day Papa Bear cleans his handgun 4 75
Scene: Pages: EXT. 3 BEAR'S MOTEL ROOM Cast: Scr. Pg.:
H85 0 1/8 pgs Day Belly Button Bob looks in through the window and pours 4, 12 75
Scene: Pages: INT. MOTEL OFFICE Cast: Scr. Pg.:
33 1 1/8 pgs Night Jessie approaches the front desk but no one is there 1, 2, 21 18
Scene: Pages: INT. MOTELROOM Cast: Scr. Pg.:
34 1 3/8 pgs Night Roxy and Jessie enter the cheap motel room and talk 1, 2 19
Scene: Pages: INT. MOTEL BATHROOM Cast: Scr. Pg.:
35 0 1/8 pgs Night Jessie stands under the hot water, staring ahead blankly. The 2 20

--- END OF DAY 1 --- Fri, December, 1, 2017--- 4 7/8 pgs.

Scene: Pages: INT. MOTELROOM Cast: Scr. Pg.:

36 0 1/8 pgs Night Roxy has fallen asleep on top of the covers. 1 20
Scene: Pages: INT. MOTELROOM Cast: Scr. Pg.:
40 4 /8 pgs Night Roxy awakens to the sound of Jessie's cell phone ringing... 1, 2 21
Scene: Pages: INT. MOTELROOM Cast: Scr. Pg.:
43 1 3/8 pgs Night Roxy and Jessie lie in their beds, illuminated by the 1, 2 27
Scene: Pages: EXT. MOTEL Cast: Scr. Pg.:
32 0 1/8 pgs Night Roxy’s truck turns into the parking lot of a run 1, 2 17
Scene: Pages: EXT. MOTEL Cast: Scr. Pg.:
61 0 1/8 pgs Night Roxy’s truck rolls to a slow stop across the street 1, 2, 3 44
Scene: Pages: INT. TRUCK Cast: Scr. Pg.:
62 1 2/8 pgs Night The three women survey the street and parking lot. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 45

--- END OF DAY 2 --- Sat, December, 2, 2017--- 7 0/8 pgs.

Scene: Pages: INT. PRIVATE BOOTH Cast: Scr. Pg.:

3 0 1/8 pgs Night While music blares, Roxy gives the frat boy an unenthusiastic 1 2

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Scene: Pages: INT. VIP AREA – Cast: Scr. Pg.:
5 1 /8 pgs Night Roxy emerges from the private booth and heads back to 1, 3 3
Scene: Pages: INT. STRIP CLUB Cast: Scr. Pg.:
2 1 3/8 pgs Night A honey blonde dances for the frat boys in front 1, 2, 3, 28 1
Scene: Pages: INT. SHOWROOM Cast: Scr. Pg.:
6 2 4/8 pgs Night Jessie watches another dancer’s floor show 1, 2 4
Scene: Pages: INT. SHOWROOM Cast: Scr. Pg.:
8 0 7/8 pgs Night Will spots Roxy and rushes after her. 1, 2, 8 6
Scene: Pages: INT. STRIP CLUB SHOWROOM Cast: Scr. Pg.:
46 0 2/8 pgs Night The club is nearly empty this time of night but 1, 2 29
Scene: Pages: INT. SHOWROOM Cast: Scr. Pg.:
48 0 2/8 pgs Night Roxy and Jessie make their way to the VIP Room 1, 2 30

--- END OF DAY 3 --- Sun, December, 3, 2017--- 6 3/8 pgs.

Scene: Pages: INT. DRESSING ROOM Cast: Scr. Pg.:

7 0 2/8 pgs Night Roxy rushes into the dressing room and goes to her 1 6
Scene: Pages: INT. DRESSING ROOM Cast: Scr. Pg.:
47 1 2/8 pgs Night Roxy searches the dressing room for weapons 1, 2, 22 29
Scene: Pages: INT. DJ BOOTH Cast: Scr. Pg.:
4 0 6/8 pgs Night WILL stands in the DJ booth, watching the action in 2, 8, 22 2
Scene: Pages: INT. VIP Cast: Scr. Pg.:
49 1 /8 pgs Night Roxy nearly runs into Alura. 1, 2, 3 31
Scene: Pages: INT. CHAMPAGNE ROOM Cast: Scr. Pg.:
50 3 7/8 pgs Night STANLEY ROACH looks up as Roxy and Jessie enter the 1, 2, 3, 5, 24 32
Scene: Pages: INT. SHOWROOM Cast: Scr. Pg.:
51 0 2/8 pgs Night Jessie, Roxy, and Alura race through the club away from 1, 2, 3, 5 35
Scene: Pages: EXT. PARKING LOT Cast: Scr. Pg.:
52 0 2/8 pgs Night Roxy races to the drivers side of her truck, while 1, 2, 3, 5 36

--- END OF DAY 4 --- Mon, December, 4, 2017--- 7 5/8 pgs.

Scene: Pages: EXT. HOUSE Cast: Scr. Pg.:

73 0 1/8 pgs Day Roxy pulls up to Shelby's house with Alura and Jessie. 1, 2, 3 57
Scene: Pages: INT. TRUCK Cast: Scr. Pg.:
74 0 4/8 pgs Day Alura and Jessie stare at the house, as Roxy exits 1, 2, 3 57
Scene: Pages: INT. TRUCK Cast: Scr. Pg.:
82 0 6/8 pgs Day Roxy decides that she has to confront Stag at Kettle 1, 2, 3 69

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Scene: Pages: EXT. STREET Cast: Scr. Pg.:
81 0 2/8 pgs Day The 3 women head back to the truck outside Shelby's 1, 2, 3 69
Scene: Pages: EXT. STREET Cast: Scr. Pg.:
83 0 2/8 pgs Day The truck pulls away from the curb as the 3 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 70
Scene: Pages: EXT. PORCH Cast: Scr. Pg.:
75 0 7/8 pgs Day Roxy climbs the front steps and rings the doorbell. Alura 1, 2, 3, 14 57
Scene: Pages: INT. SHELBY’S HOUSE Cast: Scr. Pg.:
78 4 2/8 pgs Day Roxy, Alura, and Jessie talk with Shelby, who is now 1, 2, 3, 12, 14 61
Scene: Pages: INT. SHELBY’S HOUSE Cast: Scr. Pg.:
80 3 3/8 pgs Day The group continue their conversation about the previous day's events. 1, 2, 3, 12, 14 66
Scene: Pages: INT. KITCHEN Cast: Scr. Pg.:
79 0 1/8 pgs Day CU of coffee poured into mugs. 65

--- END OF DAY 5 --- Tue, December, 5, 2017--- 10 4/8 pgs.

Scene: Pages: INT. APARTMENT Cast: Scr. Pg.:

J85 0 1/8 pgs Day Roxy grinds up horse tranquilizers 1, 2 75
Scene: Pages: INT. APARTMENT Cast: Scr. Pg.:
B85 0 1/8 pgs Day Alura talks on the phone in the apartment, split screen 3 75
Scene: Pages: INT. APARTMENT Cast: Scr. Pg.:
84 4 4/8 pgs Night Brandy enters the apartment and searches for drugs. Meanwhile, a 1, 2, 3, 20 70
Scene: Pages: INT. PARKING GARAGE Cast: Scr. Pg.:
86 1 4/8 pgs Day Roxy and Jessie get in the truck and drive away 1, 2, 3 75

--- END OF DAY 6 --- Wed, December, 6, 2017--- 6 2/8 pgs.

Scene: Pages: EXT. PARK Cast: Scr. Pg.:

89 0 5/8 pgs Day Alura proposes a deal to Max, while driving Randy's car 3, 23 80
Scene: Pages: INT. APARTMENT HALLWAY Cast: Scr. Pg.:
63 0 2/8 pgs Night Alura leads Roxy and Jessie towards a run down apartment 1, 2, 3 46
Scene: Pages: INT. APARTMENT Cast: Scr. Pg.:
64 0 7/8 pgs Night Roxy and Jessie look around the filthy apartment warily while 1, 2, 3 46
Scene: Pages: INT. APARTMENT BEDROOM Cast: Scr. Pg.:
67 0 3/8 pgs Day Roxy wakes up to banging on the apartment door. 1, 2 49
Scene: Pages: INT. APARTMENT Cast: Scr. Pg.:
68 0 5/8 pgs Day Alura joins Roxy and Jessie as the banging on the 1, 2, 3 49
Scene: Pages: INT. PEEPHOLE POV Cast: Scr. Pg.:
69 0 2/8 pgs Day Through the peephole we see Max, a spaced-out looking 23 50

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Scene: Pages: INT. HALLWAY Cast: Scr. Pg.:
70 2 3/8 pgs Day The door opens suddenly and Alura scowls at the intruder. 1, 2, 3, 23 50
Scene: Pages: INT. BEDROOM Cast: Scr. Pg.:
98 0 1/8 pgs Night Roxy sleeps fitfully, dreaming… 1 89

--- END OF DAY 7 --- Thu, December, 7, 2017--- 5 4/8 pgs.

Scene: Pages: INT. HOTEL SUITE Cast: Scr. Pg.:

111 0 4/8 pgs Day Dream: Roxy wakes up in a hotel suite as Maggie 1, 9 103
Scene: Pages: INT. HOTELROOM Cast: Scr. Pg.:
113 0 2/8 pgs Day Roxy and Maggie cheers. 1, 9 104
Scene: Pages: INT. HOTELROOM Cast: Scr. Pg.:
115 0 4/8 pgs Day Maggie takes the glass from her, not noticing the stained 1, 9 104
Scene: Pages: INT. HOTELROOM Cast: Scr. Pg.:
117 0 2/8 pgs Day Maggie grabs Roxy’s hands. 1, 9 105
Scene: Pages: INT. HOTELROOM Cast: Scr. Pg.:
119 0 2/8 pgs Day Maggie looks back at Roxy, smiles, and steps through the 1, 9 106
Scene: Pages: INT. WAREHOUSE Cast: Scr. Pg.:
112 0 1/8 pgs Day Roxy lies on a work table while Papa fastens her 1, 4 103
Scene: Pages: INT. WAREHOUSE Cast: Scr. Pg.:
114 0 2/8 pgs Day Roxy is secured to a table by Papa Bear 1, 4 104
Scene: Pages: INT. WAREHOUSE Cast: Scr. Pg.:
116 0 6/8 pgs Day Papa Bear begins to torture Roxy 1, 4 104
Scene: Pages: INT. WAREHOUSE Cast: Scr. Pg.:
118 0 3/8 pgs Day Alura drops the gun, no longer needing it. She pushes 1, 3, 4 105
Scene: Pages: INT. WAREHOUSE Cast: Scr. Pg.:
120 0 7/8 pgs Day Alura frees Roxy and they exit the warehouse. 1, 3, 4 106

--- END OF DAY 8 --- Fri, December, 8, 2017--- 4 1/8 pgs.

Scene: Pages: INT. APARTMENT KITCHEN Cast: Scr. Pg.:

72 3 6/8 pgs Day Jessie, Roxy and Alura sit at the kitchen table eating 1, 2, 3 53
Scene: Pages: INT. APARTMENT Cast: Scr. Pg.:
94 1 4/8 pgs Night The 3 women reconvene at Randy's Apartment. 1, 2, 3 85
Scene: Pages: INT. KITCHEN Cast: Scr. Pg.:
96 1 /8 pgs Night Roxy carefully hands the spoon to Jessie and draws the 1, 2, 3 87

--- END OF DAY 9 --- Sat, December, 9, 2017--- 6 2/8 pgs.

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Scene: Pages: INT. SALON Cast: Scr. Pg.:
F85 0 1/8 pgs Day Shelby works on Jessie's hair at the Salon 2, 14 75
Scene: Pages: INT. HARDWARE STORE Cast: Scr. Pg.:
85 0 1/8 pgs Day Roxy, Jessie, and Alura search for tools at a hardware 1, 2, 3 75
Scene: Pages: EXT. STRIP CLUB Cast: Scr. Pg.:
76 0 2/8 pgs Day The 3 Bears pull up to the Strip Club and 4, 5, 6 58
Scene: Pages: INT. STRIP CLUB Cast: Scr. Pg.:
77 2 6/8 pgs Day The 3 Bears have a conversation with Will about the 4, 5, 6, 8 58

--- END OF DAY 10 --- Sun, December, 10, 2017--- 3 2/8 pgs.

Scene: Pages: INT. PRISON VISITING ROOM Cast: Scr. Pg.:

C85 0 1/8 pgs Day Randy talks on the phone from prison, split screen 27 75
Scene: Pages: INT. PRISON VISITING ROOM Cast: Scr. Pg.:
90 3 4/8 pgs Day Roxy has a tense meeting with Stag in the prison 1, 16 80
Scene: Pages: INT. TRUCK Cast: Scr. Pg.:
10 0 3/8 pgs Night Roxy starts the truck. The radio is on and plays 1, 2 7
Scene: Pages: EXT. PARKING LOT Cast: Scr. Pg.:
9 0 3/8 pgs Night Roxy leads Jessie across the parking lot where a pick 1, 2 7
Scene: Pages: EXT. PARKING LOT Cast: Scr. Pg.:
11 0 1/8 pgs Night The truck plows through the snow and onto the street 1, 2 8
Scene: Pages: EXT. STRIP CLUB Cast: Scr. Pg.:
44 0 1/8 pgs Night Roxy and Jessie arrive back at the strip club and 1, 2 29
Scene: Pages: EXT. STRIP CLUB PARKING LOT Cast: Scr. Pg.:
45 0 4/8 pgs Night Roxy parks right next to the back door, beside a 1, 2 29
Scene: Pages: EXT. STRIP CLUB Cast: Scr. Pg.:
1 0 1/8 pgs Night Establishing shot as snow falls lightly on the neon sign 1

--- END OF DAY 11 --- Mon, December, 11, 2017--- 5 2/8 pgs.

Scene: Pages: INT. OFFICE Cast: Scr. Pg.:

106 0 6/8 pgs Day Jessie and Vinnie talk inside Spyder Roofing 2, 15 95
Scene: Pages: INT. SPYDER ROOFING Cast: Scr. Pg.:
110 5 7/8 pgs Day Jessie, Alura, and Roxy rush into Spyder Roofing where Vinnie 1, 2, 3, 4, 15 97

--- END OF DAY 12 --- Wed, December, 13, 2017--- 6 5/8 pgs.

Scene: Pages: EXT. INDUSTRIAL STREET Cast: Scr. Pg.:

101 0 2/8 pgs Day Alura, Jessie, and Roxy pull up to an industrial building 1, 2, 3 93

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Scene: Pages: INT. CAR Cast: Scr. Pg.:
102 1 4/8 pgs Day Jessie steels herself. Stares at Alura in the rear view 1, 2, 3 93
Scene: Pages: EXT. STREET Cast: Scr. Pg.:
103 0 1/8 pgs Day Jessie gets out of the car and hurries across the 1, 2, 3 94
Scene: Pages: INT. CAR Cast: Scr. Pg.:
104 0 5/8 pgs Day Alura and Roxy watch from inside the car as Jessie 1, 3 94
Scene: Pages: EXT. BUSINESS Cast: Scr. Pg.:
105 0 4/8 pgs Day Jessie reaches the building marked Spyder Roofing, home of Vinnie 2, 15 95
Scene: Pages: EXT. SPYDER ROOFING Cast: Scr. Pg.:
109 0 2/8 pgs Day Roxy and Alura look at each other and then hurry 1, 2, 3 97
Scene: Pages: EXT. STREET Cast: Scr. Pg.:
121 0 1/8 pgs Day Roxy emerges from the office carrying a plastic bag. She 1 107
Scene: Pages: INT. CAR Cast: Scr. Pg.:
122 0 3/8 pgs Day Roxy pulls away from Spyder Roofing as two police cars 1 107

--- END OF DAY 13 --- Thu, December, 14, 2017--- 3 6/8 pgs.

Scene: Pages: EXT. GREYHOUND STATION Cast: Scr. Pg.:

88 0 6/8 pgs Day Roxy and Jessie part ways as they put their plan 1, 2 79
Scene: Pages: INT. DINER Cast: Scr. Pg.:
K85 0 1/8 pgs Day Vasser sees Mama Bear enter the diner as he eats 5, 7 75
Scene: Pages: INT. COFFEE SHOP Cast: Scr. Pg.:
99 1 1/8 pgs Night Dream: Roxy sits with Maggie at a coffee shop 1, 9 89
Scene: Pages: INT. DINER Cast: Scr. Pg.:
21 1 1/8 pgs Night Roxy steps out of the cold and into the tiny 1, 25, 26 13
Scene: Pages: EXT. DINER Cast: Scr. Pg.:
18 0 1/8 pgs Night The truck pulls up in front of a diner. 1, 2 12
Scene: Pages: EXT. DINER Cast: Scr. Pg.:
20 0 1/8 pgs Night Roxy gets out of the truck and walks to the 1, 2 13
Scene: Pages: EXT. DINER Cast: Scr. Pg.:
22 0 1/8 pgs Night Roxy emerges from the diner and hurries to the truck. 1, 2 14
Scene: Pages: INT. TRUCK Cast: Scr. Pg.:
19 0 2/8 pgs Night Roxy looks around warily, taking in every detail, as though 1, 2 13
Scene: Pages: INT. TRUCK Cast: Scr. Pg.:
23 1 /8 pgs Night Roxy climbs in. Jessie looks around, not expecting Roxy to 1, 2 14

--- END OF DAY 14 --- Fri, December, 15, 2017--- 4 6/8 pgs.

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Scene: Pages: EXT. SHERIFF’S STATION Cast: Scr. Pg.:
91 0 1/8 pgs Day Roxy’s truck pulls into the Sheriff’s station, Jessie behind the 1, 2 84
Scene: Pages: INT. TRUCK Cast: Scr. Pg.:
92 1 /8 pgs Day Jessie parks in front of the Sherrif's Station and places 2 84
Scene: Pages: EXT. STREET Cast: Scr. Pg.:
93 0 2/8 pgs Day Jessie walks down the sidewalk until the sports car pulls 2, 3 85
Scene: Pages: EXT. SHERIFF’S STATION Cast: Scr. Pg.:
24 0 1/8 pgs Night Roxy’s truck pulls into a parking spot outside the Sheriff’s 1, 2 15
Scene: Pages: INT. TRUCK Cast: Scr. Pg.:
25 0 5/8 pgs Night Roxy turns off the ignition but doesn’t get out. 1, 2, 7, 11 15
Scene: Pages: EXT. SHERIFF’S STATION Cast: Scr. Pg.:
26 0 1/8 pgs Night Two Deputies get out of the patrol car. DEPUTY WELLS 1, 2, 7, 11 16
Scene: Pages: INT. TRUCK Cast: Scr. Pg.:
27 0 2/8 pgs Night Roxy recognizes one of the patrolmen in the vehicle next 1, 2, 7, 11 16
Scene: Pages: EXT. SHERIFF’S STATION Cast: Scr. Pg.:
28 0 2/8 pgs Night Deputy Milf-Man/Vasser looks at the truck and does 1, 2, 7, 11 16
Scene: Pages: INT. TRUCK Cast: Scr. Pg.:
29 0 2/8 pgs Night Jessie looks at Roxy for an explanation. 1, 2, 7, 11 16
Scene: Pages: EXT. SHERIFF’S STATION Cast: Scr. Pg.:
30 0 1/8 pgs Night The truck backs up and drives away. 1, 2 16
Scene: Pages: INT. TRUCK Cast: Scr. Pg.:
31 0 7/8 pgs Night Jessie stares at Roxy while she drives. 1, 2 17
Scene: Pages: INT. TRUCK Cast: Scr. Pg.:
53 0 2/8 pgs Night Roxy drives away from the strip club after their close 1, 2, 3 36
Scene: Pages: EXT. TRUCK Cast: Scr. Pg.:
54 1 /8 pgs Night Roxy and Jessie get Alura out of the bed of 1, 2, 3 36
Scene: Pages: INT. TRUCK Cast: Scr. Pg.:
55 1 5/8 pgs Night As Roxy gets in her thigh bumps Alura who winces. 1, 2, 3 37

--- END OF DAY 15 --- Sat, December, 16, 2017--- 6 7/8 pgs.

Scene: Pages: INT. VET’S OFFICE Cast: Scr. Pg.:

58 1 /8 pgs Night The three women break into the Vet's Office to fix 1, 2, 3 41
Scene: Pages: INT. O.R. Cast: Scr. Pg.:
59 1 6/8 pgs Night Jessie waits on the other side of a bare metal 1, 2, 3 42
Scene: Pages: EXT. LIQUOR STORE Cast: Scr. Pg.:
56 0 1/8 pgs Night The truck pulls up in front of a liquor store 1, 2, 3 39

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Scene: Pages: INT. TRUCK Cast: Scr. Pg.:
57 2 2/8 pgs Night Roxy and Alura talk as Jessie buys a bottle of 1, 2, 3 39

--- END OF DAY 16 --- Sun, December, 17, 2017--- 5 1/8 pgs.

Scene: Pages: EXT. PARKING LOT Cast: Scr. Pg.:

71 0 7/8 pgs Day Vasser and Wells make a gruesome discovery: Alana's body in 7, 11, 18 52
Scene: Pages: EXT. STREET Cast: Scr. Pg.:
B84 0 4/8 pgs Day Alana's car is loaded onto a tow truck 70
Scene: Pages: EXT. PARKING LOT Cast: Scr. Pg.:
D85 0 1/8 pgs Day Roxy watches Baby Bear exit the strip club 1, 6 75
Scene: Pages: EXT. STRIP CLUB Cast: Scr. Pg.:
107 0 1/8 pgs Day An unmarked police car pulls up in front of the 10 96
Scene: Pages: INT. STRIP CLUB Cast: Scr. Pg.:
108 0 4/8 pgs Day Will is having a discussion when Su enters. 8, 10 96
Scene: Pages: INT. VIP Cast: Scr. Pg.:
A85 0 1/8 pgs Day Baby Bear getting a lap dance 6 75
Scene: Pages: EXT. PARKING LOT Cast: Scr. Pg.:
12 1 3/8 pgs Night Roxy and Jessie talk as they leave the strip club 1, 2 8
Scene: Pages: EXT. STREET Cast: Scr. Pg.:
13 0 2/8 pgs Night Roxy pulls up to her apartment as a car with 1, 2, 4, 5, 6 9
Scene: Pages: EXT. APARTMENT Cast: Scr. Pg.:
16 0 1/8 pgs Night Jessie and Roxy emerge from the building, still putting their 1, 2 11
Scene: Pages: INT. TRUCK Cast: Scr. Pg.:
17 1 2/8 pgs Night Roxy puts the truck in gear and pulls away from 1, 2 11
Scene: Pages: EXT. APARTMENT Cast: Scr. Pg.:
60 0 4/8 pgs Night Vasser and Wells exit the apartment. Vasser makes a phone 7, 11 44

--- END OF DAY 17 --- Mon, December, 18, 2017--- 5 6/8 pgs.

Scene: Pages: INT. HALLWAY Cast: Scr. Pg.:

38 0 3/8 pgs Night In a dream: Roxy looks around the hall but Maggie 1, 9 21
Scene: Pages: INT. BEDROOM Cast: Scr. Pg.:
37 0 5/8 pgs Night In a dream: Roxy and Maggie lie together, their bodies 1, 9 20
Scene: Pages: INT. APARTMENT Cast: Scr. Pg.:
14 1 3/8 pgs Night Roxy enters a small, nicely decorated apartment ahead of Jessie 1, 2 9
Scene: Pages: INT. BATHROOM Cast: Scr. Pg.:
15 0 5/8 pgs Night Roxy finds Maggie in a tubful of bloody water, bullet 1, 2, 9 11

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Scene: Pages: INT. BATHROOM Cast: Scr. Pg.:
39 0 2/8 pgs Night In a dream: Roxy enters the bathroom. Maggie is lying 1, 9 21
41 1 3/8 pgs Night Detectives look over the bloody scene in Roxy's Apartment 9, 10, 13, 17 25
Scene: Pages: INT. MAGGIE & ROXY’S APARTMENT Cast: Scr. Pg.:
42 0 5/8 pgs Night The Detectives exit the bathroom and are met by Vasser 7, 10, 11, 13, 17 27

--- END OF DAY 18 --- Tue, December, 19, 2017--- 5 2/8 pgs.

Scene: Pages: INT. SHERIFF’S STATION Cast: Scr. Pg.:

E85 0 1/8 pgs Day Detective Su studies old case files 10 75
Scene: Pages: INT. DETECTIVE SU’S OFFICE Cast: Scr. Pg.:
87 2 1/8 pgs Day Su and Vasser talk about the victims in the car 7, 10 77
Scene: Pages: INT. DETECTIVE SU’S OFFICE Cast: Scr. Pg.:
95 0 4/8 pgs Night Su and Norris go after the two Bears breaking into 10, 13 86
Scene: Pages: INT. INTERROGATION ROOM Cast: Scr. Pg.:
97 1 4/8 pgs Night Detective Su interrogates Baby Bear 6, 10 88
Scene: Pages: INT. INTERROGATION ROOM Cast: Scr. Pg.:
100 2 2/8 pgs Night Detective Su now initerrogates Mama Bear 5, 10 90

--- END OF DAY 19 --- Wed, December, 20, 2017--- 6 4/8 pgs.

Scene: Pages: EXT. DESERT HIGHWAY Cast: Scr. Pg.:

65 0 1/8 pgs Day VEGAS FILMED: A vintage pick-up truck races through a 1, 9 47
Scene: Pages: INT. TRUCK Cast: Scr. Pg.:
66 1 5/8 pgs Day VEGAS FILMED: Maggie drives while Roxy sleeps in the passenger 1, 9 47

1 6/8 pgs.

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