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so like wise like you can also have a volcano plot for oxygen Evolution reaction

right so what is that you're trying to the the reaction you're considering is water is there it binds to
an active side for forms a hydroxy radical and a proton plus electron

remember the chemical potential of proton plus chemical potential of electron can be related to gas
way hydrogen right so using this computational standard hydrogen electrode then in the next step
hydroxy gives right to oxygen ad atom oxygen bound to the active side proton plus electron then in
the next step this is the next step and then eventually you form O2 right so this proton. So
liberated gets transferred across the electrolyte and will combine with an electron via the wire to
generate hydrogen on the other side okay so we are again we are talking about oxygen Evolution
reaction oxygen reduction reaction because these are the tougher reaction okay so in in water
oxidation this is the harder reaction , proton combining with electron to form hydrogen that is so-
called hydrogen Evolution reaction doesn't have too much over potential that that can happen much
more easily compared to Breaking the strong bonds of H2O U it's similar to what we did in Oxy
reduction reaction right reducing O2 is the harder problem not splitting H2 okay that's the easier
problem all right so again we can plot so , like we plotted the volcano plot for oxygen reduction
reaction you can have a volano plot for oxygen Evolution reaction right so there's a particular
descriptor which is one of the binding energies and here we are having o potential right so at the
peak of the volcano these are the best Catalyst they have very less o potential or as less you can get
but as you go on the there are many catalysts that have very high o potential okay so so the two legs
of the wano are because of in this leg oxygen binds too strongly Okay so , it this intermediate is very
strong , therefore oxygen Liberation is not very easy okay in the other leg oxygen O2 binds too
weekly , this is , going to have higher barrier okay so there are two legs of a volcano , which have
optimized only one of the processes in this leg , this is a easy step because of it some other step
becomes harder in this step oxygen binding is too weak , therefore this this process becomes red
determined right so the good capitalist is balance between these two factors so another important
thing to , understand is if you look at these steps okay all these steps are in a way correlated right so
in a way that see if you look at even the these steps if you see you would anticipate an active , that
binds very well to hydroxy hydroxy binding energy is sort of coupled to related to oxygen binding
energy right so all these things are not completely independent parameters okay this is so-called ,
okay so there is something called scaling , relationship which sort of makes this , optimization
difficult okay , so if all these things were independent parammeters that is if you could
independently , change the binding energies , we would be able to design Catalyst much easily but
these are not really independent parameters all these binding energies scale in a particular way or
related in a particular way okay , which prevents , this sort of a modern Topic in , catalysis okay
scaling relationship and how it limits going Beyond , this point okay so you may ask right so are we to
just say that you we have do we have to accept this potential of point4 can't we even decrease it
even further can't we get it to 05 and so on what makes this difficult is n all these things are not
independent , quantities okay there is , this is correlated to this is correlated to this and so on okay
because of which the amounts of modulation possible is not that high okay so I will stop here

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