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1. Difficulty in Seeing

 May not be able to see objects at a distance like on a whiteboard/blackboard

 Having trouble reading (or learning to read) and participating in class

 Not able to focus on objects or follow them, may squint often and rub their eyes a lot, have chronic eye
redness or sensitivity to light

 Unable to collect information from visual cues

2. Difficulty in Hearing

 Having limited or unclear speech

 Not following directions or attention

 Hearing only parts of a conversation, asking for information to be repeated

 Not being able to hear everyday sounds like a school bell or morning announcements

 Having learning problems

3. Difficulty in Applying Knowledge

Difficulty in basic learning and applying knowledge represent a difficutly in one or more of the basic
learning processes involved in understanding or using language both spoken and written that may manifest
itself in an imperfect ability to listen, speak, read, think, write, spell or do mathematical calculations. Specific
terms for these difficulties may include difficulty in reading, writing, in counting and calculating; and in

Moreover, difficulty in basic learning and applying knowledge is a processing problem that interferes
with learning basic skills such as reading, writing, acquiring skill and/or math. It can also delay higher level
thinking skills such as organization, time planning , abstract reasoning, long and short term memory and
attention. It is important to realize that difficulty in basic learning and applying knowledge can affect an
individual’s life beyond academics and can impact to the relationship with family, friends and in the

Generally, people with difficulty in basic learning and applying knowledge are of average or above
average intelligence which appears to be a gap between the individual’s potential and actual achievements.
This may be the reason that ths difficulties are referred to as “hidden disabilities”. the person looks “normal”
and seems to be intelligent , yet may be unable to demonstrate the skills expected from a person of similar

(Top five most common difficulties in learning are dyslexia, ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity
Disorder), dyscalculia, dysgraphia and dyspraxia.

Children with ADHD may have symptoms of both inattentiveness, hyperactivity and impulsiveness.

Main Signs of Inattentivenes( difficulty in concentrating and focusing):

> having a short attention span and being easily distracted >

>making careless mistakes - for example, in schoolwork

>appearing forgetful or losing things

>being unable to stick to tasks that are tedious or time-consuming

>constantly changing activity or task

>having difficulty organizing tasks

Main Signs of Hyperactivity and Impulsiveness:

>being able to sit, still, especially in calm or quiet surroundings >being unable to wait for their turn

>constantly fidgeting >acting without thinking

>being unable to concentrate on tasks >interrupting conversations

>excessive physical movement >little or no sense of dander

>excessive talking

>being unable to wait for their turn

>acting without thinking

4. Difficulty in Remembering/Understanding/ Concentrating/Focusing

 Distractibility
 No persistence with task
 Inconsistency in performance from one day to another
 Excessive daydreaming during a school -related task
 Needs to have mom next to him/her in order to finish
 Forgetfulness (of previously learned material, daily plans, etc. .

ADHD Checklist:

A child struggling with more active form of focusing issue will display some of these characteristics.

 Excess motor activity (Something is always moving)

 Impulsiveness (acts without thinking most of the time)
 Insatiability (never satisfied with an activity)
 Poor response to discipline
 Moodiness
 Sleep disturbances (very restless sleeper)

5.Difficulty in Performing Adaptive Skills

Easily distracted by huge stimuli like sounds, lights, movement in the environment
 Does not seem to listen when spoken to, thoughts are elsewhere
 Difficulty following and remembering directions
 Forgetful in daily activities
 Fails to pay attention to details
 Difficulty following instructions and fails to finish school works, chores or duties in the workplace
 Makes many careless mistakes
 Difficulty in sustaining attention in assigned tasks and play activities
 Gets bored easily
 Fails to organize things

6.Difficulty in Mobility (Mobility impairment are often due to conditions such as cerebral palsy, multiple sclerosis,
muscular dystrophy or spinal cord injury. Students may use crutches, braces, or wheelchair. Health-related
impairments are often invisible disabilities, caused by such conditions as arthritis, asthma, cancer, orthopedic
limitations, post surgery, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome or seizure disorder.)

 Student may have limited energy.

 Difficulty in walking, standing, or sitting for a long time
 Other disabling characteristics, such as inability to write

Physical and Motor Characteristics:

 Is slightly lighter in weight than most children of his own group

 Is shorter in height than most children of his own age group
 Walks with stooping shoulders
 Walks with uncoordinated swaying of the arms
 Tendency to trip or stumble over objects while walking
 Tendency to drop objects and articles
 Has difficulty in maintaining balance while jumping, hopping, and
 Has difficulty in using scissors
 Has difficulty in using knives for slicing, paring, and cutting
 Finds difficulty in tying shoelaces, ribbons or sash
 Is unable to hold pen or pencil correctly
 Has difficulty in tracing circle, square, and triangle
 Has difficulty in drawing a circle
 Has difficulty in drawing a square
 Has difficulty in drawing a triangle
 Has difficulty in writing letters of the alphabet
 Finds difficulty in writing numbers
 Has the following physical deformities:
 Slanted eyes with coordinated eye muscles
 Protruding forehead
 Large protruding tongue
 Wide face
 Disproportionately short hands and fingers
 Broad hands with fingers having square ends
 Teeth that are pegshaped and chalky
 Swollen eyelids and eyes that are half-shut
 Short thick neck
 Short thick legs
 Large head
 Disproportionately small head
 Dry, coarse and scaly skin

7.Difficulty in Displaying Interpersonal Behavior

 Lack of peer relationships due to fear or anxiety
 Poor Attention span
 Low academic performance
 Impulsive behaviors/Tendency to get angry at slight provocation
 Aggression towards self or others
 Poor coping skills or immaturity
 Easily getting annoyed or nervous
 Often appearing angry
 Putting blame on others
 Refusing to follow rules or questioning authority
 Arguing and throwing temper tantrums
 Having difficulty in handling frustration
 Tendency to be alone most of the time
 Does not care about the feelings of others
 Easily cries
 Does not laugh when confronted with funny stories
 Talks and laughs in an unnecessary loud voice

8.Difficulty in Communicating
 Gropes for words to express himself
 Has trouble pronouncing words
 Has trouble grasping the meaning of words they hear or see
 Has difficulty in following directions
 Struggles to follow stories
 Has poor attention span and listening skills
 Has difficulty with social interaction
 Refuses to talk
 Tends to speak in words or phrases instead
 Tends to talk in sentences with grammatical errors
 Has immature or improper vocabulary
 Has tendency to have articulation problems such as:
 Gropes for words to express himself

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