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While doing this week’s cultural assignment I realized a bunch of things about nonverbal communication

that different cultures make. Using kinesics and watching the video I observed that when people were
talking and showing their food they tended to use more hand gestures to describe different parts if the
food and to show us. This varied from culture as some cultures used their hands a lot more than others.
In addition, when it was not someone turn to present listeners were actively giving feedback non
verbally by nodding their heads, smiling and giving the thumbs up. Well the format of this meeting was
done online proxemics were still very present in the video call. How people set their cameras up has a
lot to say of themselves since if you are more shy you will be more in the back of the shot while if you
are more confident you will fill the screen up. I also noticed that while people were showing foods they
would move their faces closer to the screen to see the foods better and the presenters would also do
the same moving the food closer to the camera for people to see. I think that a lot of these nonverbal
communication definitely depends on culture and I don’t think that a lot of these communications
would carry on into person since they were very online communication based.

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