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Name : Colonel Mustard

Full Name : Colonel Algernon Mustard

Fact : Distinguished for
excellent marksmanship and
ability to hit a moving target from
100ft away.
Color : Yellow
Gender : Male
Age : 61
Nationality : British
Occupation: Big Game Hunter
Summary : British Armed Forces
Colonel served a distinguished career
with brilliance in South Africa. Now
retired he spends his days as a big
game hunter on the savannah.
Constantly hounded by creditors,
struggling to pen his memoirs, and
now dark secrets from his past
have started catching up with him.
Motive : Struggling financially with the enormous debt he’s racked up
over the years, he’s desperate to take whatever he can from his old pal
Mr. Body. However, if his connection to what happened in South
Africa and Prince Azure’s diamond mine got out, there’d be nowhere
in the world to hide from those coming to collect.


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