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1. Which of the following personality traits do you like the most in a friend?
I mostly like friends that have a sense of humor, cause that means there are gonna be a lot
of funny moments with them, also loyalty and honesty because I feel like it's something
really important for every friend to have and it's something that I think helps to build a good

2. Which of the following activities do you enjoy doing the most with your friends?
I prefer to go out, like to the park or some place, where we can play or talk or going to the
movies, which is my favorite thing to do, cause after the movie both can talk about it and
analyze it, or even watch a video about the movie.

3. Which of the following topics do you find the most interesting in a conversation
with a friend?
For me, talk about movies/books/music with a friend, I’ve always felt that it's an interesting
way to get to know each other or about school, since it is a good topic to talk about, like in
school there's always something to talk about, if something happened with a student or a
teacher, there is always something.

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