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NIM : F52123023
Kelas : SI A
Semester : 1
Prodi : Sistem Informasi

Exercise #1: Yes/No Questions with the BE Verb

Change these sentences into question form. Make a Yes/No question.

1. The school is open today → Is the school open?

2. The waiter was rude. → Was the waiter rude?

3. Yoga is popular. → Is yoga populer?

4. I am sick. →Are you sick?

5. You were tired. → Were you tired?

6. Sarah was his teacher. → Was Sarah his teacher?

Exercise #2: Yes/No Questions with the BE Verb

Look at the answer (A: ), and then try to write the correct question.

1. Q: Were you there?

A: Yes. I was there.
2. Q: Were you rich?
A: No, we were not rich.
3. Q: Is today your birthday?
A: Yes, it is my birthday.
4. Q: Was the price the same?
A: No, the price was not the same.

Exercise #3: Yes/No Questions – Auxiliary & Modal Verbs

1. John can read. → Can John read?

2. We will join. → will you join?

3. It might be broken. → Might it be broken?

4. Peter is going to go. → Is Peter going to go?

5. Luan is going to be hired. → Is Laun going to be hired?

6. He is being interviewed now. → Is he being interviewed now?

7. He should practice more. → Should he practice more?

8. Cars are made here. → Are cars made here?

9. The order has been approved. → Has the order been approved?

Exercise #4: Yes/No Questions – Auxiliary & Modal Verbs

1. Q: Was she going to visit?
A: Yes, she was going to visit.
2. Q: Is my name being called?
A: Yes, your name is being called.
3. Q: Have they finished?
A: No, they haven’t finished.
4. Q: Has he been working here?
A: No, he has not been working here.
5. Q: Could he have said that?
A: No, he could not have said that.
6. Q: Would he have been angry?
A: No, he would have been angry.
7. Q: Must a visa be obtained first?
A: Yes, a visa must be obtained first.
8. Q: Shall we attend?
A: Yes, we shall attend.

Exercise #5: Yes/No Questions – Without a Helping or BE Verb

1. He reads every day. → Does he read every day?

2. The printer broke. → Did the printer break?

3. We want more money. → Do you want more money?

4. She had a smile on her face. → Did she have a smile on her face?

5. The boss noticed the mistake. → Did the boss notice the mistake?
Exercise #6: Yes/No Questions – Without a Helping or BE Verb
1. Q: Did she have her camera?
A: Yes, she had her camera.
2. Q: Did you feel sick?
A: No, I didn’t feel sick.
3. Q: Do you eat beef?
A: Yes, we eat beef.
4. Q: Do you believe me?
A: Yes, I believe you.
5. Q: Did they forget their tickets?
A: No, they didn’t forget their tickets.

Exercise #7: Yes/No Questions – Mixed Forms

1. She is a good person. Is she a good person?

2. They are studying hard. Are they studying hard?

3. I don’t want a drink. Do you want a drink?

4. The book was sold. Was the book sold?

5. My dog barks loudly. Does my dog bark loudly/Does your dog bark loudly?

6. We are going to try it. Are we going to try it/Are you going to try it?

Exercise #8: Yes/No Questions – Without a Helping or BE Verb

1. Q: Are you looking for the keys?
A: Yes, we are looking for the keys.
2. Q: Have you seen Michael?
A: No, I haven’t seen Michael.
3. Q: Will they be happy?
A: No, they won’t be happy.
4. Q: Do you do yoga?
A: Yes, I do yoga.
5. Q: Has he had surgery?
A: Yes, he has had surgery.
6. Q: Were they waiting long?
A: No, they were not waiting long.
7. Q: Did they dance well?
A: Yes, they danced well.

Exercise #9: Yes/No Questions - Fix the Common Mistakes

1. Have you a dog? → Do you have a dog?

2. You will go to the park? → Will you go to the park?

3. Did you went to the park? → Did you go to the park?

4. It is 4 o’clock? → Is it 4 o'clock?

5. Are you agree? → Do you agree?

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