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🚀 Đề bài

Children today find it difficult to concentrate on or

to pay attention to school. What are the reasons?
How can we solve this problem?
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DOL sẽ trình bày quan điểm qua 1 đoạn mở bài
(introduction), 2 đoạn thân bài (body paragraph), và 1
đoạn kết bài (conclusion).

Mở bài: Sau khi paraphrase lại đề bài, DOL sẽ đưa ra

một Thesis Statement (luận điểm) để nêu quan điểm.
 Body 1: DOL phân tích lý do vì sao ngày nay trẻ em
khó tập trung.
 Body 2: DOL đưa ra 2 giải pháp cho vấn đề trên.

Kết bài: DOL kết luận và khẳng định lại quan điểm của
This essay intends to examine the causes of
this issue and propose potential solutions.
Body paragraph 1:
Technological distraction
 expose to fast-paced digital content >> brain
constantly stimulated >> slower pace of classoom >>
become boring >> cannot focus

Academic pressure
 increased Academic pressure >> impaired cognitive
functions >> impact the capacity to focus

Body paragraph 2:
Digital literacy in the curriculum
 skills to navigate the digital world
 understand the pros and cons

Academic pressure reduction

 moving away from standardized tests >> other
methods of assessment
 stress management programs

📝 Bài mẫu
In recent years, there has been a perceived decrease in
the ability of children to focus or pay attention in class.
This essay intends to examine the causes of this issue and
propose potential solutions.
While different factors contribute to the decreased
attention span among students, the main ones may be
technological distraction and academic pressure.
Regarding the former, children’s increased exposure to
fast-paced, instantly gratifying digital content is causing
their brains to be constantly stimulated. This
overstimulation can make the slower pace of traditional
classroom learning seem uninteresting in comparison,
which can explain their struggle with staying focused
during lessons. Another possible explanation is the
increased academic pressure on children over the past few
decades can lead to impaired cognitive functions related
to attention and concentration. This is because high-stakes
standardized tests, competition for college admission, and
parental expectations can create a negative environment
that raises students’ levels of stress and anxiety, both of
which are known to have adverse impacts on the capacity
to focus at length.
To address these challenges, it is helpful to consider a
multi-faceted approach that considers both the larger
societal context and the individual needs of students. One
strategy is for schools to incorporate digital literacy into
the curriculum, which can help equip students with the
skills to navigate the digital world effectively. This
includes understanding the potential pitfalls of excessive
screen time and learning to use technology as a tool for
learning rather than a source of constant distraction.
Another important solution involves reducing the
excessive academic stress experienced by a large number
of young students. This can be achieved by moving away
from high-stakes standardized tests towards more holistic
methods of assessment or by implementing stress
management programs, whereby teachers could be trained
to recognize and respond to signs of stress and anxiety in
In conclusion, the Rampant technological distractions and
undue study-related stress contribute to the declining
ability to concentrate among students today. To improve
the situation, it is imperative to make digital literacy part
of the learning program and promote a stress-free learning
environment through holistic assessment methods and
stress management programs.
(359 words)

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