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A Project Report


Restaurant Order Management System Using Priority



Operating System and System Programming Lab


Department of CSE/IT

Jaypee Institute of Information Technology University,

NoidaDecember, 2022

Submitted By:
Pulkit Singhal 21104058
Hirdyarth Gupta 21104055
Lavish Gupta 21104054
Submitted To:
Dr. Ashish Singh Parihar
1. Introduction:
The Restaurant Order Management System with Priority Scheduling aims to
streamline the order processing in a restaurant, optimizing the turnaround time
and waiting time for each order. The system employs a Priority Scheduling
algorithm to efficiently manage the execution of incoming orders based on their
booking time and arrival time.

2. Features:
• Input:
• The system accepts input for the total number of orders.
• For each order, the user provides the booking time (priority),
arrival time, and cooking time.
• Scheduling Algorithm:
• Priority Scheduling algorithm is implemented to determine the
order in which the orders are processed.
• Both booking time (priority) and arrival time are considered for
making scheduling decisions.
• Execution:
• The system simulates the execution of orders, tracking essential
details such as start time, completion time, turnaround time,
waiting time, and response time for each order.
• Output:
• A detailed table is displayed, showing the specifics of each order,
including booking time, start time, cooking time, completion time,
turnaround time, and waiting time.
• Metrics:
• The system calculates and displays the average turnaround time,
average waiting time, and average response time for all orders.
• Efficiency:
• CPU utilization and throughput of the system are measured and
displayed, providing insights into the overall efficiency of the order

3. Implementation:
• Programming Language: C++
• Functions:
• Time conversion functions for AM/PM to minutes and minutes to
• Priority Scheduling algorithm to determine the order of execution.
• Display functions to showcase the order details and system metrics.
• Code:
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iomanip>
#include <string.h>
using namespace std;

struct process {
int pid;
int arrival_time;
int burst_time;
int priority;
int start_time;
int completion_time;
int turnaround_time;
int waiting_time;
int response_time;

int timeAMPMToMin(string t) {
int a;
int tmp = (t[5] == 'P') ? 720 : 0;
if (t[0] == '1' && t[1] == '2' && t[5] == 'A') {
t[0] = '0';
t[1] = '0';

a = (((int)t[0] - 48) * 10 + ((int)t[1] - 48)) * 60 + (((int)t[3] - 48)

* 10 + ((int)t[4] - 48)) + tmp;

return a;

string minToTime(int a) {
string str = to_string((a / 60) / 10) + to_string((a / 60) % 10) +
":" + to_string((a % 60) / 10) + to_string((a % 60) % 10);
return str;

string minToTimeAMPM(int a) {
string str = minToTime(a);

if (a == 720 || (str[0] == '1' && str[1] >= '2') || str[0] == '2') {

str[0] = str[0] - 1;
str[1] = str[1] - 2;
str += "PM";
} else {
str += "AM";

if (str[0] == '0' && str[1] == '0') {

str[0] = '1';
str[1] = '2';

return str;

string HourMinutesConvertor(string a) {
string hours, mins;

if ((a[1] == '1' || a[1] == '0') && (a[0] == '0')) hours = " Hr ";
else hours = " Hrs ";

if ((a[4] == '1' || a[3] == '0') && (a[3] == '0')) mins = " Mn";
else mins = " Mns";

string s = "";
s += a[0];
s += a[1];
s += hours;
s += a[3];
s += a[4];
s += mins;

return s;

int main() {

int n;
struct process p[100];
float avg_turnaround_time;
float avg_waiting_time;
float avg_response_time;
float cpu_utilisation;
int total_turnaround_time = 0;
int total_waiting_time = 0;
int total_response_time = 0;
int total_idle_time = 0;
float throughput;
int burst_remaining[100];
int is_completed[100];
memset(is_completed, 0, sizeof(is_completed));

cout << setprecision(2) << fixed;

cout << "Enter the total number of orders: ";
cin >> n;

string str;

for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {

cout << "Enter booking time: " << i + 1 << ": ";
cin >> str;
p[i].priority = timeAMPMToMin(str);

cout << "Enter arrival time: " << i + 1 << ": ";
cin >> str;
p[i].arrival_time = timeAMPMToMin(str);

cout << "Enter cooking time: " << i + 1 << ": ";
cin >> p[i].burst_time;
p[i].pid = i + 1;

burst_remaining[i] = p[i].burst_time;

cout << endl;


int current_time = 0;
int completed = 0;
int prev = 0;

cout << endl << endl;

cout << "#BId\t" << "Booking Time\t" << "Start Time\t" <<
"Cooking Time\t" << "Completion Time\t" << "TAT\t\t" <<
"Waiting Time\t" << "\n" << endl;

while (completed != n) {
int idx = -1;
int mx = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
if (p[i].arrival_time <= current_time && is_completed[i]
== 0) {
if (p[i].priority > mx) {
mx = p[i].priority;
idx = i;
if (p[i].priority == mx) {
if (p[i].arrival_time < p[idx].arrival_time) {
mx = p[i].priority;
idx = i;

if (idx != -1) {
if (burst_remaining[idx] == p[idx].burst_time) {
p[idx].start_time = current_time;
total_idle_time += p[idx].start_time - prev;
burst_remaining[idx] -= 1;
prev = current_time;

if (burst_remaining[idx] == 0) {
p[idx].completion_time = current_time;
p[idx].turnaround_time = p[idx].completion_time -
p[idx].waiting_time = p[idx].turnaround_time -
p[idx].response_time = p[idx].start_time -

total_turnaround_time += p[idx].turnaround_time;
total_waiting_time += p[idx].waiting_time;
total_response_time += p[idx].response_time;
is_completed[idx] = 1;

// Print the details for this process

cout << p[idx].pid << "\t" <<
minToTimeAMPM(p[idx].priority) << "\t\t" <<
minToTimeAMPM(p[idx].start_time) << "\t\t"
<< p[idx].burst_time << "\t\t" <<
minToTimeAMPM(p[idx].completion_time) << "\t\t" <<
<< "\t" <<
HourMinutesConvertor(minToTime(p[idx].waiting_time)) << "\t"
<< "\n" << endl;
} else {

int min_arrival_time = 10000000;

int max_completion_time = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
min_arrival_time = min(min_arrival_time, p[i].arrival_time);
max_completion_time = max(max_completion_time,

avg_turnaround_time = (float)total_turnaround_time / n;
avg_waiting_time = (float)total_waiting_time / n;
avg_response_time = (float)total_response_time / n;
cpu_utilisation = ((max_completion_time - total_idle_time) /
(float)max_completion_time) * 100;
throughput = float(n) / (max_completion_time -

cout << "Average Time for an Order (TAT)= " <<

avg_turnaround_time << endl;
cout << "Average Waiting Time = " << avg_waiting_time <<

return 0;

4. Results:
The system successfully processes orders based on priority, minimizing
turnaround time and waiting time. The output table provides a comprehensive
overview of each order, and the calculated metrics offer valuable insights into
system performance.
5. Conclusion:
The Restaurant Order Management System with Priority Scheduling enhances
the efficiency of order processing in a restaurant setting. The Priority
Scheduling algorithm proves effective in optimizing the order execution, and
the system provides a user-friendly interface for input and output.

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