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Waste Management

Waste management is a very important matter in today’s society. Due to the rapid
and continuous increase in the population, the amount of waste generated is
increasing day by day. Moreover, the increase in the amount of waste is affecting the
lives of so many people.
For instance, the people who are living in the slums are very near to the waste
disposal region. Therefore, they are prone to numerous types of diseases. Hence,
pushing their lives under threat. To retain a healthy life, proper hygiene and
sanitation are very necessary. Therefore, it is only possible with the proper
management of waste.
Waste management is the management of unwanted garbage by disposing and
recycling them. Moreover, waste management needs proper methods. For instance,
there are several methods and techniques where waste can be disposed of.
An example of these is Recycling and many more techniques. Furthermore, this
method is greatly useful in the process of disposing of waste without causing any
harm to our environment and surroundings.
Recycling: Above all, the most essential method for waste management is recycling
waste. This method doesn’t need any type of resources and utilizes the waste
material as well. Therefore this is more useful in the management of waste as
compared to numerous other techniques.
Finally, we all know what is waste management and why we need it. So, we should
always throw the waste in a way that the waste management people can get it
handled and recycled. We can cooperate in the waste management process in many
ways. The management of waste is very important to develop a green and clean
society and world.

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