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Radar Engineering (Required Equations)

Lect 1
1- Vr = vt cos(θ)
2- fd =2vr fs /c two way , fd=vr fs /c one way , fr = fs ± fd
3- fr = fs (v+vr)/(v-vs) toward , v (signal velocity) , vs (source velocity) , vt (target velocity)

Lect 2
4- round trip travel time of a pulse,, T R= (Rt+ R r) /C
5- maximum unambiguous rang, 𝑅𝑚ax= c T p / 2
6- maximum unambiguous rang , 𝑅𝑚𝑖𝑛= c 𝜏 / 2
7- 𝑃𝑑ensity =𝑃𝑡 𝐺t / 4𝜋𝑅2
8- Pr = 𝑃𝑡 𝐺t Gr 𝜎 λ2 / [ R2 t R2r (4𝜋)3 ] : Gr = 4π Ae / λ2 and λ= c / f
9- radar equation, R max = 𝑃𝑡 𝐺t Gr 𝜎 λ2 / [ Smin (4𝜋)3 ]1/4
10- For Horizon radar, Rphysics = (2 k R E)0.5 *( h0.5t + h0.5o)

Lect 3
11- sphere size parameter x p = 2π r /λ , sphere radius r
12-radar cross section σ = 9 (2πr /λ)4 (πr2) : where xp < 1 { but σ = πr2 :: where xp >1 }
13- Radar Range resolution = c τ / 2
14- Average pulse Power Pav= PP * τ / TP
15-Energy transmitted Et= (Peak power *Time ) = PP τ
16-Bandwidth BW= 1/τ
17- the ratio of threshold voltage (VT) to root mean square value of the noise voltage (φ o) is
(V2T /2φo ) :
18- False alarm time , TFA = (1/B IF) exp(V2T/2φo) : bandwidth of the IF amplifier (B IF)
19- Probability of false alarm (PFA = exp (-V2T / 2 φo) or PFA= 1/(B IF *TFA)
20-number of pulses returned from a point target on each scan (n B) nB= θ B fr / 6 ωm

Lect 4
21- relative pulse amplitude error δU/Uo = 1/√(2 S/N) :: S/N signal to noise ratio
22- relative pulse period error is δT/T = 1/{2π √(S/N)}
23- relative error for the pulse frequency is δf/f = 1/{2π √(S/N)}
24- linear rise time from 10% up to 90% of U0 is tr
25- relative pulse rise time error is Δtr = tr / √(2 S/N)
26- accuracy of pulse radar, ΔR= c Δtr /2
27- range resolution ΔR = c τ /2
28- minimum separation distance between two target,
x (meter) = R * γ BW : R meter, γBW rad ),

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Lect 5
29- altitude H =R sin (ε) + R2/2RE with distance (R meter), elevation angle (ε), RE =6370 km
30- angular resolution as a distance between two targets
SA (meter) < = 2R (meter) sin (θ/2) : (θ rad)
31- For pulse compression, range-resolution as a distance between two targets
Sr (meter) >= C /2 Btx
32- unambiguous velocity vU = c fr / 2 fms (fr is RPF , fms modulated freqyemcy)

Lect 6
33 fd1,2 = 2*vr f1,2 / c
34 U1R = sin {2π (f1 + fd1) t - 4π f1 R /c + φ1}
35 Δf = f2 -f1 , the phase difference between these two components is ΔΦ
36 For two-frequency CW radar , Radar distance R = c Δφ / (4π Δf)
37 For two-frequency CW radar , Runamb= C / 2Δf
38 For two-frequency CW radar ,
Root mean square range error ΔR. = c / {4π Δf (2 E / No)1/2}
39 change of Doppler frequency (Δfd) due to the target acceleration (ar) , Δfd = (2ar / λ)1/2

Lect 7
40- Beat frequency, fb = ½ [fb(up)+ fb (down)]
41- Doppler frequency, fd = ½ [ fb (down) - fb(up)]
42- The Range R = c fb / (2fm Δf)
43- Range resolution ΔR = (c T /2) (Δfb / Δf)
44- Minimum range resolution ΔR min = c /2 Δf

Lect 9
45- The nth blind speed (vn) = n λ fp /2 : radar signal frequency f=c/λ , n=0,1,2,3

Lect 12
46- ρ = {ratio of the transmitter power which will be reflected by the antenna mismatch in the
direction of the receiver}0.5.
47- Isolation = 20 log(1/ρ)
48- VSWR= (1+ρ) /(1-ρ)

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