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Safety and Security in Hotels

Safety and security are two responsibilities of hotel managers. Guests expect to
sleep, meet, dine, and entertain in a facility that is safe and secure – and are entitled to
reasonable care under law. Housekeeping and Front Office personnel can help meet this
guest expectation and, in some cases, make the difference in the property’s safety and
security system.


A term that pertains to discussing disaster preparedness, fire prevention and

protection, protection devices, and conditions that provide for freedom from injury and
damage to property.

The two hotel departments most likely to have the largest number of accidents
and injuries are maintenance and housekeeping.

One basis for this frequency is the sheer labor-intensity of these two departments.
In many operations, housekeeping and maintenance employ more people than any other

Another reason lies in the fact that working in housekeeping or maintenance

involves physical activities and equipment use – both of which increase the risks of
accident and injury.

To reduce safety risks, the executive housekeeper must be aware of potential

safety hazards and develop procedures to prevent accidents.

Safety should be a top priority. Ongoing safety training programs help ensures
that safe conditions are maintained in all work areas.

To develop programs, management must be aware of the laws that regulate the
work environment – and more specifically, how those laws affect housekeeping

Employee Morale and Management Concerns

Unsafe working conditions have a negative effect on employee morale. If

employees are preoccupied with hazardous conditions in the work place, they will not be
able to perform the best of their ability.

For most part, it is difficult to motivate employees until unsafe conditions are
One of management’s top concerns should be for the health and welfare of

Employees are one of the most important assets a hotel has. If managers want
employees to provide quality service, they must treat employees fairly and with respect.
Respect for an employee’s right to work in a safe and hazard free environment is a good
place to begin.

Potentially Hazardous Conditions

Accidents and injuries do not have to occur. By following three simple rules,
employees can contribute to a safe, accident-free work environment:

 Take adequate time

 Correct unsafe conditions immediately
 Do it safely the first time


Housekeeping tasks often involve lifting heavy objects. Employees may also be
required to move furniture in order to complete a thorough cleaning task.

Incorrectly lifting heavy objects such as bags, boxes, and containers may result in
strained or pulled muscles and back injury. In turn, these injuries can result in loss of
work and long-term pain and suffering.

Employees can also incur cuts and scratches when lifting items such as trash or
dirty linens which contain pointy objects or broken glasses. In all instances, employees
should know what conditions to look for and the special precautions to take.

Some guidelines for safe moving and lifting:

 Inspect the object before lifting. Do not lift any item that you cannot get your
arms around or that you cannot see over when carrying. Get help if it is too
 Look for any protrusions, especially when lifting trash or bundles of linen.
Quite often, these items contain pointy objects or broken glass. Exercise
special care to avoid injury.
 When lifting, place one foot near the object and the other slightly back and
apart. Keep well balanced.
 Keep the back and head of your body straight. Because the back muscles are
generally weaker than the leg muscles, do not use the back muscle to lift the
 Bend slightly at the knees and hips but do not stoop.
 Use both hands and grasp the objects using the entire hand.
 Lift with the leg muscles.
 Keep the object close to the body. Avoid twisting your body.
 When setting an object down, do not use your back muscles. Use the leg
muscles and follow the procedures used to lift objects.
 When tucking in sheets, picking up a laundry or cleaning a tub, bend with the
knee and not on the back, nor on the waist to prevent back injury.
 Use your body weight in pushing and pulling the vacuum, not just your arms
and shoulder. To avoid slipping and tripping, hold the cord and coil as you go.
 Wear the right shoes. Working shoes should be slip resistant, with a closed toe
and fit to give you the best comfort.
 Watch where you are going to prevent slips and fall.
 Use door stopper and not linens or objects that could cause a slip or fall.
 Turn on lights and look all sides before entering any room. There may be
spills or broken glasses on the floor that need to be cleared.
 If a broken glass is found, sweep the floor and place the glass in a container
separate from the trash.
 To push the room attendant’s cart easily, check if it has sticking wheels.
Without it, it will be harder to push and could injure the user. Remove sticking
thread on the wheels.
 Be careful with loose screw or sharp edges as they could catch on one’s
clothing and cause cuts.
 When pushing the cart, lean forward into the cart, rely on one’s legs and feel
not unto one’s back or across the body.
 Keep the cart close, use feet and legs and not arms and shoulders.
 In case a cart falls down, do not try to stop or stand it up by alone. It is heavier
than you think and can cause accidents. Ask for help.
 Do not overload laundry cart to make it easier to pull.
 When reaching for something, especially in the tub, never stand on the edge of
a toilet bowl. You might loose your balance and fall.


Ladders can be used when cleaning areas on or near the ceiling or for such tasks
as changing light bulbs. When selecting a ladder for a particular cleaning job, its
condition, height and footing should be inspected.

Check the ladder for stability and examine crosspieces for sturdiness. If the ladder
is broken or defective, do not use it. Rather, tag the ladder, place it out of service, and
report it to the appropriate housekeeping supervisor or the maintenance department

An aluminum or metal ladder should never be used when working near or on

electrical equipment. Ladders with rubber footings should be used on tile floors or in
kitchen areas to prevent slipping. In all instances, the floor should be dry and clean. A
ladder must be high enough so that an attendant can stand on it and do the job without
overreaching. Never stand on the top step of a ladder. If the area cannot be reached while
standing on the step below the top step, the ladder is too short for he job.
Ladders should be placed so footing is at least one fourth of the ladder length
away from the wall. Never place a ladder against window or an uneven surface.

Before climbing, test the ladder for stability; it should be well balanced and secure
against the wall and floor. Always be sure to face a ladder when climbing and have a
clean and dry hands and feet. Do not hold any items or tools that may prevent the use of
one or both hands. Mark the area underneath the ladder with caution signs so that guests
or employees do not walk under the ladder.


Employees should be authorized and trained in the use of machinery and

equipment before operating such devices. Most equipment, machineries, and power tools
come with instructions.

Some employees may need additional training and supervised practice before
operating equipment and machinery on the job by themselves. Many power tools and
other machineries are equipped with protective guards or shields. These safety guards
should never be removed.

Employees may also be required to wear protective eye goggles or gloves. All
protective gear should be worn per instructions. Equipment and machineries should never
be left unattended while in use. When not in use, all tools and equipment should be
turned off and stored in the proper place. Never use a piece of equipment or machinery
that is not operating correctly. Contact the appropriate supervisor or the maintenance
department to have it repaired as soon as possible.

Electrical Equipment:

Extra care must be taken when operating electrical equipment. Even one of the
most common housekeeping appliances like a vacuum cleaner can be harmful or deadly
if operated improperly or in unsafe conditions. An employee should never operate
electrical equipment when standing in water or when hands or clothing are wet. It is also
unsafe to operate electrical equipment near flammable liquids, chemicals, or vapors.
Sparks from electrical equipment could start a fire.

Equipment that sparks, smokes, or flames should be turned off immediately. If it

is possible and safe to do so, the equipment should be unplugged. In no instance should
an attendant attempt to restart the equipment. The malfunction should be reported to the
appropriate housekeeping supervisor or the maintenance department.

Equipment wires and connections should be checked periodically. Equipment

with loose connections or exposed wires should not be used. An appliance should never
be unplugged by pulling or yanking the cord. This will loosen the connection between the
cord and the plug and cause sparks and shorts. Equipments should be unplugged by
grasping the plug and pulling it gently away from the outlet.
When using electrical equipment, the cord should be kept out of traffic areas such
as the center of hallways or cross doorways. This is not always possible, particularly with
such tasks as vacuuming corridors. In such situations, keep the cord close to the wall and
post caution signs in the work area. If the appliance will be stationary and in use for a
lengthy period, tape the cord to the floor and place caution signs over the taped cord.
Extension cords are sometimes required – particularly when an electric outlet is not
located near the work areas. Extension cords should be inspected for exposed wire before
use just like any other electrical cord.

There are many types of extension cords; not all are acceptable for use in a
hospitality operation. The local fire department can pinpoint which types of cords meet
the local fire codes and regulations.

When cleaning guestrooms, room attendants should check electric lamps,

appliances, and other fixtures for frayed wires, loose connections and loose plugs.
Exposed electrical wire may result in shock, injury, or even death when touched. Outlet
and switch covers should be checked to ensure that they are covered properly and not
cracked or broken. If any of these conditions are found, the room attendant should not
attempt to fix them, rather, potential problems should be reported to the appropriate
housekeeping supervisor or to the maintenance.


Many housekeeping employees are exposed to dangerous chemicals in their daily

work routines. These chemicals are powerful cleaners, and, when used properly with
proper protective gear, are relatively harmless. However, when used improperly, these
same helpful chemicals can cause nausea, vomiting, skin rashes, cancer, blindness, and
even death.

Chemicals are used to clean all areas of a lodging property including bathrooms,
kitchens and floors. Potentially hazardous chemicals are also used to kill insects and
rodents. Some housekeeping situations require employees to handle toxic substances to
unstop clogs in toilets and other plumbing fixtures. Often the use of such hazardous and
toxic chemicals cannot be avoided.

Continual training in chemical safety is necessary for two reasons: First, misused
chemicals can cause serious injury in a short period. Second, new employees – especially
in properties with high employee turnover – need to be trained immediately.

Handling Chemicals Safely:

 Read the labels and the material safety data sheet.

 Wear personal protective equipment like goggles and hand gloves for
protection from spills and splashes.
 To use the chemical correctly, follow the direction of the label.
 Use only one chemical for its intended purpose.
 Be sure the correct chemical goes in a properly labeled container when
refilling spray bottles.
 Cap of bottles/ containers should be tight and the broken nozzles must be
replaced to prevent drips.
 Never mix chemicals the result can be potentially deadly like fumes created
by mixing bleach with ammonia.
 Use the right amount of chemicals. Excessive amount may damage surfaces.
 If a chemical spills, block the surface. A minor spill can be cleaned up. If not
sure of how to clean up a spill, ask the supervisor.
 If a chemical spill blocks your skin, rinse as directed in the material safety
data sheet
 If your eyes are exposed and contaminated by a spill, rinse it with a clean
water and get immediate medical assistance.
 Handle potentially contaminated items as little as possible.
 Use proper container for disposal of items.
 Clean contaminated areas.
 Thoroughly wash hands after using chemicals.


Security refers to the freedom from fear, anxiety, and doubt involving ourselves,
as well as to the protection and defense against the loss or theft of guest, employee, and
company property and prevention of other emergencies.

Security Committees:

Security committee should consist of key management personnel – including

departmental heads. Supervisors and selected hourly employees can also contribute
important security information and add to the committee’s effectiveness.

Committee Responsibilities:

 Development of security handbook and the design of training and awareness

 Monitoring, analyzing, and suggesting solutions for returning security
 Maintaining records on such incidents as theft, vandalism, and on-site
 Conducting spot security audits and property inspections.
 Investigating security incidents.
 Maintain open lines of communication with the local police department.

 Guest theft: most hotels assume that guests will take items such as matches,
pens, shampoo, ashtrays, and sewing kit. For most part, these items are provided for the
guest’s convenience and are actually a form of advertising used by the hotel. However,
towels, bathrobes, trash bins, and pictures are not part of the marketing strategy and are
not meant to be taken by guests. When these items turn up missing, it can add up to a
large expense for a hospitality operation.

To reduce the theft of these items, some properties keep count of the number of
amenities inside the room. When the guest request for additional item, it is noted at the
front desk. The room attendant, too, notes how many items are in the room, when
cleaning the next day. The room attendant’s ability to spot missing item may allow the
hotel time to charge the guest for items that have been taken.

Another strategy, some hotels place items such as towels, bathrobes, and leather
stationery folders and the like are on sale in their gift shops. This may reduce the
likelihood of theft since guests have the option of purchasing these items. Also, having
these items on sale helps set a standard price that can be levied against guests for a
missing item.

Other helpful ideas to reduce guest theft:

 Use as few monogrammed items as possible.

 Keep storage rooms closed and locked
 Affix or bolt guestroom items and fixtures to appropriate surfaces.
 Secure windows.

 Employee theft: it is up to the management to set the standards for reducing

employee theft – and to act as a good example. A manager who takes hotel steaks home
to barbeque will not be effective when asking employees not to steal food, linen, and
other hotel property. Management should also detail explicit rules and regulations
concerning employee theft. The employee handbook should spell out the consequences of
stealing hotel property.

Managers should screen applicants before making a job offer. A through

background check should be conducted, including a check for any criminal convictions.
Before asking any questions or making inquiries, check local laws to ensure that the
selected screening techniques are not illegal or prohibited.

Good inventory control procedures can also help control theft. Detailed records
that note any unusual or unexplained fluctuations should be kept of all items in stock. It is
a good practice to conduct a monthly inventory of all housekeeping supplies including
toilet paper, amenities, and linens. If the items in storage do not match the usage rate, or
if too little stock is on the shelves, it may be an indication of employee theft. Employees
should be aware of the results of monthly inventories – especially when shortages are

In addition to keeping records of items in stock, records should be kept of stolen

or missing items- including those from guestrooms. The record should include the name
of the room attendant and any other hotel employees who had access to the room.

Keep all storeroom doors locked. Storerooms should be equipped with automatic closing
and locking devices. Locks on storerooms should be changed periodically to reduce the
opportunity of theft.

Management should designate employee entrances and exits. These entrances

should be well-lighted, adequately secured, and provided with round-the-clock security.
Employee entrance may include a security staff office which monitors arriving and
departing employees.

Employees should know what items they may bring onto or remove from the
property. Management may establish a claim-checking system for bringing items onto the
premises and a parcel-pass system for taking items off the premises. If an employee has
permission to remove hotel property, he/she should be issued a signed permit from the
supervisor or an appropriate manager before doing so.

Restricting employee parking to a carefully selected area can also help control
losses. Keeping the area well-lighted reduces the temptation to steal and also makes the
lot safer for employees who leave work after dark. The employee parking area should not
be so close to the building that it allows employees to easily and quickly transfer stolen
property to their cars.

If the hotel is large or has a very high turnover rate, employees are less likely to
know their fellow workers. In such cases, identification badges may be required to
prevent strangers who pose as employees to gain admittance to the property.

Bomb Treats:

Housekeeping procedures for handling bomb treats should be part of the

property’s security manual. Housekeeping’s role usually consists of helping in the search
for any suspicious objects that could be bombs.

Where and how the search is conducted will depend on the way the property
received the bomb threat. Information from the caller or letter may give clues on where
personnel should search and on what type of bomb or object to look for.

Searches often include stairways, closets, ashtrays, trash containers, elevators, exit
areas, and window sills. It may be helpful to take a flashlight to inspect areas with little
Search team employees look for objects that are normally not found in an area.
Housekeeping personnel have an advantage since their daily routines promote familiarity
with many hotel areas. If a suspicious looking object is found, it should not be touched or
moved; notify the person in charge of the search team or an appropriate supervisor

Notification is best done face-to-face or over the telephone. Avoid using radios,
walkie- talkies, or beepers. Some bomb devices are sensitive to these sound waves and
may go off.

If nothing is found after completing the search, all teams should regroup in a
designated area. An all-clear sign should be given after all search procedures have been
performed and management is satisfied that the guests, employees, and property are not
under by real threat.

Quite often, guests are not notified when bomb threats are received. This is
because many bomb threats are just that – threats. However, bomb threat emergency
procedures should still be followed just in case it is a real emergency. Generally, these
procedures do not include notifying guests until a search is completed. If a guest does ask
an employee what he/she is doing during a search, the employee should respond in a way
that does not arouse unnecessary suspicion or fear.

The safety and security manual should include evacuation plans in case a bomb
should actually be found or explode on the premises. It should also include provisions for
emergency medical services. In these instances, housekeeping employees should follow
procedures to assist in rescue efforts. The local police should be notified of all bomb
threats. If police respond to such calls, the hotel should follow the directions laid out by
police personnel.


Fires are grouped into four classifications based on the different products of
combustion. Many hotel fires are fueled by a combination of combustibles. It is very
likely that a fire started by Class A combustibles could grow to include Class B and C

Fires start for many reasons. Some fires may be caused by an accident or
mechanical malfunction. Others may be the result of arson.


“To save lives and property”

Fire Behavior:

 Burning, also called combustion, is a simple chemical reaction. It is described as a

rapid, persistent chemical change that releases heat and light and is accompanied by
flame, especially the exothermic oxidation of a combustible substance.

Accident Prevention:

 An accident can be defined as the result of a series of events and conditions that
lead to an unsafe situation resulting in injury and/or property damage.
 Accident chain, a series of events and conditions that can lead to an accident.


 Environment
 Human factors
 Equipment
 Event
 Injury


 Included here are physical surroundings such as weather, surface conditions, access,
lighting, and physical barriers.

Human Factors:

 This includes human and social behaviors, training (lack of training), fatigue,
fitness, and attitudes.


 Included here are apparatus, maintenance, and serviceability, proper application,

and equipment limitations.


 The event is the intersection of the foregoing components. Something or someone

had to bring those components together in such a way to create the unsafe situation.


 Deals with the actual injury (or property damage) associated with the accident. A
“near miss” or “close call” is an accident without injury or physical damage.
Fire Safety Rules and Principles:

 When you discover a fire, call out your discovery, sound the fire alarm and
summon help.
 Never pass the fire to get an extinguisher. A dead-end passageway could trap
 If you must enter a room to combat the fire, keep an escape path open. Never
let the fire to get between you and the door.
 If you enter a room and your attack with a portable extinguisher fails, get out
immediately. Close the door to confine the fire. Your knowledge of the
situation will aid those responding.
 Fight the fire with the wind or the wind coming from your back.
 Never use and direct a solid stream of water on liquid fire as it will cause
splashes and make the fire more difficult to handle.
 Never use foam and water on electrical fire, as this will cause electrocution.
 When entering an enclosed space, see to it that the space is gas-free and with
sufficient oxygen.
 Regular training and drills are very necessary so that each member learns his
duties and the order in which they must perform.
 To be successful in firefighting, adequate preparation is very much required.
Well-planned actions for every emergency will surely achieve firefighting
operations safely, efficiently and effectively.
 One of the priorities that should be given due attention is the escape route. Be
curious enough to know all the shortest possible ways to escape from a fire
zone to a safe place in order not to be trapped.
 Smoke is a visible product of fire that aids to the problem of breathing. Rooms
filled with thick smoke, there will be great possibility of suffocation because
oxygen content of the room will be reduced to a minimum.

Safe Practices:

 Smoke only at the designated area.

 Raise the fire alarm promptly upon discovery of a fire.
 Know how to extinguish fire correctly with the use of portable extinguishers and
other methods.
 Know how to recognize fire hazards and to take the necessary steps to prevent fire.

Fire Triangle and Tetrahedron:

 The combustion process was once depicted as a triangle with three sides. Each side
represented as essential ingredient for fire:

 Heat
 Fuel
 Oxygen
 As researched, it became evident that a fourth ingredient was necessary. That fourth
element was the actual chemical combustion. Thus the name fire tetrahedron

The Burning Process:

 The process of burning occurs in clearly defined stages:

 Ignition
 Growth
 Fully developed
 Decay

Growth Stage:

 From the point of ignition, fire begins to grow.

 Starting out as a spark or a small flame, other combustibles heat up, liberate
flammable gases, and ignite, spreading the chain reaction to other flammables and
resulting in an increase in size.

Several factors in the growth of fire:

 Oxygen supply – the amount of oxygen will have a direct effect on the speed of
growth and the size of the fire.
 Fuel – size of the fire will naturally depend on the amount of fuel available to burn.
 Container size – in a structure, the container would be the surrounding walls and
obstructions. A large container would permit dissipation of heat and slow the
growth of fire.
 Insulation – heat that is radiated back into unburned areas will accelerate growth.

Fully Developed Stage:

 This stage is recognized as the point in which all contents within the perimeter of
the fire’s boundaries are burning.

Decay Stage:

 When the point at which all fuel has been consumed is reached, the fire will begin
to diminish in size.

 Ultimately, the fire will extinguish itself when the fuel supply is exhausted.

Modes of Heat Transfer:

 Heat is a by-product of combustion that is of significant importance to the fire

 The three modes by which heat transfers its energy from one substance to another
are through:
 Conduction
 Convection
 Radiation


 When a hot object transfers its heat, conduction has taken place.
 The transfer could be to another object or to another portion of the same object.


 Air that is hotter than its surroundings rises, air that is cooler than its surroundings


 When combustion occurs, light is produced. Light travels by way of light waves.
 These light waves range from ultraviolet to infrared.
 Fire produces infrared light waves, and with enough concentration, can permit fire
to jump from the source to a distant object, heat it up again, and if intense enough,
cause it to ignite.

Classes of Fire:

 Class A type – made up of ordinary combustibles such as cellulose, rubber, or

plastic. Combustibles such as paper, wood, cloth, rubber and other organic solids
including petro-chemical solids (plastics) make up this class.

 Class B type – are fueled by liquids, gases, or grease-type fuels. Oil, gasoline,
alcohol, and other liquids are more common types found in this class of fuel.

 Class C type – are basically fueled by electricity. In this case, the electricity is
actually the heat source that propagates the fire and often communicates to other
fuels of the class A or B type to sustain the burning process.

 Class D type – a less common fire type, is fueled by metals. A particular class of
heavy metals, which can be identified on the periodic table of the elements and
found mostly in the alkali metal group, will burn. Most metals in the group are
magnesium, titanium, zirconium, sodium, and potassium, thorium, plutonium,
hafnium, lithium, zinc, uranium, and calcium.
Fire Extinguishment:

 Class A fire, is extinguished by cooling the fire. The application of water cools the
fire by absorbing as water is converted to steam. When enough of the heat is
removed, the temperature of the fire is lowered below the ignition temperature of
the substance and thereby collapses the fire pyramid.

 Class B fires, the application of smothering agent is used to prevent oxygen from
getting to the fuel and propagating the chain reaction of fire by removing the
oxygen leg of the fire pyramid. In this case, the fire collapses due to a lack of

 Class C fires, fueled by electricity, is overcome by removal of the flow of electric

current. In this case, the removal of fuel, electricity, is the action taken to break
down the fire pyramid and put the fire out.

 Class D fires, combustible heavy metals differ somewhat in their reactions under
fire. In some cases, the mere presence of water will cause a violent reaction,
releasing heat and brilliant light. In other cases, the mere presence of air will cause
the reaction. Each metal’s characteristics should be evaluated on its own merits.

Fire extinguisher classification symbols:

 Classes of fire should be identified primarily to determine the type of fire

extinguisher that would be used.

 Fire extinguisher classification symbols are displayed by shape, color and letter for
flexibility of the user for better recognition, identification and utilization.

 Class A fire extinguishers will put out fires in ordinary combustibles such as wood
and paper. The numerical rating for this class of fire extinguishers refer to the
amount of water the fire extinguisher holds and the amount of fire it will extinguish.

 Class B fire extinguishers should be used on fires involving flammable liquids such
as grease, gasoline, oil, etc. The numerical rating for this class of fire extinguisher
states the approximate number of square feet of a flammable liquid fire that a non-
expert person can expect to extinguish.

 Class C fire extinguishers are suitable for use on electrically energized fires. This
class of fire extinguishers does not have a numerical rating. The presence of the
letter “C” indicates that the extinguishing agent is non-conductive.

 Class D fire extinguishers are designed for use on flammable metals and are often
specific for the type of metal in question. There is no picture designator for Class D
fire extinguishers. These extinguishers generally have no rating nor are they given a
multi-purpose rating for use on other types of fires.
How to use fire extinguishers?

P – ull the pin

This unlocks the operating lever and allows you to discharge the extinguisher.

A – im the base of the flame

Point the extinguisher nozzle of hose at the base of the flame

S – queeze the lever

This discharge the extinguishing agent. Releasing the lever will stop the discharge

S – weep from side to side

Moving carefully toward the fire keep the extinguisher aimed at the base of the
flame and sweep back and forth until the flames appear to be out.

Personal Protective Equipment:

 Helmet
 Goggles
 SCBA (Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus)
 Coat and pants
 Boots
 Hood
 Gloves
 Radio
 Flashlight
 PASS Device (Personal Alert Safety System)
 Pocket tools

Four Main Types of Automatic Fire Detectors:

 Smoke detectors – all fire emits smoke and gases, often long before open flames
are visible. The smoke detector can therefore be activated before the actual outbreak of a

 Flame detectors – the flame detector is activated when it is hit by the varying
infrared or ultraviolet rays from the flames.

 Heat detectors (thermal contact) – is, as the name implies, affected by heat. The
alarm is usually activated when the room temperature rises to about 70oC.

 Differential detectors – is activated by an abnormally rapid rise in room

temperature, e.g. 3oC in 20 seconds.
Key Control

Proper key control procedures are important for guest security and privacy. Key
control also protects the property by reducing the possibility of guest and property theft.

Housekeeping is primarily concerned with four categories of keys:

 Emergency key
 Master key
 Storeroom key
 Guestroom key

 Emergency keys – open all doors in the property – even those that guests have
double locked. These keys should be kept in a secure place. Some properties also keep an
emergency key off the premises. Distribution and use should occur only in emergency
situations such as a fire or when a guest or employee is locked in a room and needs
immediate assistance. Most housekeeping personnel do not use emergency keys on a day-
to-day basis.

 Master key – also open more than one guestroom. Master keys are separated into
three levels of access. The highest level is the grand master. This key opens every hotel
room and, many times, all housekeeping storage rooms. If the guest has turned the dead
bolt, master keys will not open the door. Master keys can be used in emergency situations
when it is vital for an employee to enter some or all areas of a hotel. Master keys are kept
at the front desk for such emergency purposes.

The next level of master key is the section master. This type of master key opens
rooms in one area of a hotel. An inspector may be issued more that one key of this type
because he/she may be required to inspect the work of more than one room attendant.

The lowest level of master key is the floor key. Generally, a room attendant is
given this key to open the rooms he/she is assigned to clean. If the employee has rooms to
clean on more than one floor or area, he/she may need more than one floor key. Floor
keys typically open the storeroom for that floor – unless the room is specially keyed or is
accessed by another master key.

 Guestroom key – are those keys distributed to guests. This type of key opens a
single guestroom and, in some cases, other locked areas such as the pool. Guestroom
keys are stored at the front desk when not in use.

Key Control Procedures:

A log can be used to monitor the distribution of master keys. This log should
include the date, time and the name of the person who signed for a particular key. Every
time an employee receives or returns a master key, he/she should be required to initial or
sign the log. The person issuing the key should also initial or sign the log for each master
key transaction. In large properties, the linen room attendant distributes and secures the
keys for the room attendants. At smaller properties, the executive housekeeper or the
front desk may assume this function.

Employees issued keys should keep the keys on their person at all times. Key
belts, wrist bands, or neck chains are recommended devices for keeping track of master
keys. Master keys should never be left on top of a housekeeping cart, in a guestroom or in
an unsecured area. An employee should never loan the key to a guest or to another

The room attendant who signed for the master key is the employee who is
responsible for it and should never leave the property.

Finally, a room attendant should never use a master key to open a room for a
guest. If a guest asks an employee to unlock a room, the employee should politely explain
the hotel’s policy and direct the guest to the front desk.

Room attendants are also responsible for retrieving guestroom keys if the guest
leaves the key in the room. Many hotels provide key lock boxes on the room attendant’s
cart to store guestroom keys. If no lock box is available, room keys should be kept in a
secured area – not on top of the cart – until returned to the front desk. If a room attendant
finds a room key in the hallway or public area, the front desk should be notified
immediately. The key should be returned to the front desk or placed in the lock box.

Lost and Found:

Many times, the housekeeping department handles the lost and found function.
Lost and found items should be stored in an area that is secure and has limited access.
One employee per shift should be assigned to handle the lost and found as part of his/her

In large hotels, the linen room clerk may handle the lost and found procedures. In
smaller properties, the task may be delegated to the executive housekeeper or front desk
personnel. When an employee finds an item left behind by a guest, he/ she should
immediately turn it over to the lost and found. In no instance should lost and found items
be left in an unsecured spot such as on top of a room attendant’s cart.

Items should be tagged, logged, and secured after they have been turned over to
the lost and found. Tags may be numbered or used to identify the item. A log should be
used to record the date, time, where the item was found, and by whom. The log should
also have space to record if and when the item was recovered by it owner.

All lost ad found property should be kept for at least 90 days. If items are not
claimed after 90 days, it is up to the management to decide how to dispose of the items
properly. Many hotels donate unclaimed lost and found items to local charities. It is
important to ensure that the lost and found policy of the hotel complies with local laws.

Guestroom Cleaning:

Security in guestroom areas is important to maintain for the safety of the guests
and employees. Room attendants should respect guest property and should not open guest
luggage or packages, snoop in dresser drawers or closets. Some hotels even have a policy
that forbids room attendants to move guest property. In these instances, room attendants
are instructed to clean around guest objects.

Since guests sometimes hide valuables and belongings in pillowcases or between

mattresses, room attendants must be extra careful when removing linens. Other favorite
hiding places for guest valuables include the top of closets and under lamps. If room
attendants notice any of the following while cleaning, they should immediately contact
their supervisor, security, or the front desk:

 Guns or weapons of any kind

 Controlled substances or drugs
 Unauthorized cooking or unsafe electrical appliances
 Foul odors
 Unauthorized pets
 Ill guests
 Large amounts of cash or valuable jewelry

When cleaning, the room attendant should always keep the door open and the cart
rolled in front of the entrance to block access from the outside. If a guest wants to enter
the room while the attendant is cleaning, the attendant should politely ask the guest
his/her name and ask to see a room key. This ensures that the room being cleaned is that
the guest’s room. If the guest does not have a key, the attendant should tell him/her to
contact the front desk. A guest should never be allowed to enter a room just to look
around. Again, the attendant should explain that this if the hotel’s policy and is enforced
for the guest’s safety and security.

A room should never be left unattended with the door open. If an employee must
leave the room while cleaning, he/she should lock the door on the way out. This
procedure should be followed even if the employee is out of the room for only a few

After cleaning the room, all windows and sliding glass doors should be locked.
The guestroom door should also be checked to see that it is locked.

Unfortunately, guests often point the finger at the room attendant if an item comes
up missing from the guestroom.
This is just one more reason for room attendants to be considerate of guest
property and to protect the guest’s room for many possible thefts. For most part, an
employee who is alert and careful can contribute to the overall guest’s safe and trouble-
free stay.

Front Office Security Functions

 Providing security in a hotel means protecting people – guests, employees, and

others – and assets.

 A security program is most effective when all employees participate in the

hotel’s security efforts. Front office personnel play a particularly important role.
Front desk agents, door attendants, bell persons, and park attendants have the
opportunity to observe all the people who arrive at or depart from the premises.

 Suspicious activities or circumstances involving a guest or a visitor can be

reported to the hotel’s security department or a designated staff member.

Securing Guests Against Possible Threats and Losses

 Inside the hotel, guest’s identity, room number, or whereabouts should not be
revealed to anyone unless advised to do so by the guest himself as when he is
expecting a visitor.
 All calls of house guest should be screened.
 Advise all guests or visitors (especially foreigners) not to entertain people or
transact business with unknown and suspicious persons.
 If you noticed a suspicious joiner leaving the room of a guest, make it a policy
to check with the guest for possible theft before allowing the joiner to leave
the hotel.
 Visitors of guests are required to register and to be discretely interrupted by
the security guard for proper identification and to find out whom they are
going to visit and the purpose of their visit.
 Visitors entering guest’s rooms are monitored and their identification and
time/ duration of visit is logged down by roving security.
 Joiners of guests are not allowed in the room unescorted especially from 10
PM to 6 AM. Make this part of the house rules.
 Joiners who are suspects for robbery are held for investigation until cleared of
their liability.

Screening of Guest’s Calls

 Greet callers and offer assistance.

 When a caller asks for guest’s names, don’t give room number. Ask for
caller’s name and tell him that you will check if guest is registered or around.
 Call the guest in his/her room and ask if the guest is familiar to him or if
he/she is expecting a call from the caller.
 If guest does not know the caller and the latter appears to be a suspicious
person, don’t transfer the call to the guest. Go back to the caller and make an

There are two types of keys:

 Mechanical key
 Electronic key

Electronic locking system replaces traditional mechanical locks with

sophisticated computer-based guestroom access devices. A centralized electronic locking
system operates though a master control console at the front desk which is wired to every
guestroom door.

At registration, a front desk agent inserts a key or card into the appropriate room
slot on the console to transmit its code to the guestroom door lock. Centralized electronic
locking systems present an additional opportunity for improved security, it helps reduce
employee theft. Many of these systems keep track of which keys or cards opened which
doors – by date and by time.

Report creation and other system functions should be controlled by operator

identification and password security codes. If the hotel staff knows about the system’s
capability, employees tempted to steal may think twice since they realize the entry record
may incriminate them.

Surveillance and Access Control

Although open to the public, a hotel is a private property. An innkeeper has the
responsibility to monitor and, when appropriate, to control the activities of people on the
premises. All employees should be trained to watch for suspicious people and situations.

Most lobbies are set up so the front desk agent can see the property’s entrances,
elevators, escalators, and stairways. Mirrors may be placed in strategic locations to aid

In many hotels, someone is stationed at the front desk at all times. In a small
property, a front desk agent may be the only staff member on the premises during late
night hours. Under such circumstances, some properties limit access to the lobby and
reception area, and give the front desk agent the authority to dent admittance.

Successful surveillance techniques typically rely on hotel personnel. Proper

equipment, however, can enhance many surveillance functions. Closed circuit television
can be an effective surveillance tool in multiple-entry properties.
Lost and Found

The operation of a lost and found may be assigned to any of several departments.
Nevertheless, most guests will contact the front desk when they attempt to locate missing
belongings. Clear procedures should be developed for inquiries concerning lost and found

All telephone calls about lost and found items should be directed to the
department responsible for the lost and found function. Employees responsible for the
items should ask the caller to provide a description of the item and to estimate where and
when it was lost. The employee should record this information, as well as the guest’s
name and address.

When a hotel employee discovers a mislaid article, he or she should immediately

bring it to the attention of lost and found personnel. Some properties require employees
to complete a form that describes the item, and states where it was found, on what date,
and by whom.

Lost and found personnel store the item until it is claimed by the owner or for the
length of time designated by law.

Emergency Procedures

Hotel management should develop property-specific procedures for responding to

emergencies such as fires, floods, earthquakes, and other emergency situations and
procedures for medical emergencies and crimes including robbery within the property
should also be considered.

The front desk usually serves as the command center in the case of an emergency,
summoning on-premise security staff, guests, the local police or all three, as determined
by management.

Lodging properties need to be prepared for the possibility of a serious illness, an

injury, or even the death of a guest or employee. Front office personnel usually will
perform an important communications function in the event of medical emergencies.

Many hotels maintain lists of nearby physicians, dentists, hospitals, ambulance

services, and other medical professionals and facilities. These lists are generally kept at
the front desk or in the switchboard area.


Front office and revenue center cashiers should comply with a robber’s demands
and make no sudden movements or attempts to thwart the crime.
Unexpected actions or a lack of cooperation by hotel personnel might prompt the
robber to use a weapon. Cashiers should not do anything to jeopardize their lives or the
lives of others. They should remain quiet unless directed to talk, keep hands in sight, and
should not attempt to disarm the robber or use a weapon.

If it can be done without any danger, the cashier and other employees who
encounter a criminal should observe the person carefully, noting physical characteristics
such as weight, height, build, dress, color and style of hair, color of eyes, facial hair,
complexion, scars, tattoos, clothing, and anything unusual. Employees should note the
robber’s voice, mannerisms, and the type of weapon he or she is carrying.

Employees should also observe the robber’s direction of escape and the type and
license number of any vehicle used. Following the incident, the property should
immediately notify the police.


The front office is often responsible for monitoring fire alarms and alert systems.

Written plans for possible fire emergencies must include:

 Emergency escape procedures and route assignments.

 Procedures for employees who remain to operate critical hotel operations
before they evacuate.
 Procedures to account for all employees after evacuation.
 Rescue and first aid duties for those employees who perform them.
 The preferred means of reporting fire and other emergencies.
 Names or regular job titles of persons who can be contacted for further
information or explanation of duties under the plan.

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