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A. The form shall be accomplished b. Referenc

as follows: e No. – number of the source
1. Agency – name of the document such as ALOBS or
2. No./Date – number
c. Particulars
assigned to the ALOBS by the Budget
– brief description of the transaction
Section/Unit and the date of
d. Amount
preparation. The numbering shall be
 Ob
as follows:
ligation – amount set aside for
XX – 00 – 00 – 0000
expenditure based on the
Serial number
(one series for  Pa
each year) yment/Payable – amount of
Month expenses paid/incurred/ progress
Year billing received based on
Allotment Class DV/JEV
3. Payee/Office/Address  Ba
– name of the payee/office/address lance – balance of obligation
4. Responsibility Center  Po
– code assigned to each cost center sted by: – signature/initial of the
5. Particulars -- brief accounting staff who made the
description of the allotment posting to the Registry of
received/obligation made Allotments and Obligations
6. Allotment Class -- (RAO)
allotment class used as shown in the B. This form shall be prepared as
ABM/SARO basis in recording the allotments
7. P.P.A. – code for received and amount of obligations
program/project/ activity as shown in
incurred in the appropriate RAO.
8. Account Code – expense/Property, C. It shall be prepared in three
Plant and Equipment account code to copies distributed as follows:
where the obligation shall be charged Original – Budget Unit
Duplicate Copy – Accounting Unit
9.Amount – amount of
Triplicate Copy – to be attached to
allotment/obligation/ adjustment
10. Box A – certification by the DV
the Budget/ Authorized Official that the D.
Any correction/adjustment by
amount of allotment was received/sub-the Accounting Unit in the ALOBS
which will require the corresponding
allotted/ available and duly obligated/for
adjustment adjustment in the appropriate RAO
11. Box B – certification by
shall be coordinated with the Budget
the Head of Accounting Unit/Authorized
Official as to the correctness and validity
E. All obligations incurred in
of obligations, and availability of fund
excess of allotment (authorized
12. Box C - Status of
overdraft) shall be covered by ALOBS.

a. Reference
Date – date of source document
such as ALOBS and DV/JEV


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