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1. One of the following is the objective of management.
a. Art as well as science b. A social progress
c. Proper utilization of resources d. None of the above
2. According to which principle one head and one plan for a group of activities.
a. Unity of direction b. Order c. Unity of command d. Scalar chain
3. Founder of scientific management was:
a. Fedrick W Taylor b. Henry Fayol c. Elton Mayo d. Chestard Bernard
4. Ensuring that everything is carried out according to plan is part of the process of
a. Planning b. controlling c .Organising d. Co-ordinating
5. Work study examines:
a) Method b. Duration of work c. Both a & b d.None of the above
6. Some of the following principle of management suggested by Henry Fayol are ...........
a) Unit of command b. Unit of Direction c. Scalar chain d. All the above
7. The function which help in recruiting the suitable personnel is ..............
a) Organizing b. Planning c. Staffing d. Decision making
8. Planning involves development of
a. forecasts b. policies c. programmes d. all of the above
9. One of the following is not the characteristics of planning
a. intellectual process b. a rational approach
10. c. leads to efficiency and economy d. none of the above
11. One of the following is the limitation of MBO
a. facilities effective control b. consuming c. raises employee morale
d. acts as a motivational force
12. Line organisation is also known as
a. military b. scalar c. traditional d. all the above
13. Factors determining span of management are :
a) capacity of superior c. capacity of subordinate c. degree of decentralization
d. all the above
14. The number of persons which can be effectively surprised by a single executive:
a) 6 b. 10 c. 14 d. 20
15. The following is not a type of organisation structure
a. line organisation b. functional organisation
c. line and staff organisation d. flexible organisation
16. Controlling function of management is

a) forward looking b) backward looking c) forward as well as backward looking d) none of these

17. Delegation is .............

(a) Getting things done by others (b) fixing of responsibility (c) Assigning the task (d) unity of command
18. Which of the following is not an element of delegation

a) accountability b) authority c) responsibility d) informal organisation

19. Which of the following is not said to be a feature of coordination?

A) Managerial responsibility B) provides different functions C) Relevant of group efforts D) Not a

separate function

20.Control is the function of -----

(a) Top level management (b) Lower level management 9C) middle level management (d) None of the above

21. Authority always flows from _________

(a) Superior to subordinate (b) Subordinate to superior (c) Both ‘A’ and ‘B’ (d) None of the above

22. The process of sharing authority by superior to subordinate is

a) Delegation b) Accountability c)Centralisation d) Responsibility

23. This principle states that top management should interfere only when something goes wrong.
a. Principle of Exception b.Principle of simplicity
c. Principle of Efficiency d.None of the above

25. The _________ refers to the number of subordinates who can be managed efficiently by a superior

a. Span of Control b.Span of Supervision

c. Span of Management d.All the above
26. __________ is a diagrammatical presentation of relationships in an enterprise.

a. Organisation Manual b. Organisation Chart

c. Scalar chain d.None of the above

27. Formal Orgnaisation is the

a. Conscious co-ordination of activities

b. Relationship among people outside the organisation

c. Relationship based on personal likes and dislikes

d. None of the above

28. Example of Single use plans:
a. Projects b.Budgets
c. Programmes d.All the above

29. Staff Organisation is also called as _______

a. Functional Organisation b. Pure Line Organisation
c. Departmental Organisation d. None of the above

30.Which of the following organisation is not planned

a. Formal Organisation b.Informal Organisation
c. Line Organisation d.Staff Organisation

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