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Second Grade Cloud Flip book Rubric

Criteria Excellent (4) Good (3) Fair (2) (1) Score


Descriptions of
Descriptions of Descriptions of Descriptions of
cloud types are
cloud types are cloud types are cloud types lack
Accuracy somewhat
accurate and mostly accurate accuracy and
accurate and
detailed. and clear. detail.

Includes a variety
Includes most
of cloud types, Includes only a
common cloud Lacks variety in
Variety such as cumulus, few types of
types but may be cloud types.
stratus, cirrus, and clouds.
missing some.

Illustrations are Illustrations are

Illustrations are Illustrations are
colorful, detailed, mostly colorful
simple and minimal and lack
Illustrations and represent and represent
represent cloud detail or
each cloud type most cloud types
types adequately. accuracy.
accurately. accurately.

Flipbook is neatly Flipbook layout is

Flipbook is
organized, and the somewhat Flipbook lacks
organized and clear
Design layout enhances confusing, organization and
but may lack some
the presentation of impacting the clarity.
coherence in layout.
cloud types. presentation.
Oral presentation
Oral presentation
is clear and Oral presentation Oral
is unclear at
understandable, is mostly clear, presentation
times, and
Clarity demonstrating a with occasional lacks clarity and
understanding of
good lapses in understanding of
cloud types is
understanding of understanding. cloud types.
cloud types.

Engages the
Engages the
audience by Presents Presentation
audience but
confidently sharing information but lacks
lacks confidence
Engagement knowledge about fails to engage engagement and
or clarity in
cloud types and the audience audience
presenting cloud
their effectively. connection.

Flipbook is
Flipbook is neatly Flipbook is mostly Flipbook is
somewhat messy,
assembled and neat but may messy and
Neatness impacting its
shows attention to have some glue poorly
detail. or cutting issues. assembled.

Flipbook includes
Flipbook includes Flipbook is
most required Flipbook is
all required significantly
elements but may incomplete and
Completeness elements: cover incomplete and
be missing some lacks essential
page, cloud types, lacks essential
descriptions or elements.
and descriptions. elements.

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