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 Total Pressure and Centre of Pressure

- Total Pressure – the force exerted by a static fluid on a surface either plane or curved
when the fluid come in contact with the surfaces. Always acts normal to the surface.
- Centre of Pressure – the point of application of the total pressure on the surface.
Four cases of submerged surfaces on which total pressure force and centre of pressure
is to be determined:
a. Vertical plane surface
b. Horizontal plane surface
c. Inclined plane surface
d. Curved surface

 Vertical Plane Surface Submerged in Liquid

- Total Pressure (F) = ρgAh
Note: For water, the value of ρ = 1000 kg/m3 and g = 9.81 m/s2. A = Area. h =
Distance of the centre of gravity of the area from free surface of liquid. Units is
in Newton.
- Center of pressure (h*) = (IG / Ah) + h
Note: IG = Moment of Inertia of area about an axis passing through the C.G. of
the area and parallel to the free surface of liquid.
- The moments of Inertia and other geometric properties of some important plane
 Horizontal Plane Surface Submerged in Liquid
- Total Force (F) = ρgAh

 Inclined Plane Surface Submerged in Liquid

- Total Pressure (F) = ρg × sin Θ y × A = ρgAh
Note: y = distance of the C.G. of the inclined surface from the axis perpendicular
to the plane of the surface.
- Centre of Pressure (h*) = [(IG × sin2 Θ) / Ah] + h.
Note: If Θ = 90°, centre of pressure equation becomes h* = (IG / Ah) + h

 Curve Surface Submerged in Liquid

- Total Pressure (F) = √ (F2x + F2y)

 Total Pressure and Centre of Pressure on Lock Gates

- P = R = F / (2 sin Θ)
Note: F = Resultant force due to water on the gate (Right angle to the gate).
- Angle between the lock gate = 180° - 2Θ
- F1 = ρgA1h1 = (ρglH12) / 2
- F = F1 – F2 = [(ρglH12) / 2] - [(ρglH22) / 2]
Note: l = width of the lock gate. l = width of lock / cos Θ.
- Rt × sin Θ × H = (F1 / 2) × (H1 / 3) - (F2 / 2) × (H2 / 3)
- (Rt × sin Θ) + (Rb × sin Θ) = (F1 / 2) - (F2 / 2)
Note: Rt = Reaction at top hinge. Rb = Reaction at bottom hinge.

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